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Title:Archaeological Evaluation of Lloyds Bank Premises, South Street, Totnes
Originator:Stead, P. M. + Matthews, A. J.
Summary:Evaluation in advance of development in 1993 revealed a section of the medieval town wall running east-west across the width of the tenement. In trench 4 it appeared as a clay bonded wall (521). Incorporated into it, and projecting south from it, was a large flat sloping stone, possibly the base of a garderobe chute. The possible chute was overlain by 0.20m of clay loam containing mortar, slate and oystershell fragments and representing perhaps a garden soil. Any basal layers of the rampart which is assumed to have stood behind the wall have been removed by later development.

Associated Monuments (6)

MDV53883Rubbish pit to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV53884Stone lined drain to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV53882Totnes Town Wall to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV53885Wall to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV53887Wall to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV53886Wall to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)