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Title:Plym Valley survey
Originator:Probert, S. A. J. + Fletcher, M. J.
Summary:Archaeological field survey undertaken between 2001 and 2002, when more than 300 monuments dating chiefly from the Bronze Age and Medieval periods were recorded. This report does not appear to have made it to us; may be with the National trust if they commissioned the work. Details are in Pastscape. GIS survey layers include digital version of the survey carried out by English Heritage at the time. Total area of the survey currently unknown.

Associated Monuments (535)

MDV15290Agglomerated enclosure with huts, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV5097Alleged beehive hut between Harters Tors and Calveslake Tor (Building)
MDV12786Alleged cairn on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV131423Alleged hut circle; non antiquity (Monument)
MDV52647Animal run or ditch, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV52648Animal run, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV56839Animal runs, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV52659Animal runs, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV2545Boundary bank at Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV131239Boundary stones, Drizzlecombe Brook (Monument)
MDV52586Building by enclosure, Trowlesworthy Warren (Building)
MDV5162Building east of the River Plym at Wheal Katherine Tin Mine (Building)
MDV15296Building in enclosure at Trowlesworthy Warren, Shaugh Prior (Building)
MDV14547Building in hut circle settlement east of Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Building)
MDV55306BUILDING in the Parish of Shaugh Prior (Building)
MDV24934Building to east of hut circle in Enclosure 'D' at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Building)
MDV130842Building to the north of the longhouse within Whittenknowles deserted Medieval settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV130841Building to the south of the longhouse within Whittenknowles deserted Medieval settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV130843Building to the south-east of the longhouse within Whittenknowles deserted Medieval settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV57429Building within the Langcombe Brook alluvial streamwork (Monument)
MDV3349Cairn '1' west of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55476Cairn '3' to the west of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55491Cairn '6' north-west of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV56849Cairn 740 metres south-east of Great Trowlesworthy Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV28570Cairn and Cist 370 metres east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV5085Cairn and cist 80 metres south-east of Calveslake Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV49509Cairn at end of stone row south-west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV14772Cairn at the east end of Drizzlecombe Stone Row '1', Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV4047Cairn at the east end of Drizzlecombe stone row '2', Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV14779Cairn at the north-east end of Drizzlecombe stone row '3', Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV42211Cairn circle west of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV56777Cairn east of the Willings Walls reave, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV5633Cairn north of Cholwichtown Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3342Cairn north of prehistoric settlement on Giant's Hill, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3491Cairn north of Shavercombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3374Cairn north-west of the Drizzlecombe stone rows, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127563Cairn or hut circle in unenclosed hut circle settlement above Spanish Lake, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127739Cairn or hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV3998Cairn or hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement. Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV56771Cairn south of enclosure on western slope of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV3350Cairn south of Mill Corner, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2517Cairn to west of Shell Top, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3348Cairn west of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2516Cairn west of Shell Top, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV5122Cairn with a cist between Deadmans Bottom and Langcombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3341Cairn with a cist north of Whittenknowles Rocks, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV5134Cairn with a cist south of Langcombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV5133Cairn with a cist south-east of Plym Steps, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3492Cairn with cist at Shavercombe north of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3490Cairn with cist at Shavercombe north of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV5125Cairn with cist east of Deadman's Bottom, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3479Cairn with cist on north side of Hentor newtake wall, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV4022Cairn with cist on the Willings Walls reave, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55317Cairn with cist south of Hentor newtake wall, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3503Cairn with cist south of Shavercombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3511Cairn with cist south of Shavercombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV12744Cairn within Hentor Warren south-west of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV132212Cairn/hut south-west of enclosure east of Drizzlecombe, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV132211Cairn/hut south-west of enclosure east of Drizzlecombe, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV130996Cheese press in settlement at Gutter Tor (Monument)
MDV5091Cist at Great Knat's Head, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV5086Cist between Deadmans Bottom and Langcombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV5120Cist north of Deadman's Bottom, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3363Cist north-east of Drizzlecombe stone rows, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV3340Cist south-west of 'Giant's Basin' in Drizzlecombe Valley, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV5119Cist with ring cairn north of Deadman's Bottom, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV32085Clearance cairn near stone row south-west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV127741Clearance cairn or hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV56209Clearance heap north of Whittenknowles settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV52653Corn ditch within Trowlesworthy Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV56770Curving line of stones south of enclosure on the western slope of Little Trolesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV28563Deserted medieval farmstead in prehistoric settlement north of Cholwichtown Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3431Deserted medieval settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Building)
MDV52643Ditch cutting through enclosure, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV32083Ditch near enclosure by Lee Moor China Clay Works Leat (Monument)
