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Title:Leigh Barton Farm, Gatehouse, Hall and Kitchen, Kingsbridge
Originator:Ministry of Works
Summary:Vis=-/-/1932 (ancient monuments) the building consists of 2 courts, an outer and an inner. On the north side of the outer court is the 15th century gatehouse. The east and west sides are modern curtain walls. The south side is a 15th century building now used as a farmhouse. The inner court has the farmhouse on its north side, and on the west and half the south side is a hall and kitchen of early 16th century. The hall is on the ground floor, and over the dais end is a chamber with fireplace and garderobe. Half the body of the hall was covered by a gallery giving access to this room. Access to this internal gallery was by a surviving external gallery and stair. The kitchen is on the ground floor and the south end of the hall has two chambers each with a garderobe. Said to have been a cell or grange at buckfast abbey (ancient monuments).

Associated Monuments (3)

MDV55291Farmhouse at Leigh Barton, Churchstow (Building)
MDV7068Gatehouse and Wall at Leigh Barton, Churchstow (Building)
MDV7067Leigh Barton Farmstead (Monument)