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Title:National Heritage List for England
Originator:English Heritage

Associated Monuments (first 1000 links displayed, contact Devon HER for more information)

MDV236461 and 2 Broadstone House, Broadstone, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV959071 and 2 Clarence Place, South Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV747291 and 2 Ford, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV237431 and 2 Mariners Homes, 85 -89 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV958941 and 2 South Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV237341 and 2 Sunderland Terrace, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV959561 and 2 Taw Vale Parade, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV921221 and 2 Taw Vale Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV922601 and 2 Weston Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV236311 Anzac Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV866661 Bank Lane, Totnes (Building)
MDV236351 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV923301 Blue Ball Hill, Totnes (Building)
MDV974071 Bowden Hill, Crediton (Building)
MDV236691 Duke Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV749231 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV747281 Ferry Slip, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236801 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV954271 King Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV905191 Kingsbridge Lane, Ashburton (Building)
MDV902731 Leechwell Lane, Totnes (Building)
MDV236951 Mansion House Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV900681 New Walk, Totnes (Building)
MDV749161 The Quay, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV922751 Ticklemore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV237461 to 9 The Pottery, Warfleet Creek Road, Dartmouth. (Building)
MDV959761 Union Place, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV900981 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV2362810 Above Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9008710 and 12 (with former warehouses to the rear) The Plains, Totnes (Building)
MDV9615910 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2069310 Cross Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2367110 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9008210 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV7493910 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2369010 Higher Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9235010 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV8619010 Newport Street and Newlands, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9182010 North Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9232810 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2346110 Union Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV9010310 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV97845100 and 101 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV92128101 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV96012101 Pilton Street, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9229310-12 Victoria Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9001510-13 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV96136103 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96155104 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23436104 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV96156105 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV97454105 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV95932105 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV95933106 and 107 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96008106 and 107 Pilton Street, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23437106 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV96157107 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV38802108 and 109 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV95934108 and 109 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96098109 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23439109 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV2367211 and 12 Fairfax Place and 1 Hornhill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7474511 and 12 Newport Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2364211 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9023211 Cistern Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2368111 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9614211 Joy Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96013110 and 111 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96144110 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23440110 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV922611-10 Seymour Place, Totnes (Building)
MDV96145111 and 112 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV97455111 and 112 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV97359112 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV902361-12 Plymouth Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV96014112-121 Pilton Street, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV963101-13 Barbican Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96143113 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV94445113 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV97456115 and 116, High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV91834117 and 118 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV38825117 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV631451-18 Moorashes, St Katherine's Way, Totnes (Building)
MDV2364312 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7470912 Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9785812 Duke Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV2369112 Higher Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9604912 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9233212 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2371112 The Quay, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2374012 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9010412 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV2328012 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV96163120 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV38826121 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96165122 and 123 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96015122 and 123 Pilton Street, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV38823125 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV14598127 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV747461-3 Bell Court, Newport Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9619213 Cross Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2368213 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9616813 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV900721-3 St. Peters Terrace, Totnes (Building)
MDV900851-3 The Plains, Totnes (Building)
MDV7474713 The Quay, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9010513 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV2366413-20 Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV97891136 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV97889137 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV97354138 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV94447139 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9008314 and 14a Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9593914 and 15 Litchdon Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV8667014 and 15, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9001914 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV3884614 Cross Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9616914 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9182714 North Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV2372214 Smith Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9256514 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV23446140 and 141 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV97888140 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV94460141 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV23447143 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV97425144 and 144A Hight Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV900501-5 Devon Place, Totnes (Building)