MDV52634Ditch south-east of enclosure, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV52645Ditch, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV52646Ditch, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV127308Ditches and banks at Legistor Warren, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV52613Drain around enclosure, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV52624Drains, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV131433Dressed stone, Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV3376Drizzlecombe Stone Row '1', Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV14776Drizzlecombe Stone Row '2', Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV14777Drizzlecombe Stone Row '3', Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV131083Dry leat channel, Whittenknowles Rocks (Monument)
MDV32061D-shaped platform in settlement, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV127415Earthwork at Drizzlecombe (Monument)
MDV2425Eastern enclosure and hut circles north of Tory Brook Head, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV113994Eastern hut near enclosure 680 metres north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3438Embanked stone circle, Willimgs Wall Reave, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2419Enclosed hut circle settlement on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3346Enclosed settlement 100 metres south-west of Shavercombe Tor (Monument)
MDV22773Enclosure 680m east-north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV56858Enclosure 760 metres west-south-west of Shell Top, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV62537Enclosure 'A' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV56857Enclosure and hut circles west of Shell Top, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3462Enclosure and huts north-west of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV52636Enclosure at Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV62539Enclosure 'B' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV56780Enclosure 'B' with huts north-west of Trowlesworthy Farm, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV62540Enclosure 'C' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV62541Enclosure 'D' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV62538Enclosure 'E' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV62542Enclosure 'F' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3353Enclosure north of Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126325Enclosure north-west of Trowlesworthy Warren House, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV57439Enclosure on east side of Langcombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3487Enclosure on the south-west side of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV52660Enclosure or Pound south-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV29982Enclosure south of the reave west of Shell Top, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV28534Enclosure south-west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV2435Enclosure with hut circles on Cholwich Town contour reave, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV3471Enclosure with hut north-west of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2475Enclosure with hut south-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV2544Enclosure with hut west of Trowlesworthy Farm, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV52585Enclosure with hut, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV15289Enclosure with huts 250m north-west of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV15291Enclosure with huts and later animal pens, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV2532Enclosure with huts in Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV3361Enclosure with huts metres south of 'Giants' Basin', Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV2507Enclosure with huts near Trowlesworthy Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127064Enclosure with huts north of Trowlesworthy Farm, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV15287Enclosure with huts north of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV2466Enclosure with huts north-west of Trowlesworthy Warren House, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2530Enclosure with huts, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV28531Enclosure with one hut circle east of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV28535Enclosure with one hut circle on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV4023Enclosure within settlement to the east of Eastern Tor, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV52635Enclosure within Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV56760Enclosure within Trowlesworthy Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2534Enclosure within Trowlesworthy Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV20052Enclosures on east side of settlement on Giant's Hill, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV15294Enclosures within Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV29994Farmstead to east of Spanish Lake and Little Trowlesworthy Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV56881Feature adjacent to boundary bank north-west of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV56854Feature on Giant's Hill, 500m south west of Plym Steps (Monument)
MDV125672Feature within enclosure in Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV79308Field Bank to East of Whitehill Yeo China Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV25259Field system around Hentor Farm (Monument)
MDV24936Field system in Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV56776FIELD SYSTEM in the Parish of Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV131085Field system north of Ditsworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV57425Fragmentary enclosure to the north of Deadman's Bottom, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3481Fragmentary enclosure with huts north-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV131252Fragmentary enclosures south of Shavercombe Tor. (Monument)
MDV32080Fragmentary field system near the Lee Moor China Clay Works Leat (Monument)
MDV131082Fragments of bank south-west of Eylesbarrow Mine (Monument)
MDV103549Fragments of field system at Plym Steps, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3372Giant's Basin cairn south of the Drizzlecombe stone rows, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV3352Giant's Hill Prehistoric Settlement, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV5083Grim's Grave cairn circle north of Langcombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV15292Group of enclosures in Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV55496Group of pillow mounds, Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV55406Group of pillow mounds, Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV56848Group of pillow mounds, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV48955Group of three huts south of Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55311Gully east of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV55473Gully east of Shavercombe Tor (Monument)
MDV52651Gully or animal run, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV3430Hentor Warren Farm (Monument)
MDV13510Hentor Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV63334Hut - probable duplicate (SW of the western enclosure) (Monument)
MDV3486Hut at southern end of enclosure west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126597Hut at southern end of enclosure west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV49042Hut between enclosures within Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV49043Hut between enclosures within Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV130994Hut circle 200 metres north of Eastern Tor (Monument)
