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Record Details

HER Number:05394
Type of record:Monument
Name:Possible section of Roman Road near Houndkirk Road, Sheffield


Possible section of Roman road. Could be part of route between Templeborough (Rotherham) and Navio (Brough).

Grid Reference:SK 283 825
Map Sheet:SK28SE
Parish:SHEFFIELD, Sheffield, South Yorkshire
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Type(s):

  • ROAD (Roman - 43 AD? to 409 AD?)

Associated Finds:

  • None
  • Full Description

    <1> Section of road observed in 1990s and traced using aerial photographs. Described as being visible 'in a field to the east of Oxdale Lodge [PIN03834/01]', and running NE-SW. No dating, but part of the surviving section described as metalled and with flanking ditches. If indeed Roman, could form an alternative southerly route of the Templeborough-Navio route PIN04914, avoiding Stanage Edge. See PIN05392 and PIN04517/01 for northerly alternatives (or other roads).

    <1> Phil Sidebottom Archaeological Consultancy, 2002, An Archaeological Desktop Assessment of Woodland at Lady Canning's Plantation, Ringinglow, South Yorkshire, p9,11 (Grey Literature Report). SSY2364.

    Sources and further reading

    <1>SSY2364 - Grey Literature Report: Phil Sidebottom Archaeological Consultancy. 2002. An Archaeological Desktop Assessment of Woodland at Lady Canning's Plantation, Ringinglow, South Yorkshire. Phil Sidebottom. p9,11.

    Related records

    04914Related to: Roman Road; Brough to Doncaster via Templeborough (Monument)