MDV9007715 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2368315 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9617015 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2368915 Higher Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9631416 and 17 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9176616 and 17 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV2367316 and 17 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9787716 and 17 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV2345916 and 17 St Lawrence Green, Crediton (Building)
MDV9008116 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9030916 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9593816 Litchdon Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV901021-6 Orchard Terrace, Totnes (Building)
MDV7493116 Smith Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2328116 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV2327717 - 19 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV961001-7 Bedford Row, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2368417 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2368417 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2368417 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2368417 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9594017 Litchdon Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9605017 Pilton Street, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV7475417 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9542917 to 19 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9007917, 17a and 19 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9605118 and 19 Pilton Street, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9631518 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9180118 Dean Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV428021-8 Ebberley Lawn, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9227418 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9617518 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9594118 Litchdon Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV8667118, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9594219 Litchdon Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9027719 and 20 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9630619 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2368519 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV3880119 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9590419, SOUTH STREET (Building)
MDV902861A Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV944532 and 3 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV978832 and 3 King Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV922782 and 3 New Walk, Totnes (Building)
MDV924092 and 3 North Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV236302 Anzac Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236362 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV917652 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV922802 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV885382 Market Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV902762 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV959852 St. Peter's Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV959772 Union Place, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV923292, 4 and 5 Leechwell Lane, Totnes (Building)
MDV9594320 Litchdon Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9786520 and 21 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV2373120 and 21 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9607420 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2368620 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9031020 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9052320 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV6695020, 22 and 24b Fore Street (Monument)
MDV9234921 and 21a Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2369221 and 22 Lower Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9604121 and 22 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9602521 and 22 Tuly Street and 14 Holland Walk (Building)
MDV7470821 Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9444321 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV2370221 Newcomen Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV10144621 to 25 Castle Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV2327821-29 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV9786922 and 23 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9609622 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9232622 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2373222 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2328222 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV9007522-25 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV7473423 and 24 Lower Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9032323 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV7475623 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9009324 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9618324 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV234482-4 Jockey Hill Cottages, Crediton (Building)
MDV9604324 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9590324 South Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2373324 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9787324 to 26 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV2328324 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV9235424, Leechwell Street (Building)
MDV7473525 and 25a Lower Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9217625 and 26 Landscore, Crediton (Building)
MDV3880425 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9027825 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV7475725 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2366625, 25a and 26 Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV3892426 and 27 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9027926 and 27 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2362926 and 28 Above Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2341726 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9604626 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9007626 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV9609727 and 28 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9444927 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV7470327 Clarence Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9180927 Downeshead Lane, Crediton (Building)
MDV2367927 Ford, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV5308727 Fore Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV2341827 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9604727 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2365427-33 Clarence Hill and 30 Brown's Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9788528 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV2367528 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9009028 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2328528 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV8667328-31, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9786229 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV7470429 Clarence Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2367629 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9009129 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9621829 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9603129 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV972413 and 4 Taw Vale Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV839363 and 4 The Avenue, Exton (Building)
MDV236773 and 5 Ferry Slip, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV923683 Ashleigh Villas, Totnes (Building)