MDV103546Hut circle 270 metres north-east of Lee Moor Clay works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV113995Hut circle and enclosure 500 metres south-south-east of Legis Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2426Hut circle attached to enclosure at Tory Brookhead, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3463Hut circle attached to enclosure north-east of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3464Hut circle attached to enclosure north-west of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3465Hut circle attached to enclosure north-west of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2547Hut circle between enclosures on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2548Hut circle between enclosures on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2549Hut circle between enclosures on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2550Hut circle between enclosures on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV43435Hut circle between the enclosures at the Trowlesworthy Tors settlement, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53390Hut circle between the two enclosures at Tory Brookhead to the north of Cholwichtown Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV56856Hut circle between two enclosures west of Shell Top, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55484Hut circle east of enclosure north-west of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126627Hut circle in eastern enclosures at settlement on Giant's Hill, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53360Hut circle in enclosed settlement on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55483Hut circle in enclosure north-west of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55489Hut circle in enclosure south-west of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55490Hut circle in enclosure south-west of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55486Hut circle in enclosure south-west of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3457Hut circle in enclosures east of Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV48954Hut circle in settlement 340 metres south-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV48951Hut circle in settlement 340 metres south-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV48950Hut circle in settlement 340 metres south-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV5118Hut circle in settlement north of Deadmans Bottom, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV130868Hut circle in settlement north of Deadmans Bottom, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3468Hut circle in settlement north-west of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3469Hut circle in settlement north-west of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3470Hut circle in settlement north-west of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3466Hut circle in settlement north-west of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3467Hut circle in settlement north-west of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV43595Hut circle in settlement on Giant's Hill, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127557Hut circle in unenclosed settlement above Spanish Lake, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127558Hut circle in unenclosed settlement above Spanish Lake, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127559Hut circle in unenclosed settlement above Spanish Lake, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127560Hut circle in unenclosed settlement above Spanish Lake, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127561Hut circle in unenclosed settlement above Spanish Lake, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127562Hut circle in unenclosed settlement above Spanish Lake, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127564Hut circle in unenclosed settlement above Spanish Lake, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55391Hut circle in western enclosures at settlement on Giant's Hill, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126622Hut circle in western enclosures at settlement on Giant's Hill, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55390Hut circle in western enclosures on Giant's Hill, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127716Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks enclosure, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127717Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks enclosure, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127718Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks enclosure, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127719Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks enclosure, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV3999Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV4000Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127713Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127714Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127715Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV3997Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV4008Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127721Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127722Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127723Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127724Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127725Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127726Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV4004Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV4002Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127727Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127728Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV4007Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV4006Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127730Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127731Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127736Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV127744Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV130851Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV130850Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks Settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV4003Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement. Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV4001Hut circle in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement. Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV48949Hut circle north of enclosure south-west of of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV48945Hut circle north of Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127720Hut circle north of settlement at Whittenknowles Rocks, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV55478Hut circle north of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55402Hut circle on boundary of enclosure east of Hentor Brook, Phaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV57436Hut circle on east bank of Langcombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55470Hut Circle on south side of enclosure south of Shavercombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV57432Hut circle on the east bank of Langcombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2413Hut circle on the Willings Wall Reave, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53377Hut circle on west side of eastern enclosure at Tory Brookhead north of Cholwichtown Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53376Hut circle on west side of eastern enclosure at Tory Brookhead north of Cholwichtown Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2412Hut circle on west side of the Willings Wall Reave, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55394Hut circle or cairn in settlement on Giant's Hill, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV48946Hut circle or cairn south of the Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55399Hut circle or clearance cairn in enclosure north-west of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55398Hut circle or military structure in settlement north-west of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV28568Hut circle or ring cairn south-west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55389Hut circle or structure attached