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The West Berkshire Historic Environment Record (HER) is the primary index of the physical remains of past human activity in the unitary authority of West Berkshire Council. Limited elements of the West Berkshire HER are available online via the Heritage Gateway, therefore it is not suitable for use in desk-based studies associated with development, planning and land-use changes, and does not meet the requirements of paragraph 194 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021: 56). Please read the important guidance on the use of the West Berkshire HER data. For these purposes and all other commercial enquiries, please contact the Archaeology team and complete our online HER enquiry form.

HER Number MWB3571
Record Type Place

Grid Reference SU 452 695
Map Sheet SU46NE
Parish Speen, West Berkshire
Map:Show location on Streetmap


A Domesday manor held from the 13th century until the Dissolution by the Prior of Poughley

Other Statuses and Cross-References

  • Berkshire SMR No. (pre 2000): 01479.00.000

Monument Type(s):

  • MANOR (11th century to Medieval - 1001 AD to 1539 AD)
  • VILLAGE (11th century to Medieval - 1001 AD to 1539 AD)

Full Description

Bagnor is a Domesday manor which was held from the 13th century to the Dissolution by the Prior of Poughley. The Domesday mill was worth 20s and another mill was built in the 15th century. Fishing at Bagnor was referred to in the 15th century.

Sources and further reading

<01>Page and Ditchfield (eds). 1924. Victoria County History (VCH) Berks IV 1924. Vol 4. P97, 103, 107. [Monograph / SWB10281]
http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/berks/vol4 (Accessed 24/09/2015)
<02>Commissioned by the Duke of Chandos. 1729/30. Map of Speen Manor. [Map / SWB12939]
<03>Gelling, M. 1973. The Place Names of Berkshire - Part One. English Place-Name Society Vol XLIX. p266-7. [Monograph / SWB10003]
<04>Morgan, P (ed). 1979. Domesday Book - Berkshire. DB5. 63a. [Monograph / SWB14587]
https://opendomesday.org/ (Accessed 11/01/2023)
<05>Betjeman, J and Piper, J (eds). 1949. Murray's Berkshire Architectural Guide. p143. [Monograph / SWB10404]
<06>Money, W. 1892. Collections for the History of the Parish of Speen. online. p24. [Monograph / SWB11824]
https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JokLAAAAYAAJ&pg=GBS.PR8&hl=en_GB (Accessed on 09/08/2024)
<07>Greenaway, D and Dunlop, L. 2011. Around the Three Valleys. p27, 46-7. [Monograph / SWB148275]
<08>Lovell, R, Beharrell, B and Mills, S. 2017. Bagnor - A unique hamlet beside the River Lambourn in Berkshire. [Unpublished document / SWB149348]

Related Monuments

MWB19897Thatcham Hundred (Place)

Associated Excavations and Fieldwork

  • None recorded