MDV962503 Bellaire, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV900473 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV923383 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV706503 Cross Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV747133 Duke Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV747323 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV388223 Green Lane, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV961233 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV354023 High Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV747333 Horn Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV918133 Mill Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV239333 Northfield Road, Ilfracombe (Building)
MDV237143 Ridge Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV959863 St. Peter's Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV978513 The Churchyard, South Molton (Building)
MDV959083 to 5 Clarence Place, South Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV954233 to 6 Barnstaple Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV234493 to 6 Market Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV234653 Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV2365730 and 32 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9788630 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV7470730 Brown's Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9228830 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV3881130 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9602930 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9741030 to 32 Dean Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV2328630 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV2347230-31 Exeter Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV7470531 Clarence Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9741331 East Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9621931 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV959573-11 Taw Vale Parade, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9009532 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2370332 Newcomen Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9600132 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9787432 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV1360132 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV7470633 Clarence Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9783533 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9600233 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV8667433, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9231934 and 36 High Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2365834 Clarence Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV8667534, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9589935 and 35A, South Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV7474335 and 36 Newcomen Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9005235 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9443835 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV2374235 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9230235, Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV902303-6 Cistern Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9589036 to 38 South Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9258036 West Street, Ashburton (Sparnum House) (Building)
MDV7475837 and 39 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9010737 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2148438 and 38A High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9783638 and 39 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9180838 Dean Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9009638 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9258138 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV902743A South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV958964 and 4A, South Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV900864 and 5, The Plains, Totnes (Building)
MDV922824 and 6 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV978684 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV900164 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV978574 Duke Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV747314 Ford, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV961244 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV236984 Market Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV283974 The Quay, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV234664 Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV866694, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9443640 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9605440 Pilton Street, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2328840 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV2366041 and 43 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9783741 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV7475941 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2328942 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV4306343 and 44 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9610843 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9610944 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9443944 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9011244 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9611045 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9611146 Boutport Street (Building)
MDV9229146 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9276346 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV9610347 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2329048 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV9599349 and 49A The Rock, Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2342049 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV958975 and 6 South Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV236325 Anzac Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV917685 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV961205 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV236995 Market Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV954245 Queen Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV237155 Ridge Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV921715 St Lawrence Green, Crediton (Building)
MDV234675 Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV900235, 6 and 7 Warren Lane, Totnes (Building)
MDV2342150 and 51 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV7324050 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9599450 to 52 The Rock, Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9446250 to 58 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9257750-52 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV9010951 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9620652 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV3881053 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9589353 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9599553 The Rock, Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9620854 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2342355 and 56 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9611355, 55a and 56 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9024157 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV903075-7 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2342457 to 59 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9612157, 58 and 59 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9591058, 59 and 60 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV922765A The Plains, Totnes (Building)
MDV236396 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV922666 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV900186 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV747156 Duke Street in The Butterwalk, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV971586 Fore Street, Witheridge (Building)
