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Title:The Archaeological Landscape of Crownhill Down and Ridding Down: Survey Report
Originator:Fletcher, M.

Associated Monuments (121)

MDV26725Bank and Field System on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV29025Bank on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV26724Bank on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV25223Bank on the south of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV25222Bank to the south of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV11801Barrow 'A' in the barrow cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV1781Barrow 'B' in the barrow cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV1782Barrow 'C' in the barrow cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV1780Barrow Cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV1783Barrow 'D' in the barrow cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV1784Barrow 'E' in the barrow cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV1785Barrow 'F' in the barrow cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV1786Barrow 'G' in the barrow cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV1787Barrow 'H' in the barrow cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV1788Barrow 'I' in the barrow cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV76030Barrow 'J' in the barrow cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV12699Barrow 'K' in the barrow cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV12787Barrow 'L' in the barrow cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV12939Barrow 'M' in the barrow cemetery on the ridge of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV25248Bomb Crater on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV76014Bomb Crater on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV25247Bomb Crater on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV76013Bomb Crater on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV76012Boundary Stone on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV47985Boundary Stone on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV48000Boundary Stone on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV76001Boundary Stone on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV47999Boundary Stone on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV76011Boundary Stone on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV75994Boundary Stone on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV54268Boundary Stone on Crownhill Down, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV54269Boundary Stone on Crownhill Down, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV76010Boundary Stone on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV69354Broomage Farmstead on Crownhill Down, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV12689Building within Streamwork on south side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12906Cross Shaft from Cholwich Town Farm (Monument)
MDV28078Eastern of two mounds on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV12783Enclosure boundary on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV43447Enclosure on Ridding Down (Monument)
MDV12940Engine House on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV126778Field boundaries on Ridding Down, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV126777Field boundaries on Ridding Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV25221Field Boundaries on south-west Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12663Field boundary on the southern edge of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12664Field Boundary or Prospecting Pits west of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12916Field System on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV2552Gatepost at Tolchmoor Gate, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV1802'Hawkesborough' barrow on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV12695Hemerdon and Broomage China Clay Works (Monument)
MDV12933Hemerdon and Broomage China Clay Works Buildings (Monument)
MDV76016Hut circle and enclosure west of Broomage Farmstead, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV76178Hut Platform on Ridding Down (Monument)
MDV126700Leat on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell and Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV12661Medieval Field Boundaries on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV126695Medieval field boundaries on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV126693Medieval field boundaries west of Broomage farmstead, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV12665Medieval Field Boundary on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV76139Medieval Field System on south side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12782Medieval Field System on west side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV47995Medieval Leat on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV25254Medieval Leat on the south of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV25253Medieval Leat on the south side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV25246Medieval Leat on the south side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV25257Medieval Leat on the south side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV25256Medieval Leat on the west side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV25255Medieval Leat on the west side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV26721Medieval Leat on west side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV2559Medieval Longhouse on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV12929Medieval Longhouse on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV2520Medieval Stone Cross north of Tinpark Farm (Building)
MDV62633Mill at Wheal Florence on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV14140Old Bottle Hill Leat on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12692Pospecting Pits on west side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12660Possible Barrow on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV72921Possible Barrow on the Western Slope of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV29981Post Medieval Field System on Ridding Down (Monument)
MDV49700Post Medieval Field System on south-west side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12690Post Medieval Prospecting Pits on south-west side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV72920Prehistoric Barrow Cemetery on the Western Slope of Crownhill Down, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV72923Prehistoric Barrow on the Western Slope of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV72922Prehistoric Barrow on the Western Slope of Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV12654Prehistoric Cairn in the Barrow Cemetery on the Western Slope of Crownhill Down, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV12656Prehistoric Cairn in the Barrow Cemetery on the Western Slope of Crownhill Down, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV12942Prehistoric Cairn on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12941Prehistoric Cairn on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV2554Prehistoric Cairn on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV12658Prehistoric Cairn on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV26716Prehistoric Cairns on the south side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12908Prehistoric Enclosure on Crownhill Down, Sparwell (Monument)
MDV2558Prehistoric Field System on Crownhill Down, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV12925Prehistoric Hut Circle east of Old Bottle Hill Leat, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV12788Prehistoric Hut Circle in Broomage Wood (Monument)
MDV12789Prehistoric Hut Circle in Broomage Wood (Monument)
MDV12907Prehistoric Hut Circle on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12927Prehistoric Hut Circle on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV12926Prehistoric Hut Circle on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV2398Prehistoric Hut Circle on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV47998Prehistoric Hut Circles on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV26720Prehistoric Hut Circles on west side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12920Prehistoric Hut Platform on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12918Prehistoric Hut Platform on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV28538Prehistoric Hut Platforms on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV15022Prehistoric Parallel Reave System on Ridding Down (Monument)
MDV12912Prehistoric Ring Cairn on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV15021Prehistoric Terminal Reave on Ridding Down (Monument)
MDV25249Prospecting Pits on south side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12662Relict field system on the southern edge of south of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12678Reservoir at Hemerdon and Broomage China Clay Works (Monument)
MDV2518Ring barrow on Ridding Down, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV12937Rocker Beam Pump at Hemerdon and Broomage China Clay Works (Monument)
MDV2560Round barrow on Ridding Down, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV25258Shafts at Wheal Sidney Tin Mine (Monument)
MDV25242Southern Crownhill Down Medieval Tin Streamwork (Monument)
MDV29026Trackway on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV12698Two Prehistoric Barrows on south side of Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV76017Well east of Broomage Farmstead (Monument)
MDV132248Western of two mounds on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV43422Wheal Florence Drain on Ridding Down (Monument)
MDV1798Wheal Florence Tin Mine on Crownhill Down, Sparkwell (Monument)
MDV12647Whim platform and shaft at Wheal Florence on Crownhill Down (Monument)
MDV75895Worked Stone beside Cross to north of Tinpark Farm (Monument)