MDV72989 | Balle Chest Tomb at St Thomas's Parish Church (Building) |
MDV72979 | Brinshill Cottage south-east of Mamhead House (Building) |
MDV31985 | Dawlish Lodge (Building) |
MDV72987 | Ellis Chest Tomb at St Thomas's Parish Church (Building) |
MDV72908 | Fountain at Mamhead House (Building) |
MDV72981 | Garden wall to the southeast of Mamhead House (Building) |
MDV72973 | Home Farm Cottages (Building) |
MDV55568 | Home Farm east of Mamhead Park (Building) |
MDV68381 | Home Farm House (Building) |
MDV16986 | Icehouse in Mamhead Park (Building) |
MDV72976 | Kitchen Garden Wall at Mamhead House (Building) |
MDV10055 | Mamhead House (Building) |
MDV72985 | Newman Chest Tomb at St Thomas's Parish Church (Building) |
MDV10060 | Obelisk in Mamhead Park (Building) |
MDV31987 | Orangery at Mamhead House (Building) |
MDV72980 | Palm House in Mamhead Park (Building) |
MDV75650 | Railings northwest of St Thomas's Church (Building) |
MDV72911 | Seat in the Garden to the South of Mamhead House (Building) |
MDV10052 | St Thomas's Parish Church, Mamhead (Building) |
MDV31988 | Stable Block at Mamhead House (Building) |
MDV72988 | Stocker Tomb at St Thomas's Parish Church (Building) |
MDV72909 | Sundial at Mamhead House (Building) |
MDV72910 | Terrace Steps & Urns to the South of Mamhead House (Building) |
MDV72907 | Terrace Wall to the East & South of Mamhead House (Building) |
MDV72986 | Two Chest Tombs at St Thomas's Parish Church (Building) |