MDV749376 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV237006 Market Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV747486 South Town including Water Conduit, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV921686 St Lawrence Green, Crediton (Building)
MDV2342560 and 61 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9620960 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9231561 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9591161 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2342662 and 63 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV2329162 West Road, Ashburton (Building)
MDV9024063 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV3880565 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9231667 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV4651667 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9746868 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9788068 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV2342869 and 70 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9446369 and 70 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV901006-9 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV237167 and 7a Ridge Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV234607 and 8 Union Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV236337 and 9 Anzac Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236887 and 9 Higher Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236407 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236527 Church Close, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV747387 Market Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV958987 South Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV7396771 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2342971 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9214372 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV3885572 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV3880673 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2343073 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9621374 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9599674 The Rock, Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9622175 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2343275 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9218076 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9444077 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9217877 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV2343378 and 79 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9599778 and 79 The Rock, Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9611579 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV959058 and 8A South Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV234518 and 8B North Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV236418 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV900138 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV747148 Duke Street in The Butterwalk, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV922838 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV749388 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV237048 Newport Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV923338 North Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV921698 St Lawrence Green, Crediton (Building)
MDV9611680 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2343480 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9599880 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9622381 and 82 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9611781 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9214081 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9599981, 81A and 82 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV388398-11 Holland Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9542582 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV3885183 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9622584 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9215084 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9603286 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV3885287 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9603387 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9603488 and 89 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV3885388 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9443588 to 90 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9617789 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9214189, HIGH STREET (Building)
MDV961419 and 10 Joy Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV960489 and 10 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV959069 and 11 South Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV960879 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV917649 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV236709 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV959609 Litchdon Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV921729 St Lawrence Green, Crediton (Building)
MDV922779 The Plains, Totnes (Building)
MDV918249 Union Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV237179, 11, 13 and 13a Ridge Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9603590 and 91 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9617890 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2374491 and 93 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9617991 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV236449-10 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9602892 and 93 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV3885092 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9618193 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV4306194 and 95 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9617194 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9603694 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9600995 Pilton Street, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV4306296 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV3881597 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9591697 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9601098 Pilton Street, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9593198-104 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9745399 and 100 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9601199 and 100 Pilton Street, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2374599 and 99a Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9784099 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9617399 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96236Abbey Cottage, Bull Hill (Building)
MDV29211Adam's Hele Farmhouse, Ashburton (Building)
MDV23694Agincourt House, 27 Lower Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23276Archway under 17 and 19 West Street, Ashburton (Building)
MDV95925Arundel, Victoria Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV8268Ash House at deserted site north-west of Linscott (Monument)
MDV8244Ash House at Nattadon Farm, Chagford (Monument)
MDV8765Ash house east of Ford farmhouse, Manaton (Monument)
MDV90505Ashburton Post Office, St Lawrence Lane (Building)
MDV4875Aveton Gifford Bridges and Causeway (Building)
MDV31191Bakery or detached kitchen and outbuildings, Town Farm, Morthoe (Building)
MDV97866Bank, 26 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV96091Baptist Church Hall, Boutport Street (Building)
MDV82608Barber's Farmhouse, Luppitt (Building)
MDV27183Barn and Cartshed, Hawley Farm, Dalwood (Building)
MDV30069Barn and Granary at Prowse (Building)
MDV32839Barn and stables 50 metres south of Westacott House, Landkey (Building)
MDV69865Barn at Longbrook (Building)
MDV32838Barn at Westacott, Landkey (Building)
MDV34572Barn to north-east of Fishleigh House, Hatherleigh (Building)
MDV30998Barn to south of Bowden Farmhouse, Buckland in the Moor (Building)
MDV91811Barn, 27 Downeshead Lane, Crediton (Building)
MDV104094Barn, Lower Wick Farm, Luppitt (Building)
MDV40530Barn, Westown Farm (Building)
MDV40531Barn, Westown Farm (Building)
MDV96085Barnstaple Baptist Church, Boutport Street (Building)
