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Record Details

HER Number:00970/03
Type of record:Monument
Name:Rossington Bridge Farm Kiln(s)


A further Roman pottery kiln at Rossington, kilns have previously been found on the north bank of the Rover Torne at Rossington (see PIN 00970/01).

Grid Reference:SK 632 996
Map Sheet:SK69NW
Parish:CANTLEY, Doncaster, South Yorkshire
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Type(s):

Associated Finds:

  • None
  • Full Description

    <1> Site of Rossington Bridge Farm Kiln(s) on South Side of the River Torne. "In the ploughed field about 220m south of the kilns excavated a Rossington bridge Pumping Station, one the south side of the River Torne, excavations in 1959 by a local amateur, W. Ingram, located two Roman Pottery Kilns. The exact location and orientation of these kilns is open to some doubt and the plans and notes are often mutually contradictory… The kiln products show considerable overlap with the material from the other Rossington Kilns and waster tips. [Further information available]

    See PIN 00970/01 for further discussion of Rossington pottery production.

    <1> PC Buckland, KF Hartley and V Rigby, 2001, The Roman Pottery Kilns at Rossington Bridge Excavations 1956-1961 (Monograph). SSY350.

    Sources and further reading

    <1>SSY350 - Monograph: PC Buckland, KF Hartley and V Rigby. 2001. The Roman Pottery Kilns at Rossington Bridge Excavations 1956-1961.

    Related records

    00970/02Part of: Finds associated with Roman settlement at Rossington. (Find Spot)
    04930Part of: The Doncaster Roman Pottery Production Area (Place)
