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Title:Haytor Down, Ilsington, Devon (Revised)
Originator:Newman, P.
Date:1999, 2002
Summary:Survey of Haytor Down undertaken in 1998 with the first report produced in April 1999 with revisions in 2000 and 2002

Associated Monuments (166)

MDV116752Adit at Bagtor Mine, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116748Adit in Streamworks at Bagtor Mine, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116755Adit in the southern part of Bagtor Mine, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV14194Adit north-west of Streamworks on Haytor Down. Ilsington (Monument)
MDV132903Alleged hut circle, Saddle Tor (Monument)
MDV132902Alleged tinners' reservoir, Saddle Tor (Monument)
MDV132911Apple crusher south of Haytor Rocks (Monument)
MDV132914Apple crushers south of Emsworthy Rocks (Monument)
MDV51799Bagtor Manor Boundary Stone, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV51800Bagtor Manor Boundary Stone, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116756Bagtor Manor Boundary Stone, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116757Bagtor Manor Boundary Stone, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116758Bagtor Manor Boundary Stone, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116760Bagtor Manor Boundary Stone, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116759Bagtor Manor Boundary Stone, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV66283Bagtor Manor Boundary Stone, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116931Bagtor Manor Boundary Stone, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV8082Bagtor Mine, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV26542Blacksmith's Workshop at Holwell Quarry part of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Building)
MDV41405Boundary stone on Haytor Down (Monument)
MDV116829Boundary Stone on Haytor Down (Monument)
MDV116831Boundary Stone on Haytor Down (Monument)
MDV29216Boundary Stone on Haytor Down, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116823Boundary Stone on Haytor Down, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116825Boundary Stone on Haytor Down, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV117050Building 400 metres north of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Building)
MDV34282Building 50 metres south of the Parish Boundary, Ilsington (Building)
MDV56653Building and Enclosures south of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV34278Building at Bagtor Mine also known as Crownley Parks, Ilsington (Building)
MDV34277Building at Emsworthy Rocks west Quarry, Ilsington (Building)
MDV34279Building at Holwell Quarry part of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Building)
MDV34280Building at Holwell Quarry part of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Building)
MDV34284Building at Holwell Quarry part of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Building)
MDV117041Building at Holwell Quarry part of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Building)
MDV14195Building in opencast tin workings north of Haytor Vale, Ilsington (Building)
MDV117048Building north of Emsworthy Rocks Eastern Quarry, Ilsington (Building)
MDV116608Building north of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Building)
MDV34283Building south of Haytor Granite Tramway, Ilsington (Building)
MDV103592Cairn 620 metres west of Pinchaford Farm. Ilsington (Monument)
MDV103591Cairn 700 metres west of Pinchaford Farm (Monument)
MDV103590Cairn 780 metres west of Pinchaford Farm, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV103589Cairn 850 metres west of Pinchaford Farm, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV8106Cairn 884 metres west of Yarner Farm, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV8104Cairn on Haytor Down, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV61778Cairn or Chambered Tomb north-east of Saddle Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV40740Cairn south of Haytor Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV78669Cairns on Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV27870Cider Press Pound Stone on Haytor Down, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV26570Clusters of tin pits on the eastern slopes of Haytor Down, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116933Commemorative Stone near Emsworthy, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV132912Cornditch on Pinchaford Ball, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV132910Crownley Parks Mine leats, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116747Crownley Parks Mine, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV15724Deserted fields on Haytor Down (Monument)
MDV116610Drainage System associated with the Tin Streamworkings to the south of Smallacombe Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116820'Duke Stone' Boundary Stone, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV56660Emsworthy Rocks East Quarry (Harrow Barrow), Ilsington (Monument)
MDV16730Emsworthy Rocks west Quarry, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV8102Enclosed settlement east of Hole Rock, Manaton (Monument)
MDV8105Enclosure 910 metres west of Yarner Farm, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV115893Enclosure in settlement west of Pinchaford, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116203Enclosure north of the Prehistoric Settlement to the west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV103556Enclosure with hut circle 220 metres north of Saddle Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV8066Enclosure with hut north-east of Emsworthy Rocks (Monument)
MDV116370Enclosures north of settlement west of Emsworthy Rocks (Monument)
MDV26573Enclosures to south-east of Haytor Quarries (Monument)
MDV103588Field boundaries at Bagtor Mine, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV132908Field system south-east of Haytor Rocks (Monument)
MDV115889Field system with huts west of Pinchaford (Monument)
MDV116750Five Shaft Heads in the Streamworks at the Crownley Parks Sett at Bagtor Mine, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV8068Haytor Granite Tramway, Haytor to Stover Canal (Monument)
MDV8058Haytor Quarry, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116828Hole Stone Boundary Stone on Haytor Down (Monument)
MDV16733Holwell Quarry part of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV72895Hut Circle at Smallacombe Rocks Prehistoric Settlement, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV72896Hut Circle at Smallacombe Rocks Prehistoric Settlement, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV72897Hut Circle at Smallacombe Rocks Prehistoric Settlement, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV72898Hut Circle at Smallacombe Rocks Prehistoric Settlement, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV115876Hut circle by reave north of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV26538Hut circle by reave south-east of Haytor Main Quarry, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV26944Hut Circle in the Prehistoric Settlement west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV115777Hut Circle or Shelter at Smallacombe Rocks Prehistoric Settlement , Ilsington (Monument)