MDV63450Barnstaple Bus Station (Building)
MDV34296Barracott Farmhouse (Building)
MDV95967Barum House, The Square, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV90272Baste Walls, South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV90340Bay Cottage and Bay Villa, Plymouth Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV95950Beachcroft, Litchdon Street (Building)
MDV7284Bearscombe House, Buckland Tout Saints (Building)
MDV96248Bellaire Cottage, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV19797Bellaire House (Building)
MDV5980Bellever Clapper Bridge (Monument)
MDV84042Berry Cottage (Building)
MDV32671Bickington United Reform Church (Building)
MDV1223Bickleigh Castle Chapel (Building)
MDV23452Bickleigh, 9 North Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV6028Blackaton Deserted Medieval Settlement, Widecombe in the Moor (Monument)
MDV74730Blackberry Cottage, 3 Ford, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV92552Blogishay Bridge, Ashburton (Monument)
MDV90229Blue Coat House, Cistern Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV88930Bolealler House (Building)
MDV90088Bollard at the northern end of the lane between Fore Street and Ticklemore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV92766Boundary wall and features north of St Andrew's Church, Ashburton (Monument)
MDV96158Boundary Wall to 10 and 11 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV95924Boundary wall to Pill House, Pill Lane, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV90396Boundary Wall, Ravensbury, Warfleet (Building)
MDV21312Bovey Pottery Leat (Dartmoor section) (Monument)
MDV31000Bowden Farmhouse, Buckland in the Moor (Building)
MDV8400Bowden House, Totnes (Building)
MDV96065Bradiford Bridge, Bradiford, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV18963Bremridge Farmhouse (Building)
MDV95989Bridge Chambers (Building)
MDV15132Bridge House, 125 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV33299Bridge over Blackaton Brook (Monument)
MDV91685Bridge over Bovey Pottery Leat south-east of Chappel Farm (Monument)
MDV95968Bridgewater House, The Square, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23627Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23647Broadstone Conduit (Building)
MDV55571Bronte House, Exmouth Road, Lympstone (Building)
MDV1109Brushford Barton (Building)
MDV96044Bryan House, 25 Pilton Street (Building)
MDV9165Buckland Barton (Building)
MDV95979Buildings to rear of 27 and 28 Boutport Street (Building)
MDV96147Bull Court House, Bull Court, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV38025Bullhornstone Farmhouse, South Brent (Building)
MDV94215Bush Farm, Spreyton (Monument)
MDV8035Byland Farmstead, Ashburton (Monument)
MDV90244Cabot House, 69 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV4163Cairn 350 metres east of White Tor, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV4137Cairn cemetery to the south-south-east of White Tor, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV42317Cairn on Brent Fore Hill (Monument)
MDV12793Cairn or stony mound 350 metres east of White Tor, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV89442Calendar Cottage, Church Green, Bickleigh (Building)
MDV38135Caller's Farmhouse, Caller's Farm (Building)
MDV97834Carisbrook, 82 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV96060Carlyon House, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96077Cemetery Lodge, Bear Street Cemetery, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23650Chapel in Chapel Lane, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV32012Chapel of the Holy Evangelists, Killerton (Building)
MDV23662Charity House, 2 Collaford Lane, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV95920Charnwood, 2 Prospect Place, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV34412Chest tomb in churchyard, Manaton (Monument)
MDV38848Chichester Arms, Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV103791Chimney at Druid Mine, Ashburton (Monument)
MDV9005Chudleigh Bridge (Monument)
MDV96139Church House and 1 St Peter's Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV94457Church House, 5 The Churchyard, South Molton (Building)
MDV47764Church of St John, Bridgetown (Monument)
MDV96003Churchill House, 35 Pilton Street (Building)
MDV91648Churchyard Cross, Courtenay Memorial Gardens, Bovey Tracey (Monument)
MDV85717Churchyard Walls, St Saviour's Church (Building)
MDV42286Churchyard, St Saviour's Parish Church, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV6938Clannaborough Farm House, Throwleigh (Building)
MDV83292Clock Tower, Connaught Gardens (Building)
MDV96072Close Court and The Close, Eddys Lane, Newport, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV91806Cob Garden Wall to Dean View, Crediton (Building)
MDV97404Cob Garden Wall, Cockles Lane (Building)
MDV66196Cob Wall, Four Mills Lane and Exeter Road (Building)
MDV23659Colbourne House, 40 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23663Collaford House, 3 Collaford Lane, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV82637Combeshead Farmhouse, Luppitt (Building)
MDV23668Conduit Head, Crowther's Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23667Conduit Head, South Ford Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV60870Connett's Farmhouse, Dunkeswell (Building)
MDV23739Conservative Club, 8 and 8a Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV25646Coombe Court Farm House, Moretonhampstead (Building)
MDV40522Coombeshead Farmhouse, Coombeshead Farm (Building)
MDV96214Cork & Bottle, High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV92355Cosy Cot and Lamb Corner, 1-4 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV95889Cot Manor, 1 and 2 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV93143Cottage to north of Clannaborough Farmhouse, Throwleigh (Building)
MDV7069Courtlands Manor House, Buckland Tout Saints (Building)
MDV104097Cowhouse, Lower Wick Farm, Luppitt (Building)
MDV5027Crazywell Farmstead, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV97419Crediton Methodist Church (Building)
MDV61987Cross Shaft at Crazywell Farm, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV82604Cuckoo Cottage, Lower Wick Farm, Luppitt (Building)
MDV22737Culm Davy Farmhouse, Culm Davy Farm (Building)
MDV40536Culmbridge Manor Farmhouse, Culmbridge Manor Farm (Building)
MDV82828Culmstock War Memorial (Monument)
MDV23470Culver House, Exeter Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV23637Custom House, 3-4 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV90078Dart Vale House, Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV23478Dartmoor Railway Inn, Station Road (Building)
MDV23727Dartmouth Station, South Embankment, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV86672Dartvale Manor, 24 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV8021Deserted settlement 340 metres south-east of Cold East Cross, Ashburton (Monument)
MDV90049Devon County Council Welfare Centre, Bridgetown (Building)
MDV63954Dinnacombes (Monument)
MDV92263Duncliffe and Strathmore, Pomeroy Villas, New Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV91825Dunn's School, 10-11 Union Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV97696Earne Cottage, Easdon Farm (Building)
MDV96078East Chapel, Bear Street Cemetery, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV3499Eastern of three cairns 370m east-north-east of Down Tor (Monument)
MDV11518Ellishayes Farmhouse, Ellishayes Farm (Building)
MDV92268Elm View, 20 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV86974Elmside, Bass's Orchard and Lavender Cottage (Building)
MDV8172Enclosure on Horridge Common (Monument)
MDV92607Engine House at Druid Mine, Ashburton (Building)
MDV40383Engine house, Wheal Exmouth Mine, Christow (Building)
MDV92327Entrance and passage adjoining Number 4 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV94455Entrance Gates to Churchyard, Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV95954Exeter Inn, 12-13 Litchdon Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23284Exeter Inn, 26 West Street Ashburton (Building)
MDV90237Fairfield, Fernhill, Little Meadow House and Meadow House, Totnes (Building)
