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Title:Gawton Mine and Arsenic Works. The Field Survey. 1988
Originator:Dixon, T. + Matthews, A. + Pye A. R. + Slater, W. D.
Summary:One of a range of four buildings oriented south west-north east and located east of the lime kilns (PRN 5491). Appears on 1867 map. A portion of it may be represented by a smaller structure shown on late 18th century and 1842 maps. Labelled 'stable' on 1875 map, but present structure includes fireplaces. Only the north wall and a fragment of the south wall survive, with two wall stubs at westend abutting the latest kiln (PRN 43343). Two rooflines visible in east face of kiln, one of which corresponds in height with north wall of this building. Walls are of shillet with some brick inclusions. North wall contained two large fireplaces, one of which possibly possessed a small oven. They would appear too large for domestic use. See PRN 43336 for the remaining three buildings of this range.

Associated Monuments (38)

MDV43329Arsenic Chimney, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV43328Arsenic Flue, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV43327Arsenic Flue, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV43326Arsenic Refinery, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77746Boiler House Chimney, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77747Boiler House, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV43325Brunton Calciners, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77786Building by Arsenic Flue, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77738Count House, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77748Crusher Engine House, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77750Crusher House, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77838Culvert, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV3862Devon Great Consolidated Mine, Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV43340Engine house and shaft complex at Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV43330Engine House Complex, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV43331Gawton Mine, Bayly's Shaft (Monument)
MDV5490Gawton Mine, West Devon (Monument)
MDV19379Gawton Quay (Monument)
MDV77749Grinder House, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77812Incline Tramway Tunnel, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV69516Incline Tramway, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV43337INDUSTRIAL BUILDING in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV43335INDUSTRIAL BUILDING in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV77751Jigger House, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV5491Lime Kilns at Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77816Mine Building, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV43333Oxland Calciner, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77784Possible Waterfall Building, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77837Possible Wheel Pit, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77737Reservoir, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV43336Small building at east end of Limekilns at Gawton Mine (Building)
MDV43339Smithy, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV43334Stores, Gawton Quay (Monument)
MDV43338Tavistock Hamlets, Gawton Mine, Mine Captain's House (Monument)
MDV43324The Cooperage, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77753Two Buddles West of Engine House, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV3865Wheal Anna Maria, 19th Century Arsenic Works (Monument)
MDV43332Wheel Pit at Bayly's Shaft, Gawton Mine (Monument)