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Originator:Ordnance Survey

Associated Monuments (first 1000 links displayed, contact Devon HER for more information)

MDV51387 Penny of Edward I, Dean Street (Find Spot)
MDV959561 and 2 Taw Vale Parade, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV921221 and 2 Taw Vale Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV922601 and 2 Weston Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV866661 Bank Lane, Totnes (Building)
MDV974071 Bowden Hill, Crediton (Building)
MDV922891 Fore Street, and 1A and 1B Mill Lane, Totnes (Building)
MDV954271 King Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV902731 Leechwell Lane, Totnes (Building)
MDV747361 Lower Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV236951 Mansion House Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV900681 New Walk, Totnes (Building)
MDV749161 The Quay, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV922751 Ticklemore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV237461 to 9 The Pottery, Warfleet Creek Road, Dartmouth. (Building)
MDV900981 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV9008710 and 12 (with former warehouses to the rear) The Plains, Totnes (Building)
MDV2372110 and 12 Smith Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9008210 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV7493910 Foss Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV8619010 Newport Street and Newlands, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9182010 North Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9232810 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV854410 The Butterwalk, Duke Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2346110 Union Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV1513110 Vicarage Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9010310 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV97845100 and 101 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV38831101 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV92128101 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9001510-13 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV96136103 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23436104 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV97454105 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV23437106 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV38802108 and 109 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96098109 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23439109 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV7474511 and 12 Newport Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9023211 Cistern Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV96144110 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23440110 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV922611-10 Seymour Place, Totnes (Building)
MDV96145111 and 112 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV97455111 and 112 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV97359112 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV902361-12 Plymouth Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV963101-13 Barbican Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96143113 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV94445113 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV38838114 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV97456115 and 116, High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV91834117 and 118 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV38825117 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV631451-18 Moorashes, St Katherine's Way, Totnes (Building)
MDV7416812 and 13 East Street, Crediton, (Building)
MDV9785812 Duke Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV854512 Duke Street, The Butterwalk, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV2374012 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9010412 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV96163120 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV38826121 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96165122 and 123 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV38823125 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV747461-3 Bell Court, Newport Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9616813 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV388471-3 Maiden Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV900721-3 St. Peters Terrace, Totnes (Building)
MDV900851-3 The Plains, Totnes (Building)
MDV9010513 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV97891136 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV97889137 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV97354138 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV94447139 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9008314 and 14a Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV8667014 and 15, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9001914 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV7416714 East Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV236781-4 Ford, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9182714 North Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV2372214 Smith Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23446140 and 141 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV97888140 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV94460141 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV23447143 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV97425144 and 144A Hight Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV900501-5 Devon Place, Totnes (Building)
MDV7416615 East Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV10247016 Above Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9631416 and 17 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9176616 and 17 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9787716 and 17 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV2345916 and 17 St Lawrence Green, Crediton (Building)
