MDV74354 | Barrow to north-east of Elburton, Brixton (Monument) |
MDV74356 | Bronze Age enclosure northeast of Elburton (Monument) |
MDV65578 | Church Park Fieldname south of Butlas Farm (Monument) |
MDV74407 | Ditch southeast of Butlas Farm (Monument) |
MDV74405 | Ditch southwest of Butlas Farm (Monument) |
MDV74406 | Ditches southeast of Butlas Farm (Monument) |
MDV16973 | East Sherford Farmstead (Monument) |
MDV17693 | Gore Cottage, Brixton (Monument) |
MDV65601 | Higher Sherford Farmstead (Monument) |
MDV74355 | Prehistoric Barrow northeast of Elburton, Brixton (Monument) |
MDV74357 | Roman Field System northeast of Higher Sherford (Monument) |