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Record Details

HER Number:02986/01
Type of record:Monument
Name:Further Roman Pottery Kilns at Rossington Bridge


A further twelve pottery kilns are thought to exist at Rossington Bridge.

Grid Reference:SK 632 999
Map Sheet:SK69NW
Parish:CANTLEY, Doncaster, South Yorkshire
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Type(s):

Associated Finds:

  • None
  • Protected Status:

    • Scheduled Monument () 1004787: Roman Potteries 270m N Rossington Bridge

    Full Description

    <1> Geophysical surveys in 1959-65 identified two clusters of kilns, of which these are the northern group. See PIN 970/01 for the other group.

    <2> Also see 'The Roman Pottery Industries of South Yorkshire' in the journal Britannia Vol. 11 p. 145-164.

    <1> PC Buckland, KF Hartley and V Rigby, 2001, The Roman Pottery Kilns at Rossington Bridge Excavations 1956-1961 (Monograph). SSY350.

    <2> Buckland, P.C., Magilton, J.R. & Dolby, M.J., 1980, The Roman Pottery Industries of South Yorkshire. Britannia, Vol. 11, 145-164., p. 145-164 (Article in serial). SSY351.

    Sources and further reading

    <1>SSY350 - Monograph: PC Buckland, KF Hartley and V Rigby. 2001. The Roman Pottery Kilns at Rossington Bridge Excavations 1956-1961.
    <2>SSY351 - Article in serial: Buckland, P.C., Magilton, J.R. & Dolby, M.J.. 1980. The Roman Pottery Industries of South Yorkshire. Britannia, Vol. 11, 145-164.. Britannia XI 1980. p. 145-164.

    Related records

    00970/01Part of: Roman Kilns at Rossington Bridge Pumping Station (Monument)
    04930Part of: The Doncaster Roman Pottery Production Area (Place)