MDV9008116 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9030916 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV901021-6 Orchard Terrace, Totnes (Building)
MDV7493116 Smith Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV961001-7 Bedford Row, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9542917 to 19 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9007917, 17a and 19 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9631518 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9180118 Dean Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV428021-8 Ebberley Lawn, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9227418 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV8667118, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9027719 and 20 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9630619 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV5138419-21 Dean Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV902861A Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV944532 and 3 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV978832 and 3 King Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV922782 and 3 New Walk, Totnes (Building)
MDV924092 and 3 North Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV856692 and 4 Brown's Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV917652 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV922802 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV885382 Market Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV902762 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9786520 and 21 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9607420 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9031020 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV6695020, 22 and 24b Fore Street (Monument)
MDV9604121 and 22 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9444321 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV10144621 to 25 Castle Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV9786922 and 23 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9609622 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV3882722 Joy Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2373222 South Town, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9007522-25 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV9032323 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9009324 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV234482-4 Jockey Hill Cottages, Crediton (Building)
MDV9787324 to 26 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9235424, Leechwell Street (Building)
MDV9217625 and 26 Landscore, Crediton (Building)
MDV3880425 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9027825 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2366625, 25a and 26 Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV3892426 and 27 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9027926 and 27 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2341726 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9007626 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV9609727 and 28 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9444927 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9180927 Downeshead Lane, Crediton (Building)
MDV5308727 Fore Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV2341827 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV2365427-33 Clarence Hill and 30 Brown's Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9788528 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV2367528 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9009028 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV4335928 Lower Street, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV8667328-31, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9786229 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV2367629 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9009129 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV972413 and 4 Taw Vale Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV923683 Ashleigh Villas, Totnes (Building)
MDV962503 Bellaire, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV900473 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV354023 High Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV918133 Mill Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV978513 The Churchyard, South Molton (Building)
MDV954233 to 6 Barnstaple Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV234493 to 6 Market Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV234653 Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV9788630 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9228830 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9741030 to 32 Dean Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV2347230-31 Exeter Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV9741331 East Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9621931 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9009532 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9787432 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV3886733 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9783533 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV8667433, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV8667534, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9005235 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9443835 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV2374235 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV9230235, Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV902303-6 Cistern Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9010737 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2148438 and 38A High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9783638 and 39 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9180838 Dean Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9009638 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV902743A South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV900864 and 5, The Plains, Totnes (Building)
