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Name:An Archaeological Watching Brief at the new Helicopter Landing Site, Shoreham Airport, West Sussex (Phase 1)
HER Ref:MWS11396
Type of record:Monument

Designations - none recorded


An archaeological watching brief was undertaken at Shoreham airport with the aim to identify archaeological remains pertaining to the history of the airport or deposits relating to the medieval salt industry.
The watching brief identified two notable linear features. The first was to the north of the site. This was thought to be a former road/taxi way possibly utilised during the Second World War and subsequently made redundant during the post war period. The second linear feature to the southern end of the site was believed to have been dated post-medieval and possibly represented an early double drain or a rutted and repaired track from the 19tht century.

Grid Reference:TQ 1991 0574
Parish:Lancing, Adur, West Sussex
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Types

  • LINEAR FEATURE (Built, Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)
  • LINEAR FEATURE (Built, Post Medieval to Modern - 1900 AD to 1999 AD)


<1>Grey Literature Report: Arcaheology South-East. 2001. An Archaeological Watching Brief at the new Helicopter Landing Site, Shoreham Airport, West Sussex (Phase 1).

Associated Events

  • The new Helicopter Landing Site, Shoreham Airport - Watching Brief (Phase 1) (Ref: 1398)

Associated Monuments

  • MWS849 - Related to: Shoreham Airfield, Shoreham-by-Sea (Monument)

Associated Finds

  • TILE (Unknown date)
  • BOTTLE (Post Medieval to Modern - 1800 AD to 1999 AD)