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Title:Typescript notes and plan of Shaugh Moor
Originator:Smith, K.
Summary:An incomplete enclosure nw of the main enclosure. It comprises a ruinous arc of walling associated with three hut circles. The chord of this arc is 35.00m long from north-east to south-west and this probably represents the diameter of the original enclosure from which stone was removed to construct the complete and well-preserved main enclosure. The north-east hut is well preserved with an entrance facing south that is defined by two door jambs. The liners are preserved around the inner wall face and its floor is strewn with small blocks. The hut has an internal diameter of 750m and was excavated by the plymouth city museum archaeology group under the direction of j barber. Post holes were found beneath the hut wall representing either an earlier hut or timber-lacing for the wall. An arc of post-holes indicated a wind-break outside the hut entrance. The excavation produced charcoal, flint flakes and a scraper and pebbles. The westernmost hut is 5.50m in diameter and is also attached to the enclosure wall with a south facing entrance. It is overgrown with bracken and the structral details are not clear. The south-western hut is 6.00m in internal diameter and is also attached to the enclosure wall with a south-facing entrance. The liners of the inner wall face are fairly well preserved (nmr, citing 'typescript notes and plan of', with no further reference).

Associated Monuments (18)

MDV12951D-shaped hut circle settlement enclosure, Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV2440Enclosed hut circle settlement, Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV127096Enclosed hut circle settlement, Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV125911Hut circle on Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV12778Hut circle settlement, Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV12953Hut circle settlement, Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV12779Hut circle settlement, Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV125912Hut east of settlement at Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV125916Hut east of sub-rectangular enclosure at Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV125904Hut in eastern settlement at Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV125905Hut in eastern settlement at Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV125906Hut in eastern settlement at Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV125914Hut south-west of sub-rectangular enclosure at Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV125913Hut west of sub-rectangular enclosure at Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV125922Possible enclosure walls at Shaugh Moor (Monument)
MDV2433Ring cairn on Shaugh Moor, north of the China Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2434Stone row north-west of Saddlesborough, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV12952Sub-rectangular shaped enclosure, Shaugh Moor (Monument)