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The West Berkshire Historic Environment Record (HER) is the primary index of the physical remains of past human activity in the unitary authority of West Berkshire Council. Limited elements of the West Berkshire HER are available online via the Heritage Gateway, therefore it is not suitable for use in desk-based studies associated with development, planning and land-use changes, and does not meet the requirements of paragraph 194 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021: 56). Please read the important guidance on the use of the West Berkshire HER data. For these purposes and all other commercial enquiries, please contact the Archaeology team and complete our online HER enquiry form.

HER Number MWB16504
Record Type Monument
Name Burghfield Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE)

Grid Reference SU 681 679
Map Sheet SU66NE
Parish Burghfield, West Berkshire
Wokefield, West Berkshire
Map:Show location on Streetmap


Former Second World War Ordnance Factory, used since the 1950s to produce and assemble Britain's nuclear weapons

Other Statuses and Cross-References

  • National Monuments Record No.: SP 66 NE 37 - Should be SU
    SU 6805 6805
  • Pastscape Mon No or Hob UID: 1077758

Monument Type(s):

Full Description

Burghfield is listed in Cocroft's gazetteer as a filling factory from 1942 to the present day <1>. During the Second World War, the Royal Ordnance Factory was owned by the Ministry of Supply, but run by a government agent, the Imperial Tobacco Company <26>. Its function has been related to the nearby site of Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment since the 1950s. About the time that the British H bomb was introduced in 1960, two new warhead assembly buildings were constructed <2>.

In 1987 the two nuclear Ordnance Factories at Burghfield and Cardiff were placed under the direct management of Aldermaston, and the name was changed to the Atomic Weapons Establishment to reflect the creation of a single nuclear weapons industry for Britain. In 1993, AWE began a new era of commercial management. The Cardiff factory closed in 1997 but Burghfield continues to be closely linked to Britain's nuclear programme. Aldermaston is primarily involved in research and design, and Burghfield in the production and assembly of weapons, as well decommissioning.

Although Aldermaston AWE has been the focus of protest from the peace movement, during the early 1980s, the Aldermaston and Burghfield sites were publicly associated with Cruise Missiles by the women's peace camps at Greenham Common, and a rally in 1983 created a human chain connecting the three sites.

Work by Atkins on the characterisation of the three AWE sites of Aldermaston, Burghfield and Blacknest <6> highlights the important and unusual survival at Burghfield of an almost intact Royal Ordnance Factory. AWE Burghfield’s facilities have been used in the development, manufacture, maintenance and decommissioning of the UK’s nuclear deterrent, and the so called 'Gravel Gerties' are the most significant buildings within the site. These tall landmark buildings with domed roofs are where the technical works are undertaken; their similarity of design to those of the American warhead assembly plant in Carson County, Texas, reflects the close co-operation between the United States and Britain in the development of nuclear weapons <6>.

Excavations in 2011 <15> prior to development produced scattered artefactual evidence for earlier prehistoric activity and two features of probable middle Bronze Age date. This was succeeded by a ditched primary enclosure of middle Iron Age date partly within the excavated area. Imported amphora sherds were excavated from late Iron Age contexts relating to this enclosure. Roman features were identified north and south of the primary enclosure. Medieval features were concentrated within the southern part of the excavation site <15>.

The Silchester Iron Age Environs Project recorded the Second World War Royal Ordnance Explosives Filling Factory No 18 from aerial photographs of the 1940s <17>. The ordnance factory covers an area measuring 1177 m by 1123 m. A railway spur leads off the north east corner of the site to join up with the Reading and Basingstoke Railway.

Sources and further reading

---Oxford Archaeology. 2011. AWE Burghfield, Berkshire New Boiler House - Archaeological Watching Brief Report. 5082. 2017 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB148337]
<01>Cocroft, W. 2000. Dangerous Energy - The archaeology of gunpowder and military explosives manufacture. p215, 216, Gazeteer No 282, p285. [Monograph / SWB14712]
https://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/library/browse/issue.xhtml?recordId=1137477&recordType=MonographSeries (Accessed on 05/03/2024)
<02>Cocroft, W and Thomas, R J C. 2003. Cold War - Building for Nuclear Confrontation 1946-1989. p253, Illust. [Monograph / SWB14711]
<03>Hawkings, D J. 2000. Keeping the Peace - The Aldermaston Story. [Monograph / SWB12980]
<04>pre 2006. AWE Official Website. http://www.awe.co.uk/main_site/about_awe/history/. Accessed 22/05/2006. [Website / SWB14713]
http://www.awe.co.uk/aboutus/our_history_f77a4.html (Accessed 02/04/2012)
<05>AWE plc. 2005. AWE Aldermaston & Burghfield - Site Development Context Plan 2005-2015. [Unpublished document / SWB14714]
<06>Atkins. 2007. AWE Aldermaston, Burghfield and Blacknest - Historic Characterisation and Management Strategy. 2007 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB147193]
<07>AWE plc. 2002. The AWE Aldermaston Site Development Strategy Plan. [Unpublished document / SWB14715]
<08>Oxford Archaeology. 2006. New Dog Kennels and Training Facility, AWE Burghfield, Berkshire. 2017 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB147168]
<09>Atkins. 2006. AWE Burghfield Character Area B4 - Zone 1 Heritage Study. EDMS1/801266A8/B/DSR2019/RT. 2007 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB147685]
<10>Atkins. 2007. AWE Burghfield Character Area B1 - Heritage Study. 2007 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB147686]
<11>Oxford Archaeology. 2008. Conventional Manufacturing Rationalisation Building, AWE Burghfield, Berkshire. Job No 4101. 2008 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB147539]
<12>Oxford Archaeology. 2009. Project Leo, AWE Burghfield, Berkshire. Job No 3104. [Unpublished document / SWB147789]
<13>Oxford Archaeology. 2010. Pingewood Gate Development, AWE Burghfield, Berkshire. Job No 4461. [Unpublished document / SWB148146]
<14>Oxford Archaeology. 2011. Multi Utility Trench (MUT), AWE Burghfield, Berkshire. Job No 4881. [Unpublished document / SWB148147]
<15>Oxford Archaeology. 2012. A multi-period site at the Phoenix project, AWE Burghfield - Post-Excavation Report. 5191. [Unpublished document / SWB148465]
<16>English Heritage. 2001. Cold War Monuments: an assessment by the Monuments Protection Programme. 2016 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB147883]
<17>RAF. 10/07/1946. RAF 106G/UK/1646 3201-2. Aerial Photo. [Photograph / SWB149615]
<18>Atkins. 2014. AWE Burghfield West Boiler House 10E1: Level 3 Historic Building Record. Version 2. 2015 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB150141]
<19>Berkshire Archaeological Society. 2013. Berkshire Archaeological Journal 2013 81. 81. p53-72 A Multi-Period Site at The Phoenix Project, Burghfield, Berkshire by Paul Booth. [Article in serial / SWB149218]
<20>Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd. 2007. Geophysical Survey: AWE Burghfield, Berkshire. 938/BAW/01. 2020 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB150165]
<21>RPS. 2020. Multi-Material Facility, AWE Burghfield, West Berkshire: Archaeological Watching Brief. MER-89F-000123-R-01. 2022 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB150242]
<22>RPS. 2020. AWE Burghfield, Multi-Material Facility: Heritage Statement. MER-89B-000995. 2021 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB150308]
<23>Atkins. 2017. AWE Burghfield, Historic Environment Character Area B4: AWE Historic Building Recording. MER-5Q1-000034. 2022 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB150313]
<24>AWE. 2016. AWE Historic Building Record: 8S23. MER-3G6-000014. 2022 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB150314]
<25>Atkins. 2015. AWE Burghfield, Group 11R: Level 2 Record. MER-2G0-000014. 2022 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB150315]
<26>Burghfield Parish Council. 2020. Burghfield Newsletter. June 2020. p12 'Burghfield History: HMS Dauntless 1945-1981, Burghfield'. [Serial / SWB150589]
https://burghfieldparishcouncil.gov.uk/newsletters/ (Accessed on 28/11/2023)
<27>Truscoe, K. 2017. Silchester Iron Age Environs Project: Aerial Photograph and Lidar Survey Results. 77/2017. WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB149642]
https://historicengland.org.uk/research/results/reports/77-2017 (Accessed on 05/01/2022)
<28>Public Record Office. Unknown. Construction of the Filling Factories (13). CAB102/627. [Monograph / SWB150655]
<29>RAF. 10/07/1946. RAF 106G/UK/1646 3201-2. Aerial Photo. [Photograph / SWB149615]
<30>Fiorato, V. 05/12/2008. Heritage Partnership Agreement. [Unpublished document / SWB150658]

