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Originator:Ordnance Survey

Associated Monuments (215)

MDV236461 and 2 Broadstone House, Broadstone, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV747291 and 2 Ford, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV237431 and 2 Mariners Homes, 85 -89 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV237341 and 2 Sunderland Terrace, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236311 Anzac Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236351 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236691 Duke Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV747281 Ferry Slip, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236801 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2362810 Above Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2367110 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2369010 Higher Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2390110 New Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV2367211 and 12 Fairfax Place and 1 Hornhill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2364211 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2368111 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2372611 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23907110 and 112 New Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV7469112 and 14 Above Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2364312 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2369112 Higher Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2371112 The Quay, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2368213 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7474713 The Quay, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2366413-20 Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2368315 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2368915 Higher Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV381611-5 Woodland Court (Building)
MDV2367316 and 17 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2365316 Clarence Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2368417 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2368417 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2368417 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2368417 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7475417 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2390818 Potacre Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV2368519 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236302 Anzac Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236362 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2373120 and 21 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2368620 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2369221 and 22 Lower Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7470821 Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7470821 Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7470821 Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7470821 Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV3684421 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV2370221 Newcomen Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV3684522 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7490322 Newcomen Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7473423 and 24 Lower Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7471123 Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV3684623 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7475623 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV3684724 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV2373324 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7473525 and 25a Lower Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7475725 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2362926 and 28 Above Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7470327 Clarence Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2367927 Ford, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV3684829 and 30 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7470429 Clarence Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236773 and 5 Ferry Slip, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV747133 Duke Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV747323 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV747333 Horn Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV237143 Ridge Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2365730 and 32 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7470730 Brown's Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7470531 Clarence Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2370332 Newcomen Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV3684933 and 33a High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7470633 Clarence Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2365834 Clarence Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7474335 and 36 Newcomen Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7475837 and 39 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7474437 Newcomen Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV237244 and 5 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV747314 Ford, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236984 Market Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV283974 The Quay, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2366041 and 43 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7475941 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV3685043 to 47 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV8573343 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2390248 and 48a New Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV236325 Anzac Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV85425 Higher Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236995 Market Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV237155 Ridge Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2390350 New Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV238626 and 8 Castle Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV237006 Market Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV747486 South Town including Water Conduit, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV3685165 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV3685266 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV3685367 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV381606-8 Woodland Court (Building)
MDV3685569 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV237167 and 7a Ridge Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236337 and 9 Anzac Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236887 and 9 Higher Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236527 Church Close, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV747387 Market Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV747497 South Town, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV3685671 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV2390472 New Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV2389977 and 77a New Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV236418 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2390580 New Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV2390682 New Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV236709 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV746809 St Andrew Street, Tiverton (Building)
