MDV26725 | Bank and Field System on Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV29025 | Bank on Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25223 | Bank on the south of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25222 | Bank to the south of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25247 | Bomb Crater on Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25248 | Bomb Crater on Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV12696 | Cropmark enclosures south of Hemerdon (Monument) |
MDV28078 | Eastern of two mounds on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument) |
MDV25221 | Field Boundaries on south-west Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV12663 | Field boundary on the southern edge of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV12664 | Field Boundary or Prospecting Pits west of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV1802 | 'Hawkesborough' barrow on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument) |
MDV12695 | Hemerdon and Broomage China Clay Works (Monument) |
MDV76178 | Hut Platform on Ridding Down (Monument) |
MDV12661 | Medieval Field Boundaries on Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV76139 | Medieval Field System on south side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV47995 | Medieval Leat on Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25254 | Medieval Leat on the south of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25246 | Medieval Leat on the south side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25257 | Medieval Leat on the south side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25253 | Medieval Leat on the south side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25256 | Medieval Leat on the west side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25255 | Medieval Leat on the west side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV26721 | Medieval Leat on west side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV14140 | Old Bottle Hill Leat on Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV12692 | Pospecting Pits on west side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV12660 | Possible Barrow on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument) |
MDV49700 | Post Medieval Field System on south-west side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV12690 | Post Medieval Prospecting Pits on south-west side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV14614 | Prehistoric Barrow on the Western Slope of Crownhill Down, Shaugh Prior (Monument) |
MDV12654 | Prehistoric Cairn in the Barrow Cemetery on the Western Slope of Crownhill Down, Shaugh Prior (Monument) |
MDV12656 | Prehistoric Cairn in the Barrow Cemetery on the Western Slope of Crownhill Down, Shaugh Prior (Monument) |
MDV12658 | Prehistoric Cairn on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument) |
MDV26716 | Prehistoric Cairns on the south side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV26720 | Prehistoric Hut Circles on west side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV25249 | Prospecting Pits on south side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV12662 | Relict field system on the southern edge of south of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV12678 | Reservoir at Hemerdon and Broomage China Clay Works (Monument) |
MDV25258 | Shafts at Wheal Sidney Tin Mine (Monument) |
MDV25242 | Southern Crownhill Down Medieval Tin Streamwork (Monument) |
MDV29026 | Trackway on Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV12698 | Two Prehistoric Barrows on south side of Crownhill Down (Monument) |
MDV132248 | Western of two mounds on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument) |
MDV43422 | Wheal Florence Drain on Ridding Down (Monument) |
MDV1798 | Wheal Florence Tin Mine on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument) |