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Name: SM 12018 Beaumy's Castle, Swallowfield, Berkshire
HER Number: 01000.00.000
Record Type: Monument

Grid Reference: SU 709 646
Administrative Area/Parish:Swallowfield, Wokingham, Berkshire
Map:Show location on Streetmap


A partly dry rectangular moated Manorial site at Beaumy's Castle, 200m north-east of Priory Farm.

Monument Type(s):

  • MOAT (Medieval - 1250 AD? to 1420 AD)


The monument includes a partly dry rectangular moated Manorial site at Beaumy's Castle, 200m north-east of Priory Farm. It is of rectilinear shape and is aligned NW-SE with maximum external dimensions of 130m and 110m respectively. The single causeway faces north-west. The moat survives to a depth of between 3 and 4m and is part filled with water. It encloses an area c.80m by 60m and survives to a width of between 10m on the NE arm to 20m on
the SE arm. An external bank 75m in length, 9m wide and up to 0.5m high survives outside the SW arm of the moat. The interior is tree-covered and although it shows no sign of masonry, red unglazed sherds have been recovered from the centre of the enclosure. The manor of Beaumy's was held by the Dispenser family from the first half of the 13th century. Nicholas de la Beche was granted a licence to crenellate the house in 1339 and the manor was eventually dismantled in 1420 <1>.

There was possibly some disturbance during work on the A33 in 1980.

Red unglazed sherds seen in mole heaps in centre of enclosure during field visit by Amstrong 1982.

<1> English Heritage, 1990, Moated Manorial site at Beaumy's Castle, 200m north-east of Priory Farm (Scheduling record). SRM13761.

<2> 1923, Victoria County History Berkshire, Pages 270-1 (Bibliographic reference). SWK6192.

<3> Historic England, The National Heritage List for England, List entry: 1013179 (Index). SRD12029.


<1>English Heritage. 1990. Moated Manorial site at Beaumy's Castle, 200m north-east of Priory Farm. AA63113/1. [Scheduling record / SRM13761]
<2>1923. Victoria County History Berkshire. Volume III. Pages 270-1. [Bibliographic reference / SWK6192]
<3>Historic England. The National Heritage List for England. List entry: 1013179. [Index / SRD12029]


  • Scheduled Monument () 1013179: Moated manorial site at Beaumy's Castle, 200m north-east of Priory Farm

Associated Events:

  • None
  • Associated Monuments

  • None
  • Associated Finds:

  • FWK2614 - SHERD (Unknown date)