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HER Number (PRN):01225
Name:Motte and Bailey Castle 100m W of Holy Trinity Church, Lydham
Type of Record:Monument
Protected Status:Scheduled Monument 1013486: Motte and bailey castle

Monument Type(s):


Scheduled Monument: A fine example of a medieval motte and bailey castle, strategically situated at the confluence of the River Onny and the River Camlad and close to other medieval features such as the church and mill.

Parish:Lydham, South Shropshire, Shropshire
Map Sheet:SO39SW
Grid Reference:SO 3344 9103

Related records: None recorded

Associated Finds: None recorded

Associated Events

  • ESA1749 - 1953 field observation by English Heritage
  • ESA1750 - 1973 field observation by the Ordnance Survey
  • ESA1751 - 1978 field observation by Shropshire County Council
  • ESA1752 - 1983 field observation by English Heritage
  • ESA8625 - 2014 Heritage at Risk Survey by Historic England
  • ESA8621 - 2015 Heritage at Risk Survey by Historic England
  • ESA8361 - 2016 Heritage at Risk Survey by Historic England
  • ESA8362 - 2017 Heritage at Risk Survey by Historic England


Motte situated within a sub-ovate bailey of bank and inner ditch. The motte has no ditch and rises some 3.4m above the general level of the bailey floor. the flat top is approximately rectangular 16m long E/W x 9m wide. On the west side the motte is 6.7m high above the bailey ditch beyond which there is an outer bank 2.2m above the ditch. E of the motte the bailey is defined by a scarp slope 1.9m high. That the bank outside the ditch was formerly continuous with this scarp is shown at the bank's S end where it turns sharply to the E on the alignment of the scarp slope. The former watercourse, now dry, on the N, W and S sides probably represents the line of the bailey ditch, although it is probably deeper than the original ditch and on the N side it does not appear to be on the same alignment. There is at present no evidence for the existence of an outer bailey. <1a>

Lydham Castle, a 19 ft high conical motte with an oval bailey. An outer bailey is defined by existing water courses and one remaining section of bailey ditch on the north. <5a>

The site is in good condition, apart from minor damage by cows on the W side and the ditch which has been recut and deepened. The chief feature is the presence of slight earthworks in the bailey including a large platform NE of the motte and a series of slight platforms in the E side part of the bailey. On the SE side a possible terrace way approaches a gap in the bailey bank from the SE. Opposite the gap on the interior is a scarp about 30cm high and 30m long. I Burrow FI 1978 <6>

Evaluated for MPP in 1990-1, Medium score as one of 46 Motte and Bailey castles <14>

The monument includes the remains of a motte and bailey castle situated at the confluence of the River Onny and the River Camlad. The strategic siting of the castle is designed to control the natural valley routeways east to west and north to south, which converge at this point. The castle includes a substantial castle mound, or motte, set within the western part of a subrectangular bailey. The motte is oval in plan with base dimensions of 36m E-W by 25m N-S, the sides of the motte rising steeply to its summit 5m above the interior of the bailey. A semicircular depression has been cut into the SE quarter of the motte base. The summit of the motte is flat and roughly rectangular in plan, measuring 12m E-W by 8m transversely. On its west side the motte falls directly some 7.6m to the base of the bailey ditch, giving great defensive strength to this quarter of the castle. ->

-> The bailey, designed to protect the domestic buildings associated with the castle, encloses land on the N, E and SE sides of the motte. It has an internal area up to 62m N-S by 68m E-W and is defended by a substantial outer scarp averaging 2.4m high around all sides. Around the S, W and N sides of the bailey a well defined outer ditch averaging 7m wide and 2.4m deep runs parallel to the scarp. The N portion of the ditch remains water filled while along the W side a modern field drain has been cut roughly along its centre. Around the E side the ditch is no longer visible as an earthwork but it will survive as a buried feature of similar proportions. A water course, probably a by-pass leat associated with the mill to the E of the castle, drains into the bailey ditch at its NE corner. Around the SW and W the ditch is flanked along its outer edge by an outer bank averaging 4m wide and 1.6m high. On either side of this gap the bank turns outwards to flank what would have been an original approach to the castle. Although there is no surface evidence of a structure at this position it is likely that a bridge linked the entrance directly to the motte. A second entrance to the castle interior lies at the SE corner of the bailey. Here the outer scarp of the bailey is less deep and a short length of causeway curves SW to NE across the line of the ditch. Immediately within the bailey, flanking the north side of the entrance, a length of scarp apx 25m long and 0.3m high curves from the entrance towards the motte. This may represent the line of a palisade designed to overlook and guard this approach. ->