to wall of western enclosures at settlement on Giant's Hill, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53384Hut circle or structure in enclosure north of Cholwichtown Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53385Hut circle or structure in enclosure north of Tory Brook Head, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV130683Hut circle settlement south of Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53389Hut circle south of eastern enclosure at Tory Brookhead north of Cholwichtown Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2432Hut circle south of enclosure at Tory Brookhead north of Cholwichtown Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2427Hut circle south of western enclosure at Tory Brookhead, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3347Hut circle south-west of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV5131Hut circle to east of Langcombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53392Hut circle to the south-west of enclosure at Tory Brookhead, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55477Hut circle west of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126877Hut circle within enclosure 'A' at settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126879Hut circle within enclosure 'C' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126876Hut circle within Enclosure 'D' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126871Hut circle within Enclosure 'E' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3455Hut circle within enclosure east of Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3456Hut circle within enclosure east of Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126875Hut circle within Enclosure 'F' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV131154Hut circle within enclosure on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV131172Hut circle within settlement north Cholwich Town Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV131173Hut circle within settlement north Cholwich Town Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV12938Hut circles north-east of Cholwichtown Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55392Hut circles or platform attached to enclosure wall at settlement on Giant's Hill, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53356Hut in enclosed settlement on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53357Hut in enclosed settlement on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53358Hut in enclosed settlement on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53359Hut in enclosed settlement on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53361Hut in enclosed settlement on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2535Hut in enclosure adjacent to Lee Moor China Clay Leat (Monument)
MDV53355Hut in enclosure on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV125390Hut in enclosure on the west-facing slope of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV3484Hut in enclosure south of Hentor Farm, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55416Hut in enclosure south-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3459Hut in enclosures east of Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3488Hut in field south-east of Hentor Farm, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127738Hut in settlement at Whittenknowles Rocks, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV55448Hut in settlement north-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55450Hut in settlement north-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126600Hut in settlement north-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV125394Hut in settlement on west-facing slope of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV55453Hut in settlement west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55452Hut in settlement west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55451Hut in settlement west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55454Hut in southern part of enclosure west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126596Hut in southern part of enclosure west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55414Hut in wall of enclosure south-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55415Hut in wall of enclosure south-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127737Hut in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV49044Hut north of settlement in Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV48947Hut north of the Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV125523Hut north-east of enclosure, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV49045Hut north-west of settlement, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV49047Hut north-west of settlement, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV49048Hut north-west of settlement, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV55420Hut on north-east enclosure wall south-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV5116Hut settlement between the River Plym and Langcombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV32110Hut south of enclosure in Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV32072Hut south of enclosure in Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV2512Hut south of enclosure on western slope of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV5130Hut to south of enclosure east of Langcombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3460Hut with annexe in enclosures east of Hentor Brook, Shauigh Prior (Monument)
MDV32058Hut with annexe near enclosures within Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV127765Hut with enclosure north-west of Hentor Meadow, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126878Hut within enclosure A in settlement at Willings Walls Warren (Monument)
MDV126881Hut within enclosure 'A' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126883Hut within enclosure 'A' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53375Hut within enclosure at Tory Brookhead to the north of Cholwichtown Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126870Hut within Enclosure 'E' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126873Hut within Enclosure 'F' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126874Hut within Enclosure 'F' in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55417Hut within enclosure south-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55418Hut within enclosure south-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55446Hut within field system south-east of Hentor Farm, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55447Hut within field system south-east of Hentor Farm, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127644Hut within fragmentary enclosure in Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV3454Incomplete enclosures with hut circles east of Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV125388Large hut in enclosure on the west-facing slope of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV55305Large hut/enclosure north-east of Plym Steps, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV24923Leat at Drizzlecombe (Monument)
MDV25108Leat channels runing from the Sheepstor Brook and northern flank of Gutter Tor (Monument)
MDV24924Leat cutting through stone row at Drizzlecombe (Monument)
MDV25050Leat east of Giant's Hill, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV24926Leat on Ditsworthy Warren to the east of the Drizzlecombe Brook. Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV25264Leat running parallel to Lee Moor China Clay leat (Monument)
MDV24920Leats at Ditsworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV24931Linear feature east of Drizzlecombe complex, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV13509Little Hentor deserted farmstead (Building)
MDV3428Longhouse at Shavercombe deserted farm, Shaugh Prior (Building)
