Summary: | Babcombe manor. House, formerly manor house divided into two tenancies. Circa mid c16, remodelled in the circa mid c17. Stone rubble with some remnants of old render; slate roof (slates renewed to front of ridge, scantle slates to rear) with some early crested ridge tiles, gabled at ends; front lateral stack with tall stone shaft, gable end stacks, the right end stack slightly projecting. Three room cross passage plan. Two storeys. Asymmetrical 2:1:1 window front with an approximately central, gabled two storey porch with a chamfered granite outer doorway with stops. Remarkable survival of circa mid c17 interior features. The hall window is splendidly embellished with moulded plaster standing proud of the mullions with geometric and floral motifs and a richly decorated bracket in the centre. The partition between the hall and inner room is a variation on the plank and muntin screen with chamfered stopped muntins and two ledges, forming large robust panels. A plaster frieze above the screen has floral and scroll ornament. Roof structural features. A fine house, relatively unaltered in the c19 and c20 preserving an important c17 hall with some outstanding features. See doe list for full details (doe, 1987). Vis=27/5/1953 (os). Old stone house with granite chimneys and granite arch in entrance porch, one tudor-type four-light window, and lintel and jambs of another, both of stone. Interior panelling now painted (os). Vis=6/7/1979 (mitchell) remains of mansion. Said to date in part from c12. Certainly some tudor fabric. Named in c13 charters from torre abbey.(dcra survey). |