-> The interior of the bailey is divided into two distinct level areas; the eastern, lower area, approached directly from the SE entrance measures apx 70m NW-SE by 30m transversely. Slight surface undulations in the NE quarter of this area are believed to represent small building platforms. The second smaller level area lies immediately N of the motte and is separated from the larger area by a distinct scarp up to 1m high. The scarp curves from the NE corner of the motte towards the N, joining with the outer scarp of the bailey to create a level platform apx 30m E-W by 20m N-S. There are no earthworks visible on this level platform but it may have been constructed as the base for a large timber building, possibly the castle hall. The foundations of any such structure here will survive as buried features. ->

-> The motte and bailey castle 100m W of Lydham church survives well and is a fine example of its class. Both the motte and bailey appear to be largely undisturbed. <15>

Photographed during aerial survey in 2008. <17><18>

Listed by Cathcart King. <20>

The Medieval motte and bailey of Lydham Castle was seen as earthworks and mapped from good quality air photographs during the Marches Uplands Mapping Project. No further information was added, although blocks of ridge and furrow which are likely to be contemporary with the castle were seen abutting the earthworks on the north-west side. Oblique aerial photograph reference number: CUCAP CAZ 66 4-AUG-1976. <21><4><12>


[00]SSA20722 - Card index: Shropshire County Council SMR. Site and Monuments Record (SMR) cards. SMR record cards. SMR Card for PRN SA 01225.
[01a]SSA31554 - Site visit report: Ordnance Survey Field Investigator. Various. NRHE: Ordnance Survey Field Investigators Comments. F1 DJC 29-NOV-73.
[01]SSA5003 - Card index: Ordnance Survey. 1973. Ordnance Survey Record Card SO39SW1. Ordnance Survey record cards. SO39SW1.
[02]SSA17283 - Oblique aerial photograph: Cambridge University Collection of Air Photos (CUCAP). 1964-Jun-24. CUCAP AJF87 to AJF91 (5 Photos). Black and white.
[03]SSA17284 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1986-Jan-03. CPAT 86/02/0036.
[04]SSA17285 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1987-Jan-03. CPAT 87/MB/0049 to 0050 (2 photos). Black and White. Medium.
[05a]SSA178 - Volume: Victoria County History. 1908. Victoria County History 1. Victoria County History of Shropshire. Vol 1. p397 with plan.
[05]SSA5007 - Field Monument Warden Report: Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission (HBMC). 1983. Scheduled Monument Report on SAM 14326.
[06]SSA5008 - Field recording form: Burrow Ian. 1978-Jul-19. Site Visit Form, 19/07/1978. SMR site visit form.
[07]SSA17287 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1990-Apr-04. CPAT 90/MB/0584. Black and White. Medium.
[08]SSA17288 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1990-Jul-31. CPAT 90/MB/1032 to 1033 (2 photos). Black and White. Medium.
[09]SSA17289 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1990-Jul-31. CPAT 90/C/0367 to 0368 (2 photos). Colour. 35mm.
[10]SSA17290 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1986-Jan-03. CPAT 86/MB/0051 to 0052 (2 photos). Black and White. Medium.
[11]SSA5006 - Photograph: Watson Michael D. 1985. Motte and Bailey, Lydham Castle. Colour.
[12]SSA17291 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1987-Jan-03. CPAT 87/C/0024. Colour. 35mm.
[13]SSA5004 - Scheduled Monument notification: English Heritage. Map of Scheduled area.
[14]SSA20084 - TEXT: Horton Wendy B. 1990/ 1991. MPP Evaluation File.
[15]SSA5005 - Scheduled Monument notification: English Heritage. 1995. Scheduling Papers (Revised Scheduling, 21/11/1995). 19221.
[16]SSA17286 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1988-Mar-04. CPAT 88/MB/0007. Black and White. Medium.
[17]SSA25386 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2008-Jan-30. SA0802_027 (1 photo) Flight: 08_SA_02. Colour. Digital.
[18]SSA25309 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2008-Nov-25. SA0812_072 to SA0812_073 (2 photos) Flight: 08_SA-12. Colour. Digital.
[19]SSA27494 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1996-Jul-20. CPAT 96/C/1177. Colour. Medium.
[20]SSA29017 - Monograph: Cathcart King D J. 1983. Castellarium anglicanum : an index and bibliography of the castles in England, Wales and the Islands. Volume II : Norfolk-Yorkshire and the islands. Vol 2. Vol 2, p427.
[21]SSA31570 - COLLECTION: Historic England. 1993-1994. NRHE: RCHME: Marches Uplands NMP. MU.410.3.
Date Last Edited:Jul 19 2024 1:57PM