MDV922824 and 6 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV978684 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV900164 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV978574 Duke Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV234664 Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV866694, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV9443640 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9783741 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV4306343 and 44 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9610843 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9610944 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9443944 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9011244 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9611045 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV3882145 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9611146 Boutport Street (Building)
MDV9610347 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2342049 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV917685 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV954245 Queen Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV921715 St Lawrence Green, Crediton (Building)
MDV234675 Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV900235, 6 and 7 Warren Lane, Totnes (Building)
MDV2342150 and 51 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9446250 to 58 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9010951 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV3881053 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2342355 and 56 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9611355, 55a and 56 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9024157 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV903075-7 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2342457 to 59 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV922765A The Plains, Totnes (Building)
MDV236396 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV922666 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV900186 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV921686 St Lawrence Green, Crediton (Building)
MDV2342560 and 61 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9231561 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2342662 and 63 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9024063 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV3880565 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2342765 to 67 High Street, Crediton (Monument)
MDV9231667 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV9746868 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9788068 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV2342869 and 70 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9446369 and 70 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV901006-9 Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV234607 and 8 Union Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV236407 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV7396771 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV2342971 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9214372 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV3885572 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV3880673 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2343073 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV2343275 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9218076 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9444077 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9217877 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV2343378 and 79 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9611579 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV234518 and 8B North Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV900138 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV922838 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV237048 Newport Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV921698 St Lawrence Green, Crediton (Building)
MDV9611680 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV2343480 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9611781 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9214081 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV388398-11 Holland Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9542582 South Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV3885183 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9622584 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9215084 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV3885287 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV3885388 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9443588 to 90 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV9214189, HIGH STREET (Building)
MDV741708a and 8b East Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV961419 and 10 Joy Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV960879 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV917649 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV921729 St Lawrence Green, Crediton (Building)
MDV922779 The Plains, Totnes (Building)
MDV918249 Union Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV741699,10 and 10a East Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV3885092 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV4306194 and 95 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV4306296 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV3881597 High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV9745399 and 100 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV9784099 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV96236Abbey Cottage, Bull Hill (Building)