MDV23471Fairpark, Exeter Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV97442Farmbuildings, Great Parks Farm (Building)
MDV41226Farmbuildings, West Forde Farm. (Building)
MDV29823Farmhouse at Great Dunstone (Building)
MDV11545Farmhouse, Whitehall Farm (Building)
MDV58758Farmyard north-east of Bearscombe Farmhouse, Buckland Tout Saints (Building)
MDV58759Farmyard north-west of Bearscombe Farmhouse, Buckland Tout Saints (Building)
MDV92264Fernleigh and Fernleigh Cottage, Pomeroy Villas, New Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV23626Flavel Memorial Chapel, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV8419Font in Hittisleigh Parish Church (Monument)
MDV23741Ford House, 44 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23473Fordton Cottage (Building)
MDV97411Former Buildings in South-East Corner of Churchyard (Building)
MDV35652Former Cottage South of The Old Forge (Building)
MDV97436Former County Police Station (Building)
MDV23441Former Crediton Town Hall (Building)
MDV34304Former Exe Vale Hospital (Building)
MDV32826Former Farmhouse, Hill Farm, Landkey (Building)
MDV90071Former Methodist Chapel, The Plains, Totnes (Building)
MDV23469Former Post Office and 3 Exeter Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV34422Former School, Manaton (Building)
MDV88928Former Stable Block, Bolealler House (Building)
MDV97402Former Vicarage Garden Walls (Building)
MDV27057Franklins, Smallridge (Building)
MDV96067Front garden wall and railings of Cedar Cottage, Bradiford, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV104624Front Garden Walls of Yeo Farm, Chagford (Monument)
MDV92115Front Garden Walls to Blagdon Terrace (Building)
MDV97246Garden and Yard Walls, Fairpark (Building)
MDV97403Garden Wall to Priory Cottage (Building)
MDV69863Garden Wall with Gate Piers at Longbrook (Building)
MDV92170Garden Walls to Wistaria, Western Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV97401Garden Walls, Blagdon House (Building)
MDV94214Garden Walls, Bush House (Building)
MDV96243Garden Walls, Gate Piers and Gates to Medelpad, Pilton, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV95937Garden Walls, Penrose Almshouses (Building)
MDV92117Garden Walls, Penton Cottage (Building)
MDV96346Gate Piers and Gate to Carlyon House (Building)
MDV96080Gate Piers and Gates to Bear Street Cemetery, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96007Gate Piers and Walls to Pilton House, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV74885Gate piers at West Titchberry, Hartland (Building)
MDV91048Gatehouse Farmhouse, Brownston near Modbury (Building)
MDV95972Gates and Gate Piers, The Square (Building)
MDV13300Gisperdown Farmhouse, South Brent (Building)
MDV40553Glebe House (Building)
MDV96024Golden Fleece Inn, Tuly Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV90094Gothic House, Bank Lane, Totnes (Building)
MDV69864Granary at Longbrook (Building)
MDV58757Granary to west of Bearscombe Farmhouse, Buckland Tout Saints (Building)
MDV23648Grant's Cottage, 6 Brown's Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV89004Great Dorweeke Farmhouse (Building)
MDV104496Great Dorweeke, Silverton (Monument)
MDV97441Great Park Farmhouse (Building)
MDV40518Great Simonsborough Farmhouse, Hemyock (Building)
MDV23366Greendale, Pill Lane, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV92353Grenville, 19 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9085Guildhall, Guildhall Yard, Totnes (Building)
MDV38131Hart's Farmhouse, Clayhidon (Building)
MDV37319Hatchwood House, Gulworthy (Building)
MDV27182Hawley Farmhouse, Dalwood (Building)
MDV95895Heacham House, 3 South Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV92554Headstone 150 metres south-east of Church of St Andrew, Ashburton (Monument)
MDV92318Hermitage, South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV82633Higher Shelvin Farmhouse, Luppitt (Building)
MDV81515Higher Westwater Farmhouse, Higher Westwater Farm (Building)
MDV90295Highfield, Kingsbridge Hill, Totnes (Building)
MDV8418Hittisleigh, St Andrew's (Building)
MDV53077Hollow way, Whitchurch Down (Monument)
MDV19368Holy Trinity Church, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23735Hope Cottage, Sunderland Terrace, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV104485Horse Engine House at Litchaton Farm, North Molton (Building)
MDV92325House at the rear of 19 High Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV50594Hut 'A' north of settlement west of the Colly Brook, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV5919Hut circle 480 metres north-east of Bellever Tor (Monument)
MDV26733Hut Circle on Holne Moor (Monument)
MDV4124Hut circle settlement north-east of Cox Tor (Monument)
MDV5818Hut circle to the east of Settlement on Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument)
MDV95963Imperial Hotel (Building)
MDV96153Iron Bollards across southern end of Church Lane, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV96140Iron Bollards at northern end of Church Lane, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV90048Iveli, 8 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV83291Jacob's Ladder (Building)
MDV95966Jalepeno Restaurant, Maiden Street (Building)
MDV90275Jasmin Cottage, South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV90101Jerusalem, Totnes (Building)
MDV95959K6 Telephone Kiosk, The Imperial Hotel (Building)
MDV97863K6 Telephone Kiosk, Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV95901K6 Telephone Kiosk, South Street Auction Rooms (Building)
MDV98509Kewsland (Building)
MDV67141Kiddicott Dairy (Monument)
MDV5519Kingsland Farmhouse (Building)
MDV27049Knight's Farmhouse, All Saints (Building)
MDV21592Lake Almshouses, Under Minnow Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96241Lake Cottage, Dark lane, Pilton (Building)
MDV96242Lake Cottages, Dark Lane, Pilton (Building)
MDV95926Lamp Post at Junction of New Road and Park Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV92356Lamp Post outside 9 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV96307Lamp Posts on The Strand, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV7471Langworthy Farmhouse, Widecombe (Building)
MDV95936Laurel Cottages, 1 and 2 Trinity Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV20978Leburn House and Lower Leburn (Building)
MDV82649Linhay, Stoneacre Farm, Luppitt (Building)
MDV40532Linhay, Westown Farm (Building)
MDV90017Lion House, 5 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV42084Litchaton Farmhouse, North Molton (Building)
MDV92286Little Priory, Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV38849Lloyds Bank, 17 Cross Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV90238Lock Up North of The Old Forge, Totnes (Building)
MDV69862Longbrook Farmhouse, West Alvington (Building)
MDV33098Longhope Cottage and Hillside Cottage, Bickington (Building)
MDV20669Longhouse in Clasiwell Enclosures, Walkhampton (Building)
MDV83057Losses Farmhouse and Adjoining Barn (Building)
MDV92365Lower Broomborough, Plymouth Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV82631Lower Shelvin Farmhouse, Lower Shelvin Farm (Building)
MDV82603Lower Wick Farmhouse, Luppitt (Building)
MDV104672Lowton Brook West Settlement in Fernworthy Forest, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV34415Lych gate east of church, Manaton (Monument)
MDV96062Lychgate and Walls to St. Mary's Churchyard, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9198Manor Farmhouse, Lower Netherton (Monument)
MDV23728Manor House, 14 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV90115Manor House, Coronation Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV74737Market Court, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV86668Marlborough Lodge, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV82730Mathayes Farmhouse, Mathayes Farm (Building)
MDV96086May House, Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV94557Meadow House, Twitchen Lane, Burrington (Building)
MDV88931MEADOW LODGE (Building)
MDV96234Medelpad, Dark Lane, Pilton (Building)
MDV8550Medieval Cross in St Saviour's Churchyard (Building)
MDV23693Medieval Gateway, Lower Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV96235Medina, Bull Hill, Pilton (Building)