MDV8091Hut circle to east of Holwell Tor (Monument)
MDV8097Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement east of Saddle Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV8098Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement east of Saddle Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV115985Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement east of Saddle Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV115987Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement east of Saddle Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV7403Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement south-west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV7402Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement south-west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV7401Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement south-west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV7530Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV7531Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116217Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116220Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116221Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116223Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV115779Hut circles within enclosure east of Hole Rock, Manaton (Monument)
MDV115879Hut in settlement north of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV8089Hut in settlement north-east of Holwell Tor (Monument)
MDV8090Hut in settlement north-east of Holwell Tor (Monument)
MDV115891Hut in settlement west of Pinchaford, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV115892Hut in settlement west of Pinchaford, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV115871Hut within enclosure north-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV132898Incomplete granite trough (Monument)
MDV115890Isolated hut circle west of Pinchaford, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV132900Leat north-west of Holwell Tor (Monument)
MDV34281Longhouse south of Pinchaford, Ilsington (Building)
MDV43350Machinery at Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV14160Medieval Building north-east of the Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Building)
MDV8108Medieval building south-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Building)
MDV8109Medieval building south-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Building)
MDV7405Medieval Building west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Building)
MDV8110Medieval enclosure south-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116378Medieval Ridge and Furrow south of Prehistoric Settlement south-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV26574Military Feature south-east of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV41403Old Jack Boundary Stone on Haytor Down (Monument)
MDV41555Old William Boundary Stone on Haytor Down (Monument)
MDV8111'Owlacombe Burrow' Boundary Stone on the border of Bovey Tracey and Ilsington parishes (Monument)
MDV8111'Owlacombe Burrow' Boundary Stone on the border of Bovey Tracey and Ilsington parishes (Monument)
MDV8111'Owlacombe Burrow' Boundary Stone on the border of Bovey Tracey and Ilsington parishes (Monument)
MDV8111'Owlacombe Burrow' Boundary Stone on the border of Bovey Tracey and Ilsington parishes (Monument)
MDV26591Pillow Mound at Smallacombe Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV132909Possible hut in settlement west of Pinchaford, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV79704Possible ring cairn 970 metres west of Yarner Farm, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV26520Post Medieval tinworks on Pinchford Ball (Monument)
MDV8057Pound north-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV7400Pound south-west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV26623Prehistoric Parallel Reave System east of Smallacombe Rocks (Monument)
MDV26576Prehistoric Settlement south of Haytor Quarry (Monument)
MDV7399Prehistoric settlement to the west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV37308Prince Albert Boundary Stone on Haytor Down (Monument)
MDV41396Prince of Wales Boundary Stone on Haytor Down (Monument)
MDV26540Quarry north-west of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV16731Quarrymen's houses, Haytor Quarry (Building)
MDV105230Reave on Haytor Down (Monument)
MDV26518Rectangular building platform south-west of Emsworthy Rocks (Monument)
MDV63724Reservoir and Leat supplying the Tin Streamworks to the south (Monument)
MDV116379Ridge and Furrow south-east of Smallcombe Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV48849Ring cairn 800 metres west of Yarner Farm (Monument)
MDV16732Rubble Heap Quarry part of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV26614Saddle Tor and Haytor parallel reave system (Monument)
MDV26621Settlement and field system north-east of Holwell Tor (Monument)
MDV7529Settlement and field system north-west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV8055Settlement at Smallacombe Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV8096Settlement on Bagtor Down, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116749Shaft Head in the Streamworks at the Crownley Parks Sett at Bagtor Mine, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV132907Slit trenches on land east of the Manaton to Haytor road (Monument)
MDV132905Small granite quarry north-west of Emsworthy Rocks (Monument)
MDV66235Stamping Mill at Bagtor Mine also known as Crownley Parks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV8081Stone cutting pits and small granite quarries on Haytor Down. (Monument)
MDV8081Stone cutting pits and small granite quarries on Haytor Down. (Monument)
MDV8081Stone cutting pits and small granite quarries on Haytor Down. (Monument)
MDV8081Stone cutting pits and small granite quarries on Haytor Down. (Monument)
MDV63722Streamwork north of Haytor Vale, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV26815Streamworks on northern slopes of the Holwell (Monument)
MDV132906Sunken trackway on Haytor Down (Monument)
MDV116609Tin Streamworks on Haytor Down, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV26616Tin Streamworks west of Haytor Vale, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV26594Tin Working Open Cut on Haytor Down, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV26824Tin working trial pits east of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV34438Tinner's hut on south side of Pinchaford Ball, Ilsington (Building)
MDV63726Trackway to south of the Haytor Granite Tramway, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV103744Tramway at Bagtor Mine, ilsington (Monument)
MDV132899Unfinished granite millstone by the Hole Stone (Monument)
MDV41401Victoria Boundary Stone on Haytor Down (Monument)
MDV116384Wall to west and east of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV116751Wheelpit in the streamworks at Bagtor Mine, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV103743Winding House at Bagtor Mine also known as Crownley Parks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV78217World War II shell holes on Haytor Down, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV41398Writenol Boundary Stone on Haytor Down (Monument)