MDV130840Longhouse within Whittenknowles deserted Medieval settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV55498Medieval enclosure west of the Shavercombe Brook (Monument)
MDV14369Medieval field system at Trowlesworthy Warren Farm, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126611Military pits near Shavercombe Brook (Monument)
MDV3514Mill Corner blowing house (Building)
MDV131249Natural feature; non antiquity (Monument)
MDV131248Natural features; non antiquity (Monument)
MDV131336Non antiquity - alleged cairn site (Monument)
MDV125739Northern hut within enclosure 250m north-west of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV3329Northern of three cairns east of Drizzlecombe stone rows, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV56861Openwork and prospecting features on the northern side of the Shavercombe Brook (Monument)
MDV2555Oval enclosure west of Shell Top, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3482Partial enclosure with huts south-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3485Partial enclosure with huts west of Hen Tor (Monument)
MDV3458Partial hut circle in enclosures east of Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV52629Pillow mound 100m south-east of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV55313Pillow mound 180m north-west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV55261Pillow mound 210m east of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV55314Pillow mound 225m north west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV55304Pillow mound 270 metres south-east of Ditsworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV29974Pillow mound 300 metres north-west of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV56819Pillow mound 340m north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV56824Pillow mound 360 metres north-west of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV56850Pillow mound 415 metres north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV55318Pillow mound 610m south-south-west of Ditsworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV55319Pillow mound 620 metres east-south-east of Legis Tor (Monument)
MDV56846Pillow mound 630 metres east of Legis Tor (Monument)
MDV25091Pillow mound 840 metres north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV29975Pillow mound 865m east-south-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV3586Pillow mound A in a group north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV55307Pillow mound at end of gully east of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV56847Pillow mound at Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV55302Pillow mound at Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV114005Pillow mound B in a group north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV55421Pillow mound by Hentor Brook (Monument)
MDV55408Pillow mound by leat, Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV56826Pillow mound by the Hentor Brook (Monument)
MDV114006Pillow mound C in a group north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV114007Pillow mound D in a group north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV114008Pillow mound E in a group north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV55423Pillow mound east of leat, Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV55309Pillow mound east of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV114009Pillow mound F in a group north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV114010Pillow mound G in a group north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV14549Pillow mound in enclosure east of Hentor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55428Pillow mound in field system, Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV55429Pillow mound in field system, Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV55422Pillow mound in Hentor Meadow (Monument)
MDV55472Pillow mound in Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV52623Pillow Mound in Trowlesworthy Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55474Pillow mound near leat near Shavercombe Tor (Monument)
MDV55455Pillow mound near settlement north-east of Hen Tor (Monument)
MDV55308Pillow mound north of gully east of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV55405Pillow mound north of Hentor Meadow (Monument)
MDV55310Pillow mound north-east of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV56833Pillow mound north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV56851Pillow mound north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV56879Pillow mound north-west of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV29976Pillow mound north-west of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV55425Pillow mound south of Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV55411Pillow mound south of the River Plym (Monument)
MDV55432Pillow mound south of the River Plym (Monument)
MDV55412Pillow mound south of the River Plym, Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV55431Pillow mound south of the River Plym, Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV29977Pillow mound south-west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV52620Pillow mound west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV55427Pillow mound, Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV55397Pillow mounds near leat, Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV127414Pits at Drizzlecombe (Monument)
MDV5099Plym Steps tin mill above Langcombe, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV24935Possible building in settlement south-west of Ditsworthy Clam (Building)
MDV52577Possible hut circle in enclosed settlement, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV55497Possible hut circle south-east of Hentor Farm, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV32086Possible hut near stone row south-west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV3368Possible hut south of an enclosure east of Drizzlecombe (Monument)
MDV126880Possible hut within enclosure in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV129216Possible ring cairn, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV14361Possible vermin trap, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV15293Prehistoric Enclosure (L) within Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV131371Quarry, Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV125395Re-used hut in settlement on west-facing slope of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV103585Ring cairn north-west of Ditsworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV5121Ring cairn or enclosure in settlement north of Deadman's Bottom (Monument)
MDV28533Ring of stones 490 metres north-east of Great Trowlesworthy Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV5092Round Cairn at Great Knat's Head, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV48896Round cairn between Spanish Lake and Hen Tor Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV13177Round cairn on the summit of Great Gnat's Head, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV56855Round cairn west of Shell Top, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55297Rubbble bank 680 metres east-north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV56775Ruined building attached to the Willings Walls Reave, Shaugh Prior (Building)
MDV2546Scatter of hut circles between enclosures on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV28504Semi-circular enclosure south of Shavercombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV29984Settlement above Spanish Lake on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3343Settlement between Spanish Lake and Hentor Brook (Monument)
MDV53394Settlement north Cholwich Town Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV15288Settlement on the western slope of Little and Great Trowlesworthy Tors (Monument)
