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OASIS ID:wessexar1-163111
Title:Mount Foundry, Tavistock, Devon: Evaluation
Originator:Wessex Archaeology
Summary:Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by the Cavanna Group to carry out an archaeological evaluation at the site of the former Mount Foundry, Parkwood Road, Devon. Four trial trenches were excavated, all of which produced structural remains of the former foundry (and other industrial) remains. Building remains could be positively correlated to historic foundry facilities mapped between 1842 and 1906.
DOI (permanent link):https://doi.org/10.5284/1048273

Associated Monuments (4)

MDV103807Combing Sheds, Woollen Factory on Parkwood Road (Building)
MDV4093Mount Foundry, Tavistock (Monument)
MDV78213Woollen Mill, Parkwood Road,Tavistock (Monument)
MDV103809Workshops, Mount Foundry (Building)