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Title:A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvement, 1996-9: Watching Brief Findspots
Originator:Wessex Archaeology
Summary:One frag shale at find spot 1, context 1171.

Associated Monuments (8)

MDV60936FINDSPOT in the Parish of Clyst Honiton (Find Spot)
MDV60941FINDSPOT in the Parish of Clyst Honiton (Find Spot)
MDV60956FINDSPOT in the Parish of Clyst Honiton (Find Spot)
MDV60925FINDSPOT in the Parish of Exeter (Find Spot)
MDV60912Flint from west of Blackhorse (Find Spot)
MDV60914Flints from the west of Blackhorse (Find Spot)
MDV60906Scatter of Material from north of A30 Road (Monument)
MDV60913Scraper from the west of Blackhorse (Find Spot)