MDV29211Adam's Hele Farmhouse, Ashburton (Building)
MDV55617Admiralty Boundary Stone, Britannia Royal Naval College (Monument)
MDV55608Admiralty Boundary Stones, Britannia Royal Naval College (Monument)
MDV55610Admiralty Boundary Stones, Britannia Royal Naval College (Monument)
MDV55611Admiralty Boundary Stones, Britannia Royal Naval College (Monument)
MDV55612Admiralty Boundary Stones, Britannia Royal Naval College (Monument)
MDV55613Admiralty Boundary Stones, Britannia Royal Naval College (Monument)
MDV55614Admiralty Boundary Stones, Britannia Royal Naval College (Monument)
MDV55615Admiralty Boundary Stones, Britannia Royal Naval College (Monument)
MDV55616Admiralty Boundary Stones, Britannia Royal Naval College (Monument)
MDV55607Admiralty Boundary Stones, Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV23694Agincourt House, 27 Lower Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV103710Agricultural Building, Bishopshayne Farm (Building)
MDV38858Alexandra Road, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV32655Allotment Gardens to south of Pottington, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV57966Allotment Gardens, Braunton Road, Pilton, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV56931Almshouses Along the Narrow Steps (Monument)
MDV103721Alston Farm, Chardstock (Monument)
MDV27041Alston Farmhouse, Chardstock (Building)
MDV103694Archaeological feature, Beacon Works, Bradninch (Monument)
MDV103730Archaeological features, Bommertown Farm, near Molland (Monument)
MDV103667Archaeological Features, land off Saundercroft Road, Broadclyst, East Devon (Monument)
MDV103731Archaeological Features, Pinhoe, Old Park Farm (Monument)
MDV103668Archaeological features, rear of Clare House Surgery, Clare House, Tiverton (Monument)
MDV103635Artefact scatter, South Street, Braunton (Monument)
MDV103477Artefact Scatter, St Mary's Church, Ottery St Mary (Monument)
MDV4735Bachelors Hall Tin Mine (Monument)
MDV4735Bachelors Hall Tin Mine (Monument)
MDV4735Bachelors Hall Tin Mine (Monument)
MDV4735Bachelors Hall Tin Mine (Monument)
MDV55114Baltic Wharf Shipyard, Totnes (Monument)
MDV97866Bank, 26 Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV96091Baptist Church Hall, Boutport Street (Building)
MDV32839Barn and stables 50 metres south of Westacott House, Landkey (Building)
MDV32838Barn at Westacott, Landkey (Building)
MDV91811Barn, 27 Downeshead Lane, Crediton (Building)
MDV33672Barn, Bush House (Building)
MDV40361Barne House, Dry Lane, Christow (Building)
MDV96085Barnstaple Baptist Church, Boutport Street (Building)
MDV14593Barnstaple Castle Moat (Monument)
MDV19999Barnstaple Castle Motte (Monument)
MDV900Barnstaple Loop Line (Monument)
MDV34296Barracott Farmhouse (Building)
MDV95967Barum House, The Square, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV90272Baste Walls, South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV10109Battlefield, Clyst Heath and Clyst St Mary (Monument)
MDV90340Bay Cottage and Bay Villa, Plymouth Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV8525Bayard's Cove Castle, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV23634Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV95950Beachcroft, Litchdon Street (Building)
MDV43957Bear Street, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV96248Bellaire Cottage, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV19797Bellaire House (Building)
MDV32669Belmont College, formerly Ellerslie, Bickington (Building)
MDV32671Bickington United Reform Church (Building)
MDV23452Bickleigh, 9 North Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV79333Birds Farm, Wolverstone, Awliscombe (Monument)
MDV79334Birds Farmhouse, Wolverstone, Awliscombe (Building)
MDV103696Bishopshayne Farm (Monument)
MDV26542Blacksmith's Workshop at Holwell Quarry part of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Building)
MDV90229Blue Coat House, Cistern Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV42296Boat Dock, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV97418Boot and Shoe Factory (Building)
MDV91835Boot and Shoe Factory (Building)
MDV92129Boot and Shoe Factory at 38 High Street (Building)
MDV74273Boot and Shoe Factory, Belle Court, Crediton (Monument)
MDV15032Boundary bank, North Hessary Tor, Princetown (Monument)
MDV74152Boundary Wall to Glebe House, Crediton (Monument)
MDV53897Boundary Wall, Undercliff (Monument)
MDV92142Brick kiln, Crediton (Monument)
MDV15132Bridge House, 125 Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV73490Bridge to the northeast of Totnes (Monument)
MDV23627Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV32808Broadmead, Landkey Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23647Broadstone Conduit (Building)
MDV7740Brown's House north-west of Lower White Tor (Building)
MDV96044Bryan House, 25 Pilton Street (Building)
MDV62833Building at St Peter's Quay, Totnes (Monument)
MDV65818Building in Coombe Road, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV95979Buildings to rear of 27 and 28 Boutport Street (Building)
MDV103735Bull Pen, Hook Farm (Building)
MDV103621Burgage plots, rear of 18 Potacre Street, Great Torrington (Monument)
MDV21751Burial Ground northeast of Queen Street, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV74275Burial Ground, Crediton (Monument)
MDV94215Bush Farm, Spreyton (Monument)
MDV33669Bush Farmhouse (Building)
MDV90244Cabot House, 69 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV28512Cairn 120 metres south-east side of Cox Tor, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV6305Cairn and cist on south-east side of Royal Hill, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV4117Cairn on Langstone Moor, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV2404Cairn on the summit of Penn Beacon, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV13020Cairn west of Forder Brook to the east of Kennon Hill, Throwleigh (Monument)
MDV103703Calves Shed, Bishopshayne Farm (Building)
MDV45220Canal Basin, Mill and Wharfs, Totnes (Monument)