MDV3976Settlement south-west of Gutter Tor, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV55493Shavercombe deserted settlement, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV3344Shavercombe Pound north of Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV131370Slit trench, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV129291Small cairn on Shavercombe Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV103578Small disturbed cairn at Willings Walls reave, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV125392Small hut in settlement on west-facing slope of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV125738Southern hut within enclosure 250m north-west of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV14778Standing stone at the west end of Drizzlecombe stone row '3', Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV28562Standing stone by stone row south of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV2421Stone row 440 metres south of Great Trowlesworthy Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2415Stone Row 550 metres south-west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV28526Stone slab to the west of the Drizzlecombe Stone Rows, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV25041Streamworking along the upper Plym Valley and its tributaries (Monument)
MDV131078Streamworking flanking the Sheepstor Brook (Monument)
MDV53386Structure in enclosure north of Tory Brook Head, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53387Structure in enclosure north of Tory Brook Head, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV53388Structure in enclosure north of Tory Brook Head, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV131188Structure in streamworking west of Deadman's Bottom (Monument)
MDV57428Structure in streamworks along Langcombe Brook (Building)
MDV53378Structure on west side of eastern enclosure at Tory Brookhead north of Cholwichtown Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2551Structure or oval hut circle between enclosures on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Building)
MDV53367Sub-rectangular or oval hut circle on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Building)
MDV15062The Cross Dyke boundary, Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2423The Hanging Stone south-east of Great Trowlesworthy Tor on Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV25052The Phillips Leat, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV15295'The Smithy', Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV55396Three cairns south-west of settlement on Giant's Hill (Monument)
MDV25279Tin pits, shafts and tinners building on the north flank of Gutter Tor (Monument)
MDV131087Tin prospecting pits north of Ditsworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV131231Tin prospecting pits north of Ditsworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV57444Tinners' building in streamworks at Langcombe Brook (Building)
MDV57427Tinners' buildings in streamworks at Langcombe Brook (Building)
MDV57438Tinners' cache in streamworks along Langcombe Brook E (Monument)
MDV57430Tinners' hut in streamworks along Langcombe Brook (Building)
MDV20163Tinners' Hut within earlier hut circle east of Langcombe Brook, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55395Tinners' pit in hut settlement at Giant's Hill (Monument)
MDV25112TRIAL PIT in the Parish of Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV52640Trowlesworthy Pot-water Leat, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV14148Trowlesworthy Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2428Two adjoining hut circles between the enclosures at Tory Brookhead north of Cholwichtown Clay Works, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV126872Two clearance cairns in settlement at Willings Walls Warren, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV127740Two clearance cairns in Whittenknowles Rocks settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV126626Two hut circles in eastern enclosures at settlement on Giant's Hill, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV131088Two parallel stony banks on the western flank of Giant's Hill. (Monument)
MDV55315Two pillow mounds 510m south west of Ditsworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV55430Two pillow mounds near leat, Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV131080Two platforms by track to Eylesbarrow Mine (Monument)
MDV28522Unenclosed hut circle settlement 760 metres north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV28539Unlikely hut circle south of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV56761Unlikely hut in enclosed settlement, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV55419Unlikely hut in enclosure south-west of Hen Tor, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV2484Vermin trap 510 metres west-south-west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV3405Vermin trap 700 metres east-north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV3404Vermin trap 730 metres east-north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV14623Vermin trap adjacent to bank, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV127803Vermin trap against wall, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV127804Vermin trap against wall, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV3418Vermin trap at Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV14627Vermin trap at Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV14365Vermin trap at Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV2474Vermin trap at Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV14359Vermin trap at Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV2483Vermin trap at Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV2486Vermin trap at Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV2487Vermin trap at Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV14360Vermin trap built into prehistoric enclosure at Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV14626Vermin trap built over wall on Hentor Moor (Monument)
MDV3416Vermin trap in Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV14362Vermin trap in Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV55457Vermin trap in wall at Hentor Warren (Monument)
MDV3403Vermin trap on edge of Willings Walls Warren (Cook 25) (Monument)
MDV32078Vermin trap on line of wall, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV3407Vermin trap on River Plym, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV2488Vermin trap on the northern slope of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV3387Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV3386Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV3397Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV3398Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV3396Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV3389Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV3392Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV52625V-shaped drain, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV52628V-shaped drain, Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV32109Wall running through Trowlesworthy Warren (Monument)
MDV131372Wall/stone bank south of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV53383Western enclosure and hut circle north of Tory Brook Head, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV20053Western enclosures at settlement on Giant's Hill, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV55296Western hut near enclosure 680 metres north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House, Shaugh Prior (Monument)
MDV125740Western hut within enclosure 250m north-west of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV12905Western of three cairns on the summit of Shell Tor, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV4009Whittenknowles deserted Medieval settlement, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV15057Willings Walls Reave, Shaugh Prior (Monument)