ID: | SDV133094 |
Title: | DAP/NO |
Originator: | Griffith, F. M. |
Date: | 1989 |
Summary: | Ring ditch, showing as annular dark mark 20m diameter. This intersects with part of a sub-rectangular single ditched enclosure. Recorded from the air as a cropmark by F Griffith in 1989. |
Associated Monuments (5)
MDV79092 | Barrow to North of Potters Elm, Silverton (Monument) |
MDV79093 | Oval Enclosure at Potters Elm, Silverton (Monument) |
MDV112384 | Rectilinear enclosure at Cranbrook (Monument) |
MDV54124 | Ring Ditch at Cranbrook Community School (Monument) |
MDV28621 | Ring Ditch to west of Langaton Lane (Monument) |
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