MDV97834Carisbrook, 82 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV96060Carlyon House, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV103692Cart Shed, Birds Farm (Building)
MDV103698Cart Shed, Bishopshayne Farm (Building)
MDV103673Cart Shed, Crosses Hole Farm (Building)
MDV103683Cart Shed, Great Garlandhayes Farm (Building)
MDV103746Cartshed, Woonton Farm (Building)
MDV90322Castle Brewery, Castle Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV76329Castle House, Plymouth Road (Building)
MDV59867Castle Inn, Lydford (Building)
MDV6009Cator Pound, Widecombe (Monument)
MDV103693Cattle Shed, Birds Farm (Building)
MDV103700Cattle Shed, Bishopshayne Farm (Building)
MDV103684Cattle Shed, Great Garlandhayes Farm (Building)
MDV103685Cattle Shed, Great Garlandhayes Farm (Building)
MDV103733Cattleshed, Hook Farm (Building)
MDV103676Cattlesheds, Crosses Hole Farm (Building)
MDV50891Cellar of 2 High Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV96077Cemetery Lodge, Bear Street Cemetery, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV36231Chapel Downs Farmhouse. (Building)
MDV23650Chapel in Chapel Lane, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV42289Chapel of St Saviours, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV38848Chichester Arms, Pilton Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV94457Church House, 5 The Churchyard, South Molton (Building)
MDV47764Church of St John, Bridgetown (Monument)
MDV73887Church of the Holy Cross, Buller Memorial (Building)
MDV73886Churchyard Boundary Walls, Railings, Gate Piers and Gates (Building)
MDV85717Churchyard Walls, St Saviour's Church (Building)
MDV58764Churchyard, Totnes (Find Spot)
MDV103732Cider House and Cellar, Hook Farm (Building)
MDV103749Cider House at Yarde Farm, All Saints (Building)
MDV103723Cider House, Alston Farm (Building)
MDV103690Cider House, Birds Farm (Building)
MDV103717Cider House, Godford Land Farm (Building)
MDV103670Circular enclosure in field north-east of Bullaven Farm (Monument)
MDV46976Clearance cairn south of huts on Langstone Moor, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV103716Coach House, Godford Land Farm (Building)
MDV33332Coach House, Holy Street Manor, Chagford (Building)
MDV36286Cob Boundary Wall, Westwood (Building)
MDV91806Cob Garden Wall to Dean View, Crediton (Building)
MDV97404Cob Garden Wall, Cockles Lane (Building)
MDV66196Cob Wall, Four Mills Lane and Exeter Road (Building)
MDV55352Cobbled Road Surface, Kiddicott (Monument)
MDV71012Cobbled Surface, 17 South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV78923Cockles Lane, Crediton (Monument)
MDV60539Coin hoard, 23-25 High Street, Totnes (Find Spot)
MDV33663Combe Farmhouse, Combe Lane (Building)
MDV96214Cork & Bottle, High Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV103644Corn Mill at Rolle's Quay, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV92355Cosy Cot and Lamb Corner, 1-4 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV103705Cow Shed, Bishopshayne Farm (Building)
MDV23402Crediton High Street (Monument)
MDV97419Crediton Methodist Church (Building)
MDV97470Crediton Workhouse Hospital (Building)
MDV613Crediton, St Winfrith's Well (Building)
MDV78932Crinkle Crankle Wall, Belle Parade, Crediton (Building)
MDV19361Crock Street, now Cross Street, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV80019Crosses Hole Farm, Clayhidon (Monument)
MDV38134Crosses Hole Farmhouse, Clayhidon (Building)
MDV3067Cuckoo Ball prehistoric field system (Monument)
MDV23470Culver House, Exeter Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV23637Custom House, 3-4 Bayards Cove, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV103718Dairy and Mash House, Godford Land Farm (Building)
MDV103708Dairy and Milk Tank Shed, Bishopshayne Farm (Building)
MDV103727Dairy, Higher Farway Farm (Building)
MDV5860Damaged enclosure in northern part of Bellever Forest, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV90078Dart Vale House, Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV23478Dartmoor Railway Inn, Station Road (Building)
MDV53841Dartmouth Boat Float (Monument)
MDV56926Dartmouth Tidal Millpond (Monument)
MDV43355Dartmouth to Kingswear Lower Ferry (Monument)
MDV86672Dartvale Manor, 24 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV19243Devon Art Pottery, Pilton, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV90049Devon County Council Welfare Centre, Bridgetown (Building)
MDV97458Devon Wharf, Newton Abbot (Monument)
MDV97462Docks on River Lemon (Monument)
MDV56362Dovecote, 61-65 Fore Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV42989Drawbridge on Foss Street, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV92263Duncliffe and Strathmore, Pomeroy Villas, New Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV91825Dunn's School, 10-11 Union Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV97696Earne Cottage, Easdon Farm (Building)
MDV46802Earthwork on the North Side of North Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV96078East Chapel, Bear Street Cemetery, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV92268Elm View, 20 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV5754Enclosed hut circle settlement east of Bala Brook, South Brent (Monument)
MDV2910Enclosure on Cuckoo Ball, Ugborough (Monument)
MDV103636Enclosure on south-east slope of Hickaton Hill, Dean Prior (Monument)
MDV56764Enclosure south-west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV28534Enclosure south-west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV15289Enclosure with huts 250m north-west of Little Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV6802Enclosure within a loop of the East Dart River, Datmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV103562Enclosures and hut circle east of Wollake (Monument)
MDV26573Enclosures to south-east of Haytor Quarries (Monument)
MDV103707Engine House, Bishopshayne Farm (Building)
MDV32813Engine Shed circa 178 metres south-east of Victoria Road Station, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV94455Entrance Gates to Churchyard, Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV95954Exeter Inn, 12-13 Litchdon Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV90237Fairfield, Fernhill, Little Meadow House and Meadow House, Totnes (Building)