MDV21526Middle Wreyland Cottages, Lustleigh (Building)
MDV38129Middleton Barton Farmhouse, Middleton Barton (Building)
MDV90337Middleton, Plymouth Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV92320Midway House, Totnes (Building)
MDV32918Milestone on Goodleigh Road, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV32822Milestone on Westaway Plain, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV40528Milking Parlour, Oxenpark Farm (Building)
MDV101449Milton House, Castle Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV11505Mohun's Ottery Farmhouse, Mohun's Ottery Farm (Building)
MDV82069Mohun's Ottery Gatehouse and adjoining Garden Walls, Mohun's Ottery Farm (Building)
MDV41062Moor Farm, Morchard Bishop (Monument)
MDV93856Moor Farmhouse, Morchard Bishop (Building)
MDV23638Morocco House, 5 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV86230Mount Galpine House, Clarence Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV92357Mount Pleasant, Cistern Street (Building)
MDV90335Mount Plym, Totnes (Building)
MDV28375Mounthill Cottage (Building)
MDV82636Mountstephen's Farmhouse, Luppitt (Building)
MDV96313Mulberry Lodge, Barbican Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV22305Neadon Farmhouse, Manaton (Building)
MDV23719Newcomen Cottage, 4 Ridge Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV16309Newport Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV16309Newport Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV16309Newport Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV16309Newport Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV16309Newport Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV16309Newport Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV16309Newport Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV16309Newport Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV16309Newport Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV12525Normanton House and Queen Anne House, Litchdon Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV33104North Farmhouse, North Lane, Bickington (Building)
MDV94446Northam House, 114 and 115 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV3498Northern of three cairns 370m east-north-east of Down Tor (Monument)
MDV61491Northfield Cottage, Northfield Lane, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV92300Numbers 34, 34A and 34B, Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV90111Numbers 53, 53a, 55 asnd 55a, Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV88749Nutcombe Cottage (Building)
MDV90258Old Angel Place, 1 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV87032Old Kiddicott (Building)
MDV86976Old Orchard and Malt Cottage, Exmouth Road, Lympstone (Building)
MDV23450Oliver House, 6 and 7 North Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV95878Orchard Cottage, Rumsam Road (Building)
MDV86678Outbuilding directly to east-north-east of Lee House, Totnes (Building)
MDV93205Outbuilding north-west of Great Dunstone Farmhouse (Building)
MDV95984Outbuilding to Rear of 19 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV90690Outhouse to the southeast of Lower Broomborough, Plymouth Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV95988Pair of K6 Telephone Kiosks, The Strand (Building)
MDV23697Pannier Market, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV92292Paradise House 29, South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV66949Paradise Point and Oriel House, Warfleet (Building)
MDV96312Parish Buildings to south-west of Holy Trinity Church, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV95981Parish Hall, Paternoster Row, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV70646Park Entrance Gates, Gate Piers and adjacent WallS, Castle Mound (Building)
MDV83888Pax Cottage, Longmeadow Road, Lympstone (Building)
MDV91004Penson Farmhouse, North Huish (Building)
MDV23456Penton Cottage, Penton Lane, Crediton (Building)
MDV92119Perimeter Walls, Taw Vale Terrace (Building)
MDV12524Pill House, Pill Lane, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV53888Pilton Abbey, Bull Hill, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96005Pilton Church Hall, 83 Pilton Street (Building)
MDV96244Pilton Cottage, Dark Lane (Building)
MDV96006Pilton House, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV75001Pitt Cottage, Hartland (Building)
MDV104475Plaque for 399 Coast Battery, Connaught Gardens (Monument)
MDV9166Plaster Ceilings, Buckland Barton (Building)
MDV92369Plym House, Totnes (Building)
MDV92370Plym Villas, Totnes (Building)
MDV22029Poot Batten (Building)
MDV829Portland House, 29 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV5854Postbridge Clapper Bridge, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV69867Pound House at Longbrook (Building)
MDV93493Powdermills Farmhouse and attached former Cooperage and rear Farm Building (Building)
MDV23422Pownes House, 52 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV5523Prowse Farmhouse (Building)
MDV96151Pump in courtyard of Horwood's Almshouses, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV43353Quay at Bayard's Cove (Monument)
MDV86084Quay, Castle Road, Warfleet (Building)
MDV96056Railings and Wall to west of St. Mary's Church, Pilton, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV23674Raleigh Court and The Raleigh Public House, 5 South Embankment, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV95902Ravelin Manor House and Little Ravelin, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV59622Red Doors Farmhouse, Luppitt (Building)
MDV4164Ring Cairn 340 metres east of White Tor, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV95951Riverside, Litchdon Street (Building)
MDV83903Rogue's Roost, formerly known as Upcott (Building)
MDV103778Roman Military Complex at North Tawton (Monument)
MDV90332Rosabelle, Plymouth Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV96069Rosehill, Rumsam Road, Bishops Tawton (Building)
MDV23464Rosemont, 2 Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV15016Roughtor reave running up to the Eylesbarrow Reave, Sheepstor (Monument)
MDV4116Round cairn on Langstone Moor, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV8546Royal Castle Hotel, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV96133Royal Exchange Public House, Joy Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV12527Salem Almshouses, Salem Square, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV86665Sefton House, 7 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV23651Seven Stars Inn, Church Close, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV90054Seymour Cottage, Pathfields, Totnes (Building)
MDV90046Seymour Hotel, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV92265Seymour House, 1 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV86677Seymour Lodge, 1 Coldharbour, Totnes (Building)
MDV86676Seymour Terrace, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV92262Seymour Villas, 1-4 Pathfields, Totnes (Building)
MDV82677Shapcombe Farmhouse,Luppitt (Building)
MDV23382Shepherd's Farmhouse, Shepherd's Farm (Building)
MDV94452Sherborn House, 11 Duke Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV23712Ship in Dock Inn, 1 and 1a Ridge Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV104494Shippon and Poundhouse, Great Parks Farm (Building)
MDV38021Shippon south of farmhouse at Gisperdown Farm, South Brent (Building)
MDV30999Shippon to south-west of Bowden Farmhouse, Buckland in the Moor (Building)
MDV100889Shorts Lane Cottage (Building)
MDV24023Snurridge (Building)
MDV11584South Wood Farmhouse, Cotleigh (Building)
MDV23661Southernhay, 48 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23656Southfleet House, 24 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV83904Sowden Cottage (Building)
MDV44865Sowden Farmhouse (Building)
MDV44854Sowden House (Building)
MDV97433St Breocks Cottage, Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV15638St Clement's Church, Townstal, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV15182St James Church, Jacobstowe (Building)
MDV35837St Mary's Church walls and railings, Mary Tavy (Monument)
