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OASIS ID:contexto1-17737
Title:Part of former Heliport site, Townstal Road, Dartmouth: an archaeological desk-based assessment
Originator:McConnell, R.
Summary:This desk-based assessment was commissioned in order to provide information on the archaeological potential of land occupying part of the former Heliport site at Townstal Road, Dartmouth, Devon (centred on NGR 286210 050940). The research has been commissioned by Lidl UK Limited. The assessment was advised by Graham Tait, Development Control Archaeologist at Devon County Council in order to inform a planning proposal to re-develop the site for a new supermarket. Currently there is no evidence to indicate that the site was used for any purpose other than farming. Although this is largely conjectural, a pattern of agricultural use has certainly been confirmed from the first half of the 19th century up until the 1940s through map regression analysis. The construction of the military hangar and associated huts during WWII could mark the only significant activity on the site. Although the complex was recently demolished, one of the huts still survives along with the floor slab from the hangar and various concrete surfaces. Should any archaeological remains/deposits exist beneath the complex, it is likely that these would have been truncated or destroyed during development operations.
DOI (permanent link):https://doi.org/10.5284/1011555

Associated Monuments (11)

MDV59068Enclosure to the north of Venn (Monument)
MDV36970Enclosure to the northwest of Broomhill (Monument)
MDV55690Former Military Aircraft Hangar, Townstal, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV73291Long Cross Field, Milton Farm (Monument)
MDV45723Milestone on the A3122 to the west of Dartmouth (Building)
MDV44852Quarry to the east of North Hill Wood (Monument)
MDV15638St Clement's Church, Townstal, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV15811Townstal Manor, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV8504Woodbury Camp. Stoke Fleming (Monument)
MDV71725World War II Battery south of Townstal Road, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV71835World War II Battery, Seymour Drive (Monument)