MDV25222 | Bank to the south of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV17588 | Cann Quarry, Cann Wood, Plymouth (Monument) |
MDV12696 | Cropmark enclosures south of Hemerdon (Monument) |
MDV25640 | Crosbeame/Corewsbeame mine, Bickleigh (Monument) |
MDV25645 | Cryme's Leat, Roborough Down (Monument) |
MDV12663 | Field boundary on the southern edge of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV12664 | Field Boundary or Prospecting Pits west of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25267 | FIELD SYSTEM in the Parish of Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV15036 | Great Western Reave (southern section), Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV25913 | Leat on Knowle Moor (Monument) |
MDV28253 | Leat on the southern part of Roborough Down (Monument) |
MDV76139 | Medieval Field System on south side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25254 | Medieval Leat on the south of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25246 | Medieval Leat on the south side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25253 | Medieval Leat on the south side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25257 | Medieval Leat on the south side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV14140 | Old Bottle Hill Leat on Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV28257 | Openwork on Knowle Down (Monument) |
MDV28266 | Possible leat north of Callisham Down (Monument) |
MDV12690 | Post Medieval Prospecting Pits on south-west side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV2307 | Prehistoric Hut Circle Settlement on Wigford Down, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV28258 | Quarry on Knowle Down (Monument) |
MDV12662 | Relict field system on the southern edge of south of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV22775 | Small enclosure with huts Legistor Warren, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV25242 | Southern Crownhill Down Medieval Tin Streamwork (Monument) |
MDV28254 | Trial pits on Roborough Down, Buckland Monochorum (Monument) |