MDV29714St Peter's School, Harefield House (Building)
MDV8551St Saviour's Church, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV8769St Winifred's Church, Manaton (Building)
MDV1655St. Andrew's Parish Church, Coryton (Building)
MDV23463St. Breock, 1 Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV8394St. Peter's Parish Church, Cornworthy (Building)
MDV69866Stable at Longbrook (Building)
MDV91819Stable Block to Rear of 14 North Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV97432Stable Block, 3 Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV90324Stable Cottage, Collins Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV42085Stables and Coach House at Litchaton Farm, North Molton (Building)
MDV96070Stables and Coach House, Rosehill, Bishops Tawton (Building)
MDV86679Stables and Dovecot approximately forty metres east of Painsford Manor, Totnes (Building)
MDV33292Stables and Shippon to north-east of Clannaborough Farmhouse, Throwleigh (Building)
MDV27184Stables at Hawley Farm, Dalwood (Building)
MDV82600Stables, Lower Wick Farm, Luppitt (Building)
MDV90073Steam Packet Inn, St Peter's Quay, Totnes (Building)
MDV92351Steps Cottage, 8 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV85459Stokeinteignhead War Memorial (Building)
MDV7070Stone Cross at Courtlands, Buckland Tout Saints (Monument)
MDV82650Stoneacre Farmhouse, Luppitt (Building)
MDV96570Sunday School, West Down (Building)
MDV33105Sunnymead and April Cottages, North Lane, Bickington (Building)
MDV93041Tavistock Inn, Poundsgate (Building)
MDV23479Taw Vale Terrace, Station Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV96045Telephone Kiosk, Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV64451Tenement Between Foss Street and Flavel Place (Monument)
MDV97240Thatched Garden Wall, Hillbrow (Building)
MDV90051The Albert Inn, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV43865The Boathouse, Brunswick Wharf, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23655The Captains House, 18 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV8547The Cherub, 13 Higher Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV35654The Cottage, Woollaton (Building)
MDV90022The Elbow Room Restaurant, 5-6 North Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV33163The Globe Inn, High Street, Chagford (Building)
MDV56664The Granary, Coronation Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV8562The Guildhall, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV33097The Homestead and Homestead Cottage, Bickington (Building)
MDV95428The Kings Arms Public House (Building)
MDV90308The Kingsbridge Inn, Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV23738The Little Clock House and 2 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23696The Mansion House, 2 Mansion House Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV55185The North Country Inn, 128 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV92279The Obelisk in Memory of John Wills (Building)
MDV23713The Old Bakery, 2 Clarence Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV38854The Old Dairy, 73 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV35154The Old Forge, Woollaton (Building)
MDV97415The Old Manor House (Building)
MDV94437The Old Rectory, 34 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV100835The Old Rectory, Mary Tavy (Building)
MDV96059The Old School, Pilton (Building)
MDV92226The Old Smithy, Westwood (Building)
MDV90312The Old Ticket Office, steps, walls and adjoning railings, The Lamb, Totnes (Building)
MDV33668The Old Vicarage, Spreyton (Building)
MDV90080The Oxford Arms, 12 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV97408The Palace, Church Lane, Crediton (Building)
MDV90011The Priory Gateway and Flanking Walls adjoining east of Priory Cottages, Totnes (Building)
MDV74301The Pumping Station, Totnes (Building)
MDV8548The Shambles, 1 Higher Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV93736The Stables, Flete, Ermington (Building)
MDV41526The Thatched Cottage, Morebath (Building)
MDV35653Thisson Cottage, Woollaton (Building)
MDV95378Threshing Barn at Litchaton Farm, North Molton (Building)
MDV832Tollgate Cottage, Goodleigh Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV90118Totnes and District Conservative Club, Station Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV47809Totnes Union Workhouse, Plymouth Road, Totnes (Monument)
MDV31190Town Farmhouse (Building)
MDV23736Townstal Farm House, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV92301Two forecourt piers at 36 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV92290Two Toll Gate Piers, The Plains, Totnes (Building)
MDV4354Unenclosed hut circle settlement at Lower Piles, Harford (Monument)
MDV6893Unenclosed settlement between White Hill and Small Brook, South Tawton (Monument)
MDV29689Uphay Farmhouse, Axminster (Building)
MDV11465Uplowman Court (Building)
MDV33499Veet Mill Farm House, Drewsteignton (Building)
MDV83698Venn Ottery Barton and Outbuildings Adjoining to West (Building)
MDV86346Ventilation Shaft at Wheal Exmouth Mine, Christow (Monument)
MDV91624Ventilation Shaft at Wheal Exmouth, Christow (Monument)
MDV86972Vine Cottage, Longmeadow Road, Lympstone (Building)
MDV96058Wall and railing on north side of St. Mary's Churchyard Path, Pilton, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV96057Wall and Railing on south side of St. Mary's Churchyard Path, Pilton, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV96240Walls, Gate Piers and Gate to Pilton Abbey (Monument)
MDV96245Walls, Gate Piers and Gates to Pilton Cottage, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96588War Memorial in Garden of Remembrance, Ilfracombe (Building)
MDV81479War Memorial, St Mary's Churchyard, Axminster (Monument)
MDV90074Warehouse (Graham Reeves), St Peter's Quay, Totnes (Building)
MDV23701Warehouse, Mayor's Avenue, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23747Warfleet House, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV74771Warfleet Lodge, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV90099Warland House, Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV23645Water Conduit House, Bayards Cove (Building)
MDV74755Water Conduit, 19 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23725Water Conduit, 6 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23720Water Conduit, College Way, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV90231Waterloo Place, 1 Cistern Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV90097Waterman's Arms (Building)
MDV94207Week (Building)
MDV95888Weirholme, Landkey Road (Building)
MDV91852Wellparks (Monument)
MDV101200Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Blackdown (Building)
MDV96079West Chapel, Bear Street Cemetery, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV92594West End Cottage, Ashburton (Building)
MDV41227West Forde Farmhouse (Building)
MDV32837Westacott House, Landkey (Building)
MDV3497Western of three cairns 370m east-north-east of Down Tor (Monument)
MDV92352Westhill Cottage, 12 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV40533Westown Farmhouse, Westown Farm (Building)
MDV36076White Dove Cottage, Langdon Barton (Building)
MDV30022White Lodge (Building)
MDV23729Whiteknights, 16 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV40519Whitemoor Farmhouse, Hemyock (Building)
MDV96042Willesden House, Pilton (Building)
MDV95975Willshire Monument, The Square (Building)
MDV95974Wiltshire Fountain, The Square, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV60398Windgate Farmhouse, Windgate Farm (Building)
MDV23475Winswood House, Winswood Cottage and Winswood Spinney, Park Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV23468Wisteria, Western Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV59557World War II Pillbox, Connaught Gardens, Sidmouth (Monument)
MDV96249Wynards, Bellaire Cottages, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV81694Yeatlands Farmhouse, Yeatlands Farm (Building)
MDV96016Yeo Dale Hotel, 128 Pilton Street, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23723York House, 1 South Embankment, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV90667Youldens, Harbertonford (Building)