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Title:Archaeological Evaluation and Recording at the Old Store, South Street, Totnes, 1993 and 1996: Summary of the Results
Originator:Exeter Archaeology
Summary:Recording carried out as condition of planning consent in June 1996. A 4m length of the foundation of the town wall, at least 1.2m wide, was recorded. Front edge of footings not exposed. Back edge lies approx 1.5m to rear of modern South Street frontage.

Associated Monuments (6)

MDV53884Stone lined drain to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV62386The Old Store, South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV53882Totnes Town Wall to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV53887Wall to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV53885Wall to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV53886Wall to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)