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Title:River Torridge Pipeline, Bideford, Devon: Rapid Archaeological Appraisal
Originator:Rushton, N.

Associated Monuments (114)

MDV368401 and 2 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV755691 Bull Hill, Bideford (Building)
MDV989251 Church Walk, including attached Gatepier to Churchyard (Building)
MDV755591, 2 and 2a Market Place, Bideford (Building)
MDV755301, 2 and 3 Hampton Terrace, Bideford (Building)
MDV4417710 and 11 Allhalland Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7551410 Buttgarden Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV3684210 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV1448711 and 12 Buttgarden Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7555811 Bridge Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV4417812 Allhalland Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7552312 Torrington Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7556512 Tower Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV2068413-15 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7551514 Buttgarden Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7556814 Lower Meddon Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7552915 and 16 Lower Meddon Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7551615 Buttgarden Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV4417915 to 17 Allhalland Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV4949915-16 Barnstaple Street, Bideford (Monument)
MDV7555616 and 17 Market Place, Bideford (Building)
MDV2223316 Bull Hill, Bideford (Monument)
MDV7551716 Buttgarden Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV4190117-18 Barnstaple Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV4418018 Allhalland Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7552418 and 19 Lower Meddon Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7555718 Market Place, Bideford (Building)
MDV7551819 Buttgarden Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV7555519 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV755342 and 3 Bridge Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV989282, 3 and 4 Church Walk, Bideford (Building)
MDV7551920 Buttgarden Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV4950322 and 23 Bull Hill, Bideford (Monument)
MDV7557024 Bull Hill, Bideford (Building)
MDV363482-4 The Quay, Bideford (Building)
MDV7557125, 26 and 27 Bull Hill, Bideford (Building)
MDV441723 Allhalland Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV755673 and 4 Tower Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV368413, High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV441734 and 5 Allhalland Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV989324 Bridge Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV755544 High Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV755264 Lower Meddon Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV206855 Church Walk, Bideford (Building)
MDV989475-9 Bridge Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV989296 and 7 Church Walk, Bideford (Building)
MDV441746, 6a and 7 Allhalland Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV755257 and 8 Lower Meddon Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV657567 and 8 New Road, Bideford (Building)
MDV755207 Buttgarden Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV3683974 and 74a High Street, Bideford (Monument)
MDV441758 Allhalland Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV755218 Buttgarden Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV755118 Church Walk, Bideford (Building)
MDV206868 The Quay, Bideford (Building)
MDV755638 Tower Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV441768a and 8b Allhalland Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV755279 Lower Meddon Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV755129 Tower Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV75522Bethel Free Church, Torrington Street, Bideford East the Water (Building)
MDV18918Bideford (Monument)
MDV18274Bideford Manor House (Monument)
MDV494Bideford Quay (Monument)
MDV75577Bollard on Corner of High Street and The Quay, Bideford (Building)
MDV495Bridge Buildings, Bideford (Building)
MDV43283Brunswick Wharf, East-the Water, Bideford (Monument)
MDV43294Building on Torrington Street (Monument)
MDV43282Buildings on Bideford Waterfront (Monument)
MDV75513Burscott House, 3 Buttgarden Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV75543Bust of John Richard Pine-Coffin, Bideford East the Water (Building)
MDV11750Chudleigh Fort, East-the-Water, Bideford (Building)
MDV483Church of St Mary, Bideford (Building)
MDV483Church of St Mary, Bideford (Building)
MDV483Church of St Mary, Bideford (Building)
MDV483Church of St Mary, Bideford (Building)
MDV35638Churchyard Wall at St Mary's Church (Building)
MDV35638Churchyard Wall at St Mary's Church (Building)
MDV35638Churchyard Wall at St Mary's Church (Building)
MDV35638Churchyard Wall at St Mary's Church (Building)
MDV59248East the Water Manor (Monument)
MDV43293Ford across the River Torridge (Monument)
MDV43295Former Warehouse on Torrington Street (Monument)
MDV43289Foundry at East The Water (Monument)
MDV43280Garden and Coach House, Bideford East the Water (Monument)
MDV43277Half Penny Wharf, Bideford East the Water (Monument)
MDV75573Kent Headstone, St Mary's Church, Bideford (Building)
MDV497Long Bridge or Bideford Bridge, Bideford (Monument)
MDV102381Methodist Burial Ground (Monument)
MDV73830Milestone, Bideford East-the-Water (Building)
MDV43285Mr Cook's Wharf, Bideford East The Water (Monument)
MDV36858National Westminster Bank, 86 High Street (Building)
MDV58453New Road, Bideford (Monument)
MDV496Plaster Ceiling of a house on Bridge Street (Monument)
MDV75528Posting House, 10 Lower Meddon Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV19233Pottery Field near Torrington Lane, Bideford (Monument)
MDV75539Public Library, Bideford (Building)
MDV75536Rose of Torridge, 6 The Quay, Bideford (Building)
MDV75533Royal Mail Public House, Bideford (Building)
MDV75575Sewer Ventilation Pipe, Barnstaple Street, Bideford East the Water (Building)
MDV75574Sewer Ventilation Pipe, Torrington Street, Bideford East the Water (Building)
MDV19234Ship-on-Launch Pottery, East the Water (Monument)
MDV43284Shipyard at Bideford East the Water (Monument)
MDV79146Springfield Terrace, Bideford East-the-Water (Building)
MDV14255St Mary's Chapel, Bideford Bridge (Monument)
MDV505Sundial on Bridge Buildings, Bideford (Monument)
MDV75541Tanton's Hotel, Bideford (Building)
MDV75564The Hindles, 11 Tower Street, Bideford (Building)
MDV75537The Kings Arms, The Quay, Bideford (Building)
MDV75561The New Inn Hotel, Market Place, Bideford (Building)
MDV500The Royal Hotel, Bideford (Building)
MDV43279The Swan Inn, Bideford (Building)
MDV75562The Torridge Inn, Bideford (Building)
MDV16847Tollhouse, Bideford Bridge (Monument)
MDV98885Torridge House (Building)
MDV43278Torrington Street, Bideford East-the-Water (Monument)
MDV75540Town Hall, Bideford (Building)
MDV55377Wharf at Bideford Bridge, East The Water (Monument)
MDV43290Wharves at Bideford East The Water (Monument)