MDV113017 | Circular Ditched Enclosure Near Pond Farm (Monument) |
MDV1303 | Cropmark Enclosure to North of Yarde Farm, Silverton (Monument) |
MDV10046 | Cropmarks of Probable Geological Origin (Monument) |
MDV112949 | Curvilinear Ditch or Routeway on Pearce's Hill (Monument) |
MDV10025 | Curvilinear Ditched Enclosure on Pearce's Hill (Monument) |
MDV1433 | Double ditched enclosure to south-east of The Manor House, Bradninch (Monument) |
MDV10043 | Enclosures and Field System Near Pond Farm, Exminster (Monument) |
MDV108691 | Field Boundaries West of Sunnyside Cottages, Silverton (Monument) |
MDV113018 | Field System Near Pond Farm, Exminster (Monument) |
MDV57143 | Mortuary Enclosure near Nether Exe Barton (Monument) |
MDV112947 | Possible Curvilinear Enclosure South of Pearce's Hill (Monument) |
MDV112948 | Rectilinear Ditched Enclosure on Pearce's Hill (Monument) |
MDV113016 | Rectilinear Enclosure Near Pond Farm (Monument) |
MDV108817 | Rectilinear Enclosure North of Flock Mill Weir (Monument) |
MDV113014 | Rectilinear Enclosure with Internal Features Near Pond Farm (Monument) |
MDV1300 | Ring Ditch north of Flock Mill Weir (Monument) |
MDV1301 | Ring Ditch North of Heazille Farmhouse (Monument) |
MDV1285 | Ring Ditch to West of Sunnyside Cottages, Silverton (Monument) |
MDV108686 | Ring Ditch to West of Sunnyside Cottages, Silverton (Monument) |
MDV108687 | Ring Ditch to West of Sunnyside Cottages, Silverton (Monument) |
MDV108688 | Ring Ditch to West of Sunnyside Cottages, Silverton (Monument) |
MDV108689 | Ring Ditch to West of Sunnyside Cottages, Silverton (Monument) |
MDV39979 | Ring Ditch West of Heazille Cottages (Monument) |
MDV113011 | Sub-Rectangular Enclosure Near Pond Farm (Monument) |
MDV39980 | Triple Ditched Enclosure North of Heazille Farmhouse (Monument) |
MDV17721 | Two Possible Rectilinear Ditched Enclosures South of Pearce's Hill (Monument) |