MDV23471Fairpark, Exeter Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV103697Farmhouse, Bishopshayne Farm (Building)
MDV103712Farmhouse, Godford Land Farm (Building)
MDV4217Feature 250 metres south of Devil's Tor (Monument)
MDV92264Fernleigh and Fernleigh Cottage, Pomeroy Villas, New Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV103620Field boundaries and ridge and furrow, Chivenor Cross (Monument)
MDV103619Field system and plough marks, Crinacott Farm, Pyworthy (Monument)
MDV25312Field system east of Harford, Harford (Monument)
MDV25131Field system east of Town Farm, Blackadon Down (Monument)
MDV26728Field System on Rowden Ball (Monument)
MDV26971Field system with ruined buildings east of Blackslade Mire (Monument)
MDV21845Finds from Great Western Industrial Estate, Barnstaple (Find Spot)
MDV21852Finds from the area of Great Western House, Barnstaple (Find Spot)
MDV64449Flavel Street Congregational Chapel (Monument)
MDV73201Footpath from Crediton to Shobrooke (Monument)
MDV23741Ford House, 44 Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV28400Former Almshouse, South Ford Road, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV91826Former Baptist Chapel (Monument)
MDV97411Former Buildings in South-East Corner of Churchyard (Building)
MDV97436Former County Police Station (Building)
MDV73213Former Crediton Gasworks (Monument)
MDV23441Former Crediton Town Hall (Building)
MDV63909Former Dock Wall, Coronation Park (Monument)
MDV42295Former Duke Street Assembly Rooms (Monument)
MDV63118Former Field Boundary South of Higher Road (Monument)
MDV103641Former field boundary, south-west of Upcott Cross Farm, St Giles in the Heath (Monument)
MDV66199Former Field Boundary, Winswood (Monument)
MDV103650Former Field System, Great Curham Farm, Ash Thomas (Monument)
MDV91847Former Fire Engine House (Building)
MDV91788Former Fish Market, Market Street (Building)
MDV97469Former Gas Works (Monument)
MDV42293Former Guildhall in Higher Street (Monument)
MDV33671Former Linhay, Bush House (Building)
MDV23476Former Main Road, Crediton (Monument)
MDV62953Former Medieval Properties, High Street (Monument)
MDV91814Former Methodist Chapel, Bowden Hill, Crediton (Building)
MDV90071Former Methodist Chapel, The Plains, Totnes (Building)
MDV55690Former Military Aircraft Hangar, Townstal, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV78955Former Mitchell's Bakery (Monument)
MDV42294Former Newcomen House's in Higher Street (Monument)
MDV66198Former Orchard, Winswood (Monument)
MDV73202Former Parish Boundary between Crediton & Crediton Hamlets (Monument)
MDV86178Former Pavilion and Bandstand, Royal Britannia Naval College (Building)
MDV23469Former Post Office and 3 Exeter Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV97428Former Post Office, High Street (Building)
MDV45724Former Quarries off Old Mill Lane (Monument)
MDV45712Former Quarry off Archway Drive (Monument)
MDV45725Former Quarry, Townstall (Monument)
MDV34422Former School, Manaton (Building)
MDV53898Former Shipbuilders Shed (Monument)
MDV36344Former Smithy, Westwood (Building)
MDV56925Former Theatre on Duke Street (Monument)
MDV97402Former Vicarage Garden Walls (Building)
MDV60864Former vicarage garden, Crediton (Monument)
MDV56238Former World War II Gun Emplacement, Bayard's Cove Castle (Monument)
MDV103754Foxenhole Millpond (Monument)
MDV78924Free Grammar School, Crediton (Monument)
MDV92115Front Garden Walls to Blagdon Terrace (Building)
MDV21664Gallows Park Cross, Ashburton (Monument)
MDV97246Garden and Yard Walls, Fairpark (Building)
MDV62838Garden Terraces, Castle Motte, Totnes (Monument)
MDV97403Garden Wall to Priory Cottage (Building)
MDV92170Garden Walls to Wistaria, Western Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV97401Garden Walls, Blagdon House (Building)
MDV94214Garden Walls, Bush House (Building)
MDV92117Garden Walls, Penton Cottage (Building)
MDV72171Gateways to Crediton Congregational Chapel and Manse (Building)
MDV43955Gaydon Street, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV36343Glen Cottage, Westwood (Building)
MDV103711Godford Land Farm (Monument)
MDV96024Golden Fleece Inn, Tuly Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV53781Golf Course, Broad Marsh, Totnes (Monument)
MDV77153Gollick Park Farm, Clayhidon (Monument)
MDV38132Gollick Park Farmhouse, Clayhidon (Building)
MDV91802Goods Shed, Crediton Station (Building)
MDV96093Gorwell House, Goodleigh Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV90094Gothic House, Bank Lane, Totnes (Building)
MDV55110Graffiti on a Tree at Totnes Castle (Monument)
MDV103720Grange Farm (Monument)
MDV79804Great Garlandhayes Farm, Clayhidon (Monument)
MDV297Great Potheridge House, Merton (Building)
MDV4113Great Western Reave at White Tor, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV90965Greator farmhouse, Manaton (Building)
MDV103761Greator Farmstead, Manaton (Monument)
MDV23366Greendale, Pill Lane, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV92353Grenville, 19 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV65823Grotto north of Brittannia Royal Naval College (Monument)
MDV9085Guildhall, Guildhall Yard, Totnes (Building)
MDV78746Ha Ha at Folleton House, Totnes (Monument)
MDV58799Harris Bacon Factory Workers Cottages, 1-4, Totnes (Monument)
MDV6827Higher Agistment (Monument)
MDV43954Higher and Lower Maudlin Streets, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV12898Higher Cadworthy Farmstead, Meavy (Monument)
MDV79785Higher Farway Farm, Chardstock (Monument)
MDV90295Highfield, Kingsbridge Hill, Totnes (Building)
MDV55618HM Naval Establishment, Sandquay (Monument)
MDV79787Holly Farm, Chardstock (Monument)
MDV19368Holy Trinity Church, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV79789Hook Farm, Chardstock (Monument)
MDV81461Hook Farmhouse, Hook Farm (Building)
MDV103740House and Garden at Smythapark (Building)
MDV4747Huntingdon Tin Mine (Monument)
