MDV5814 | Agglomerated enclosure on Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5762 | Alleged enclosure; may refer to MDV25715 (Monument) |
MDV5752 | Alleged stone row west of Black Tor (Monument) |
MDV13454 | Alleged tinners cache, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV28473 | Alleged tinners hut south-west of Petre's Pits Bottom (Building) |
MDV13640 | BARROW in the Parish of South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13192 | Boundary stone, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV13674 | Building on south side of Brent Hill, South Brent (Building) |
MDV13280 | Cairn 180 metres west of Red Brook (Monument) |
MDV13638 | Cairn 230 meters north-north-west of Thynacombe Barn (Monument) |
MDV13282 | Cairn at the north-east end of stone row north-east of East Glaze Brook, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13281 | Cairn on Brent Fore Hill (Monument) |
MDV129982 | Cairn to north-west of the end of stone row west of Black Tor, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV7739 | Cairn west of Ball Gate, Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5750 | Chambered cairn at Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13458 | Channels from Bala Brook Head to clay dries (Monument) |
MDV13283 | Cist on Hickley Plain (Monument) |
MDV13382 | Clay dries, building remains, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13333 | Corringdon farmhouse, South Brent (Building) |
MDV27794 | County bridge stone east of Glazebrook Bridge (Monument) |
MDV27793 | County bridge stone west of Glazebrook Bridge (Monument) |
MDV13369 | EARTHWORK in the Parish of South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5184 | Eastern White Barrow with additional tower, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5800 | Enclosed hut circle settlement south of Black Tor, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5766 | Enclosure 'B' and hut circles at Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5817 | Enclosure with hut circles north of Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13298 | FIELD SYSTEM in the Parish of South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13410 | FIELD SYSTEM in the Parish of South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13297 | Field system north of Yalland, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13650 | Flint scatter and spindle whorl found at Stippadon Farm (Monument) |
MDV5719 | Flint scatter from Yalland Farm (Monument) |
MDV13162 | Gas works on south side of the River Avon, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5759 | Gatepost to field south of Yalland Cross (Monument) |
MDV5819 | Gingaford farmstead site, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13479 | GRAVEL PIT in the Parish of South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13373 | Gravel pits south of Staddon, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13481 | Hollow way at Corringdon Ball (Monument) |
MDV13273 | Hut circle east of the leat at Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13274 | Hut circle east of the leat at Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13272 | Hut circle east of the leat at Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13270 | Hut circle south of Corringdon Ball field system, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5818 | Hut circle to the east of Settlement on Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13275 | Hut circle to the south of Corringdon Ball field system, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV129060 | Hut circle within enclosed hut circle settlement south of Black Tor, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5784 | Hut on lower slope of Old Hill, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13259 | Hut south of settlement west of Black Brake (Monument) |
MDV13360 | Inscribed stone in unfinished wall on Aish Ridge (Monument) |
MDV13468 | Iron tramway trolley at Petre's Pits, Bala Brook Head (Find Spot) |
MDV5717 | Knatta Barrow on Quickbeam Hill, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13461 | LEAT in the Parish of South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13295 | LYNCHET in the Parish of South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5757 | Millstone south-west of Dockwell Farm (Monument) |
MDV13583 | Old Bridge, North Huish (Building) |
MDV13453 | OPEN CAST MINE in the Parish of South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13452 | OPEN CAST MINE in the Parish of South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13291 | Parallel reave system on Corringdon Ball (Monument) |
MDV13385 | Pillow mound south of the Black Tor enclosures, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5744 | Possible cist or tinner's cache west of the River Avon at Woolholes (Monument) |
MDV13644 | Possible lynchets at Stippadon, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13292 | Possible parallel reave system at Gisperdown, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV28471 | Possible tinners hut, (Monument) |
MDV13398 | Possible trough at Redlake Ford, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13277 | Probable enclosure at Dockwell Farm, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13679 | Quarry on Beara Common, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13411 | REAVE in the Parish of South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13293 | Reave on Dockwell Ridge (Monument) |
MDV13359 | Ridge and furrow on Aish Ridge, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV19901 | Ring cairn south of Brent Fore Hill, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13287 | Ring cairn west of Dockwell (Monument) |
MDV13381 | Ruinous building at Bala Brook Head China Clay workings (Building) |
MDV13289 | Site of a barrow in field at Gisperdown, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV28059 | STONE in the Parish of South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5765 | Stone row north of East Glaze Brook and south of Brent Fore Hill , South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13256 | Tinner's cache built into hut in settlement north of the Bala Brook (Monument) |
MDV13467 | Tramway at Petre's Pits clay work, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5827 | Treeland Brake Stone Row (now destroyed) (Monument) |
MDV13475 | TRIAL PIT in the Parish of South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13477 | TRIAL PIT in the Parish of South Brent (Monument) |
MDV13388 | Two pillow mounds south of Corringdon Ball field system, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV62782 | Two spindle whorls found at Dockwell Farm (Find Spot) |
MDV27809 | Unfinished wall on Aish Ridge, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV14155 | Warren south-west of Black Tor, South Brent (Monument) |
MDV5193 | Western White Barrow with shelter and re-erected cross, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |