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This site is designated as being of national importance and is afforded additional protection. Consult West Berkshire Council's Archaeology team if more information or advice is needed.
HER Number | MWB6284 |
Record Type | Landscape |
Name | Donnington Grove (Park) |
Grid Reference | SU 458 688 |
Map Sheet | SU46NE |
Parish | Shaw-cum-Donnington, West Berkshire |
| Speen, West Berkshire |
Map: | Show location on Streetmap |
Registered Park of a late 18th century landscape garden and lake, since the late 20th century within the grounds of a golf course
Associated Legal Designations or Protected Status
- Registered Park or Garden (II) 1000534: Donnington Grove
- Conservation Area: Donnington Village
Other Statuses and Cross-References
- Berkshire SMR No. (pre 2000): 04138.00.000
- National Monuments Record No.: SU 46 NE 225
SU 4593 6888
Monument Type(s):
- LANDSCAPE PARK (18th century to Mid to Late 19th century - 1759 AD? to 1850 AD)
- ORNAMENTAL GARDEN (18th century - 1759 AD to 1800 AD?)
- GOLF COURSE (Late 20th century - Present to Early 21st century - 1980 AD to 2050 AD)
Full Description
Late C18 landscape garden and lake, about 13ha. Mainly open parkland, with mature trees scattered. C18 landscaping not clearly documented. House called Donnington Grove built by John Chute is Grade II* listed. Lake and weir with an 18th century fishing lodge nearby. Many other individual buildings and structures within the parkland, some of which are unlisted. Donnington Castle, a Grade I listed building and scheduled monument, is also within the Registered Park.
Donnington Grove park was created in the late 18th century, around the Gothick style house of the same name built in 1763 for Joseph Pettit Andrews. However the northern part of the landscape was referred to on a map of 1729 <2> as Denington (sic) Park and may have included part of a deer park. A rectilinear boundary is shown around Donnington Castle to the north, with a series of straight sided cultivated fields south of this, and enclosed pasture or marsh either side of the river Lambourn. Some of these boundaries can be followed on the First Edition Ordnance Survey mapping <3> although the river is shown as greatly enlarged to a 'fish pond'.
The park was described in The Gentleman's Magazine of 1772 as having a lawn around the house which falls 'to very fine water; a stream enlarged into a river… over the river the country consists of corn-fields, which rise agreeably' <4>.
In 1783 the estate was sold to William Brummell who extended it, expanding the parkland south of the river. The two areas are described as 'north park' and 'south park'.
Donnington Grove was added to the list of Registered Parks and Gardens in 1986 at Grade II, though its description was compiled in 1998 <1>. Following a planning application in 1991 <9> much of the designed landscape (as well as land to the northwest) was modified as a golf course, and there has been subsequent related development affecting several of the buildings and structures within the park <10><11><12>. The initial owner of the golf club was a Japanese organisation, and a Japanese garden was created within the walled kitchen garden. During this period, the site was named Parasampia Country Club, though it reverted to Donnington Grove when ownership changed in 2005.
The GIS polygon of the Registered Park includes landscape characterised as woodland and paddocks, but excludes areas of historically related designed landscape.