MDV47611Hut 15 in settlement 500m south of Wedlake Farm (Monument)
MDV8763Hut circle 110 metres north-west of Blissmoor, Manaton (Monument)
MDV8762Hut circle 370 metres south-east of Ford Farm (Monument)
MDV8797Hut circle 400 metres south-east of Ford Farm (Monument)
MDV8802Hut Circle 80 metres north-west of Blissmoor, Manaton (Monument)
MDV8024Hut circle adjoining enclosure on Buckland Common (Monument)
MDV47624Hut circle north of White Tor Camp, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV5787Hut Circle on the north side of Corringdon Ball field system, South Brent (Monument)
MDV2224Hut circle on Wigford Down (Monument)
MDV103561Hut circle settlement 190 metres north-west of Fox Tor, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV13031Hut circle settlement 460 metres north-east of Rough Tor, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV4176Hut circle settlement 500m south of Wedlake Farm north-west of Roos Tor, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV103607Hut circle settlement 700 metres north-east of Fox Tor (Monument)
MDV76717Hut circle settlement north of Fox Tor, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV55522Hut circle settlement west of Lower Shapley (Monument)
MDV19434Hut circle south of Watern Oke settlement, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV7436Hut circle south-east of Honeybag Tor (Monument)
MDV48213Hut circle 'V' within the settlement north-east of Cox Tor, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV47622Hut circle within enclosure north of White Tor Camp, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV2410Hut in enclosure south-west of Great Trowlesworthy Tor (Monument)
MDV61961Hut in settlement 460m north-east of Rough Tor (Monument)
MDV43509Hut north-west of enclosure north of Corringdon Ball (Monument)
MDV7531Hut within settlement west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV95963Imperial Hotel (Building)
MDV90048Iveli, 8 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV6906Ivy Tor Tin Mine west of Skaigh Warren, South Tawton (Monument)
MDV95966Jalepeno Restaurant, Maiden Street (Building)
MDV90275Jasmin Cottage, South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV90101Jerusalem, Totnes (Building)
MDV97863K6 Telephone Kiosk, Broad Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV65824Kennels north of Old Mill Lane (Monument)
MDV47806King Edward VI College Lower School, Ashburton Road, Totnes (Monument)
MDV56922La Fosse, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV21592Lake Almshouses, Under Minnow Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96241Lake Cottage, Dark lane, Pilton (Building)
MDV96242Lake Cottages, Dark Lane, Pilton (Building)
MDV23379Landkey-Barnstaple Parish Boundary at Newport (Monument)
MDV103648Large field system centred on Halshanger Common (Monument)
MDV92121Late medieval bronze foundry off East Street, Crediton (Monument)
MDV20766Leat to Barnstaple Town Mill (Monument)
MDV59637Leats, Coronation Road, Totnes (Monument)
MDV65819Lifeboat House, Sandquay Road, Dawlish (Monument)
MDV103564Lime Kiln, Rhode Cottage (Monument)
MDV103563Lime Kiln, Rhode Hill (Monument)
MDV103615Lime Kiln, south-east of Torhill Cottages, Kingsteignton (Monument)
MDV103616Limekiln, Buckley Wood, Kingsteignton (Monument)
MDV103617Limekiln, in woodland near Falkland Drive, Kingsteignton. (Monument)
MDV103704Linhay, Bishopshayne Farm (Building)
MDV103719Linhay, Godford Land Farm (Building)
MDV103745Linhays, Woonton Farm (Building)
MDV90017Lion House, 5 Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV34383Little Park Farmhouse, Hatherleigh. Circa 17th century (Building)
MDV38849Lloyds Bank, 17 Cross Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV90238Lock Up North of The Old Forge, Totnes (Building)
MDV68855Lodge to Sharpham House (Monument)
MDV103739Lofted Shippon, Woonton Farm (Building)
MDV33098Longhope Cottage and Hillside Cottage, Bickington (Building)
MDV2494Longhouse within settlement east of Cholwich Town Clay Works, Cornwood (Building)
MDV92365Lower Broomborough, Plymouth Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV8220Lower Brownswell farmhouse, Ashburton (Building)
MDV65821Lower Lodge, Formerly Sandquay Lodge (Monument)
MDV36285Lower Westwood Farmhouse (Building)
MDV13365Lydia Mill, South Brent (Building)
MDV23457Malt House, Penton Lane, Crediton (Building)
MDV92123Malthouse to rear of Parliament Street (Building)
MDV91838Malthouse, 26-27 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV38865Malthouse, Alexandra Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV19906Mandles Farmstead to the east of Manga Hill, Lydford (Monument)
MDV90115Manor House, Coronation Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV86668Marlborough Lodge, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV64446Marshland southwest of Hampstead Manor Farm, Totnes (Monument)
MDV96086May House, Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV96234Medelpad, Dark Lane, Pilton (Building)
MDV97434Medicated Lozenge Factory (Building)
MDV97406Medieval boundary ditch to the north of East Street, Crediton (Monument)
MDV8109Medieval building south-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Building)
MDV8108Medieval building south-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Building)
MDV8550Medieval Cross in St Saviour's Churchyard (Building)
MDV71009Medieval Ditch, 17 South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV8110Medieval enclosure south-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV32213Medieval Field System east of Deadman's Cross (Monument)
MDV42288Medieval Guildhall, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV46801Medieval Pottery from the Rear of 51 Hight Street, Totnes (Find Spot)
MDV55388Medieval Tenement in North Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV103574Medieval Vicarage, 61-65 Fore Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV96235Medina, Bull Hill, Pilton (Building)
MDV38841Mermaid Inn, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV90337Middleton, Plymouth Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV47805Milepost at Whiteley Bridge, Totnes (Monument)
