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Title:Schedule notes
Originator:Ancient Monuments
Summary:Cairn (diam 6.10m, heig 600mm) on the ne side of butterdon hill; on the top of the hill at the south end of butterdon stone row. Lies within a circle of fallen orthostats (10.67m diam). Has become overgrown and several stones are scattered (ancient monuments, am7). Vis=23/6/1973 (grinsell, l. V. ) cairn with hollow centre. Diam 9m, height 0.3m (pdas). Vis=it is not clear from the nmr 1976 ap that this cairn lies within a stone circle (rchm app 1985). Vis=butterdon hill. Stone circle surrounding cairn on ne side of top of hill. All the stones but one are fallen and now form an irregular outline of about twelve stones. Largest stone, on the w side, is 1.9m long and at least six are 1.5m long and more and of a tapered shape. One stone on the e side leans above the ground. The stone row, at the s end of which the circle is situated, does not point to the centre of the circle but passes some 0.9m to the w (worth, 1941, in osa)vis=encircled cairn. Ring of orthostats 11.1m diam around cairn 7m diam and 0.3m high. Aligned e of centre of single stone row (turner). Vis='stone circle' marked on os 6" (1906) map (os). Vis=smc granted for works concerning the infilling of various erosion hollows and the re-erection of fallen stone, with archaeological excavation of socket hollow prior to re-erection (dnh:10/4/1996).

Associated Monuments (1)

MDV2897Cairn on Butterdon Hill at southern end of stone row, Ugborough (Monument)