MDV237179, 11, 13 and 13a Ridge Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2374491 and 93 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236449-10 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV381599-10 Woodland Court (Building)
MDV2374599 and 99a Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV74776Alma Cottage, 21 Brown's Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV74814Bandstand, Royal Avenue Gardens, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV36854Bank House, 68 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV18831Baptist Chapel, New Street (Building)
MDV75036Beacon Parks Barn (Monument)
MDV74730Blackberry Cottage, 3 Ford, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV74257Boundary Stone at the Twisted Oak, Ide (Monument)
MDV23662Charity House, 2 Collaford Lane, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV42286Churchyard, St Saviour's Parish Church, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23659Colbourne House, 40 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23663Collaford House, 3 Collaford Lane, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23739Conservative Club, 8 and 8a Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV74710Dartbank, 22 Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV53842Dartmouth Higher Ferry (Monument)
MDV23727Dartmouth Station, South Embankment, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV1140East Pilliven Farmhouse or Lofters, Witheridge (Building)
MDV49103Eastern Limekiln, Castle Road, Warfleet (Building)
MDV23626Flavel Memorial Chapel, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV42988Former Chapel and Guildhall (Monument)
MDV74682Former Star Inn, 10 St Andrew Street, Tiverton (Building)
MDV21145Garden Mill, Kingsbridge (Monument)
MDV23869Globe Hotel, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV23648Grant's Cottage, 6 Brown's Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV28399Hawley's Hall, Foss Street, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV74693Henley Collection Museum, 3 Anzac Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV74295Hollow Way from Gains to Crimp (Monument)
MDV23735Hope Cottage, Sunderland Terrace, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV55605Hospital at Britannia Royal Naval College (Building)
MDV23828Hunter's Inn, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV49100Inhumation Burials at Paradise Point (Monument)
MDV75035Jawbone Barn west of Jawbone Hill (Monument)
MDV3011Ladydown Farmstead (Monument)
MDV3013Langford Barton Barn (Monument)
MDV23737Longbow Barns, College Way, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23728Manor House, 14 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7303Medieval Cross at Black Hall (Monument)
MDV23693Medieval Gateway, Lower Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV42287Medieval Priest's Chambers (Monument)
MDV38152Medieval Settlement at Black Hall (Monument)
MDV33983Milepost 600 metres south west of Fairy Cross, Alwington (Monument)
MDV33972Milestone south west of Knotty Corner (Monument)
MDV23638Morocco House, 5 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV62703Mouth Mill, Clovelly (Building)
MDV74579Mullions to north-east of West Pitton Farmhouse, Yealmpton, Yealmpton (Building)
MDV69846New Bridge Quay, Dodbrooke (Monument)
MDV23719Newcomen Cottage, 4 Ridge Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV74577North Barn at West Pitten Farmstead, Yealmpton (Building)
MDV2981Northern Farmstead at Broadaford (Monument)
MDV48996Old quarry south of Hatshill, Bickleigh (Monument)
MDV444Palmer House, New Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV23697Pannier Market, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV66949Paradise Point and Oriel House, Warfleet (Building)
MDV31780Peel Tower, Braunton (Building)
MDV42346Pinhay Warren at Ware Cliffs (Monument)
MDV43361Pontoon Landing Stage, Dartmouth Station (Monument)
MDV13841Porch House, 83 New Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV62967Post Medieval Tenements, Mayor's Avenue (Monument)
MDV74875Post southwest of Coastguard Station (Find Spot)
MDV74874Posts northwest of Compass Cove (Find Spot)
MDV14093Prehistoric Axe from Glebelands, Tiverton (Find Spot)
MDV74712Primrose House, 24 Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV33982Quarry near Burnstone, Clovelly (Monument)
MDV33976Quarry to south-east of Lower Burscott Farm, Clovelly (Monument)
MDV44233Rock Cottage, Weeke Hill, Warfleet (Building)
MDV74576Roundhouse Barn at West Pitten Farmstead, Yealmpton (Building)
MDV8546Royal Castle Hotel, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23651Seven Stars Inn, Church Close, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23712Ship in Dock Inn, 1 and 1a Ridge Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV74578Shippon north of West Pitten Farmhouse, Yealmpton (Building)
MDV43362Shipyards north of Mayor's Avenue, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV23661Southernhay, 48 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23656Southfleet House, 24 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV46575Southwood Quarry (Monument)
MDV23730St Petrox Church Hall, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV8551St Saviour's Church, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV74434St. Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Chapel, Derriton, Pyworthy (Monument)
MDV67362Summerhouse at Pinhay Cliffs, Axmouth (Monument)
MDV74775Summerland, 17 Brown's Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23655The Captains House, 18 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV8547The Cherub, 13 Higher Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9925The Cottage, 17 French Street, Teignmouth (Monument)
MDV28909The Den Lighthouse, Teignmouth (Building)
MDV74574The Linhay, West Pitten Farmstead, Yealmpton (Building)
MDV23738The Little Clock House and 2 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23713The Old Bakery, 2 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV31854The Old Chapel House, Marwood (Monument)
MDV74575The Old Stables at West Pitten Farmstead, Yealmpton (Building)
MDV8548The Shambles, 1 Higher Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23736Townstal Farm House, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV72628Vaughan Tapscott Gloving Factory, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV74595Venn Cottages south of Coyton (Monument)
MDV21146Washabrook Mill, Kingsbridge (Monument)
MDV23645Water Conduit House, Bayards Cove (Building)
MDV23720Water Conduit, College Way, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV74207Well at Pinhay Cliffs (Monument)
MDV44231Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Market Square, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV67361West Cliff Cottage, at Pinhay Cliff (Monument)
MDV23729Whiteknights, 16 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2874Woodland Manor (Building)
MDV46574Worston Mill (Monument)