Sources and further reading
<01> | Historic England (previously English Heritage). 1987. Register of Parks and Gardens of special historic interest in England. Donnington Grove. [Unpublished document / SWB12616] |
<02> | Commissioned by the Duke of Chandos. 1729/30. Map of Speen Manor. Marked 'Denington (sic) Park', and shows area prior to landscaping?. [Map / SWB12939] |
<03> | Landmark. 1872-85. Digital Ordnance Survey Mapping Epoch 1, 1:2500 (25 inch). Digital. 1:2500. [Map / SWB14341] |
<04> | Dec 1772. Gentleman's magazine 1772. [Article in serial / SWB147458] https://westberkshiremuseumcollections.org/collections/view-of-mr-andrews-house-near-newbury/ (Accessed 23/06/2022) |
<05> | Gray, E W (ed)?. pre 1839. The History and Antiquities of Newbury and its Environs. p171 - mill pulled down. [Monograph / SWB11182] https://archive.org/details/historyandantiq00unkngoog (Accessed 16/07/2019) |
<06> | Page and Ditchfield (eds). 1924. Victoria County History (VCH) Berks IV 1924. Vol 4. p88. [Monograph / SWB10281] http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/berks/vol4 (Accessed 24/09/2015) |
<07> | Hussey, C. 1958. Country Life 1958 (3 editions). 124. p588-91, p654-7, p714-7. [Article in serial / SWB13303] |
<08> | Godfrey, J. 1654. Donnington Park Estate. [Map / SWB147719] |
<09> | Newbury District Council. 1974-2000. Newbury District Council Planning Applications 1974-2000. 91/39162/ADD. [Index / SWB148104] |
<10> | Forum Heritage Services. 05/09/2005. Grove Farm, Donnington Grove, Speen, Berkshire - Building Recording & Assessment. 2021 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB14515] |
<11> | Oxford Archaeology. 2006. Old Farm Buildings, Donnington Grove - Historic Building Assessment. Invoice code 6930. 2017 WBC Network. [Unpublished document / SWB148495] |
<12> | Sutton Griffin Architects. 2011. Donnington Grove Country Club - Redevelopment of Existing Farm Buildings, Architectural and Historic Assessment. [Unpublished document / SWB148496] |
<13> | Fairey Survey. 08/03/1969. Fairey (details removed) - centred on SU 459691. Aerial Photo. 1:10,000. [Photograph / SWB148823] |
<14> | Robertson, A S. 1792. Topographical Survey of the Great West Road from London to Bath Vol I. Illusts opp I p148 & I p149. [Unpublished document / SWB13306] http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=UwkQAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0 (Accessed 25/09/2015) |
<15> | English Nature. 2003-2005. County Surveys of parkland and wood pasture - Thames & Chilterns: Parkland & Wood Pastures with Veteran Trees. BK117 - Grade 2. [Unpublished document / SWB14546] |
Related Monuments
MWB18824 | Bridge over eastern end of lake, Donnington Grove (Monument) |
MWB1545 | Donnington Castle (Monument) |
MWB15771 | Donnington Grove (House) (Building) |
MWB19390 | Fishing lodge on north bank of River Lambourn, Donnington Grove (Building) |
MWB22783 | Footbridge over tributary of the Lambourn, Donnington Grove (Monument) |
MWB19988 | Former kitchen garden, Donnington Grove (Monument) |
MWB22663 | Former well 250m to the north-west of Donnington Castle in Castle Wood (Monument) |
MWB18546 | Garden house approximately 35 metres to north east of Donnington Grove (Building) |
MWB10154 | In Donnington Grove Pond (Find Spot) |
MWB19982 | Lambourn Lodge, Donnington Grove (Building) |
MWB6371 | On land at Donnington Grove (Find Spot) |
MWB19987 | Pavilion on island in lake, Donnington Grove - unknown exact location (Building) |
MWB19985 | Pink Lodge, Donnington Grove (Building) |
MWB19389 | Stable block approximately 150 metres to east of Donnington Grove (Building) |
MWB19986 | White Lodge, Donnington Grove (Building) |
MWB16191 | Donnington Deer Park (Monument) |
Associated Excavations and Fieldwork
EWB454 | Donnington Grove Golf Course - Evaluation (Ref: DGGC 91) |
EWB455 | Donnington Grove Golf Course - Archaeological Investigations (Ref: 91/8) |
EWB833 | Grove Farm, Donnington Grove, Speen, Berkshire - Building Recording & Assessment |
EWB914 | Donnington Grove Country Club, Donnington, Berkshire - Archaeological Watching Brief report (Ref: Site Code NEDOGR06) |
EWB974 | Donnington Grove Golf Course - Metal Detecting Survey |
EWB1314 | Old Farm Buildings, Donnington Grove - Historic Building Assessment (Ref: Invoice Code 6930) |
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