Related Monuments

MWB23037Earthworks north-west of Burghfield Ordnance Factory (Monument)
MWB23160Gravel Gerties, AWE Burghfield (Monument)
MWB17948HMS Dauntless, Burghfield (Monument)
MWB23138Site of a pillbox, AWE Burghfield (Monument)
MWB23161Site of a small building, AWE Burghfield (Monument)
MWB22664Site of branch line from Reading to Basingstoke railway into ROF Burghfield (Monument)
MWB23137Site of Building 8S23, AWE Burghfield (Monument)
MWB23136Site of Building Group 11R, AWE Burghfield (Monument)
MWB23159Site of Generator House 10F11, AWE Burghfield (Monument)
MWB23158Site of the West Boiler House 10E1, AWE Burghfield (Monument)
MWB16503Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) (Monument)
MWB16505Blacknest, Blacknest Lane, Brimpton Common (Building)
MWB6570Greenham Common Airbase (RAF Greenham Common) (Monument)
MWB17462Site of Saunderscourt Farm, Wokefield (Monument)
MWB19641Site of Second World War camp and later hostel, Grazeley Green (Monument)
MWB20722The Mearings, Burghfield (Monument)

Associated Excavations and Fieldwork

EWB1037Conventional Manufacturing Rationalisation Building, AWE Burghfield, Berkshire - Evaluation (Ref: Site Code BUCRM 08)
EWB1053Project MENSA, AWE Burghfield, Berkshire (Ref: OA Job Number 4183)
EWB1071Character Area B4, AWE Burghfield - Historic Buildings Record
EWB1072Character Area B1, AWE Burghfield - Historic Buildings Record
EWB1104Project Leo, AWE Burghfield, Berkshire - Archaeological Watching Brief (Ref: Site Code BURA WE 09)
EWB1121Cold War Monuments: an assessment by the Monuments Protection Programme
EWB1186Pingewood Gate Development, AWE Burghfield, Berkshire - Archaeological Watching Brief (Ref: Site Code BURGFD 09)
EWB1187Multi Utility Trench (MUT), AWE Burghfield, Berkshire - Archaeological Watching Brief (Ref: Site Code BUAMUL 10)
EWB1229Hydrus Project Site, Character Area EX2 - Historic Record
EWB1237AWE Burghfield, New Boiler House - Archaeological Watching Brief (Ref: Site Code BUBOIL 11)
EWB959Dog Kennel and Training Facility, AWE Burghfield, Berkshire - Evaluation (Ref: Site Code BURAWE 06)
EWB966AWE Aldermaston, Burghfield and Blacknest - Historic Characterisation and Management Strategy
EWB1288A multi-period site at the Phoenix project, AWE Burghfield - Post-Excavation Report (Ref: Site code BURPHO 11)
EWB1507The Silchester Environs Iron Age Project - aerial photograph and LiDAR interpretation
EWB1906AWE Burghfield West Boiler House 10E1: Level 3 Historic Building Record
EWB1922Geophysical Survey: AWE Burghfield, Berkshire (Ref: 938)
EWB1955Multi-Material Facility, AWE Burghfield: Watching Brief (Ref: JAC26622)
EWB2000Multi-Material Facility, AWE Burghfield: Heritage Statement (Ref: JAC26594)
EWB2002AWE Burghfield: Historic Building Recording of Historic Environment Character Area B4 (Ref: 5145664.101)
EWB2003AWE Historic Building Record: 8S23 (Ref: MER-3G6-000014)
EWB2004AWE Burghfield, Building Group 11R: Level 2 Record (Ref: MER-2G0-000014)