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Title:The Prehistoric, roman and early Post-Roman site at Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton
Originator:Simpson, S. J. + Griffith, F. M. + Holbrook, N.
Summary:Excavations undertaken in 1987 in advance of gravel extraction and road re-alignment. Large ring ditch at SX99239458 sectioned.31-33m diameter externally and situated on a slight natural rise. Ditch 4.6m wide and 1.6-1.65m deep. U-shaped ditch silt contains carbonised plant remains C-14 dated to 1000 - 790 cal BC. Two waste flints in ditch fill. Final loam fill of ditch represents ploughed out/eroded barrow mound. Second, smaller, ring-ditch at SX99199454 excavated fully. Internal diameter 10.5m, with ditch 1.7-1.8m wide with straight sides and 0.2-0.3m deep. Shallow and flat bottomed. Showed as a faint cropmark. Barrow area contained two earlier pits or post holes with charcoal dated to 8400 + or - 150 BP. Ditch filled by denuded internal mound. Cereal grains retrieved from this loam along with six sherds of Bronze Age pot including three early-mid Bronze Age sherds. Also seven waste flints in ditch fill. Third ring ditch at SX99209452 was not excavated but from aerial photograph it was c10m diameter. The cereal grains found in excavation suggest Prehistoric arable activity, particularly wheat, near to the barrows' site. See PRN 43218 for further ring ditch to the south.

Associated Monuments (7)

MDV43233Enclosure on Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton (Monument)
MDV43217Enclosure to North of Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton (Monument)
MDV43232Hayes Farm, Boundary (Monument)
MDV43216Hayes Farm, Enclosure (Monument)
MDV43234Hayes Farm, Flint Scatter (Monument)
MDV43218Hayes Farm, Ring Ditch (Monument)
MDV10081Hayes Farm, Ring Ditches (Monument)