MDV32812Milepost on Great Western Railway circa 236 metres south-east of Victoria Road Station, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV32855Milestone in Landkey Road, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV32918Milestone on Goodleigh Road, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV3960Milestone on Green Lane, Whitchurch Down (Monument)
MDV45723Milestone on the A3122 to the west of Dartmouth (Building)
MDV32822Milestone on Westaway Plain, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV73391Milestone, 7 miles from Exeter, Crediton (Monument)
MDV45726Milestone, Victoria Road (Monument)
MDV63578Mill Gullet, La Fosse Dam (Monument)
MDV103756Mill Leat, Foxenhole Mill (Monument)
MDV101449Milton House, Castle Street, Great Torrington (Building)
MDV61746Mining remains west of Huntingdon Warren, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV63144Moor Ashes Fieldname, Totnes (Monument)
MDV55604Mount Boone Farm, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV53954Mount Boone House, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV86230Mount Galpine House, Clarence Hill, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV92357Mount Pleasant, Cistern Street (Building)
MDV90335Mount Plym, Totnes (Building)
MDV96313Mulberry Lodge, Barbican Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV103701Multi-phase settlement on land adjacent to Shepherd's Lane, Coombe, Teignmouth (Monument)
MDV59661Myrtle Place, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV53850Naval Dockyard at Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV53839New Ground Park, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV43360New Ground Quay (Monument)
MDV56928New Road, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV8561Newcomen Engine in Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV56929Newcomen Road, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV43059Newport Burgage Plots, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV43058Newport Methodist Church, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV16309Newport Terrace, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV12525Normanton House and Queen Anne House, Litchdon Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV43363North and South Embankments, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV18353North Devon Athenaeum, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV33104North Farmhouse, North Lane, Bickington (Building)
MDV94446Northam House, 114 and 115 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV12790Northern of three cairns on Shell Top summit, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV75678Northgate Lodge, Castle Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV92300Numbers 34, 34A and 34B, Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV90111Numbers 53, 53a, 55 asnd 55a, Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV90258Old Angel Place, 1 South Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV54087Old Coach House, Weeke Hill, Warfleet (Monument)
MDV74165Old Hayward's School, Crediton (Building)
MDV30707Old Rope Walk, Dyer's Hill (Monument)
MDV97457Old Shaft, Newton Abbot Race Course (Monument)
MDV23450Oliver House, 6 and 7 North Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV21089OPEN CAST MINE in the Parish of Dean Prior, West Buckfastleigh (Monument)
MDV103734Open-Fronted Cattleshed, Hook Farm (Building)
MDV86678Outbuilding directly to east-north-east of Lee House, Totnes (Building)
MDV90690Outhouse to the southeast of Lower Broomborough, Plymouth Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV13241Oval enclosure north of Harrowthron Plantation, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV8568Paradise Civil War Fort in Warfleet Road, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV80582Paradise Cottage, Totnes (Monument)
MDV96312Parish Buildings to south-west of Holy Trinity Church, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV70646Park Entrance Gates, Gate Piers and adjacent WallS, Castle Mound (Building)
MDV43060Park Lane, Newport, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV55606Pavilion at Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV6762Peat Pass of 135 metres south-east of Flat Tor, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV23456Penton Cottage, Penton Lane, Crediton (Building)
MDV92119Perimeter Walls, Taw Vale Terrace (Building)
MDV103691Pigsties, Birds Farm (Building)
MDV103709Pigsty, Bishopshayne Farm (Building)
MDV103750Pigsty, Yarde Farm (Building)
MDV12524Pill House, Pill Lane, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV25091Pillow mound 840 metres north-east of Trowlesworthy Warren House (Monument)
MDV64145Pillow mound at Skaigh Warren (Monument)
MDV64144Pillow mound at Skaigh Warren (Monument)
MDV64146Pillow mound east of Ivy Tor Water (Monument)
MDV64147Pillow mound east of Ivy Tor Water (Monument)
MDV64148Pillow mound east of Ivy Tor Water (Monument)
MDV44330PILLOW MOUND in the Parish of Moretonhampstead (Monument)
MDV96244Pilton Cottage, Dark Lane (Building)
MDV61861Planned Farmyard at Wellspark, Crediton (Building)
MDV61277Playing Field to the south of Exhibition Road (Monument)
MDV92369Plym House, Totnes (Building)
MDV92370Plym Villas, Totnes (Building)
MDV62513Plymouth Brethren Chapel (Monument)
MDV43953Portland Buildings, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV829Portland House, 29 Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV60788Possible Burial Site, Prayer Book Rebellion (Monument)
MDV8030Possible hut circle at Brake Corner (Monument)
MDV103638Possible Iron Age Persian coin, Gilscott Farm, Alwington (Find Spot)
MDV63119Possible Medieval Lynchets (Monument)
MDV63120Possible Medieval Strip Fields (Monument)
MDV62606Possible Site of Battle at Windmill Hill (Monument)
MDV54300Possible Site of Saxon Church in Crediton (Monument)
MDV51386Post Medieval and Modern Pottery from Garden of 21 Dean Street (Find Spot)
MDV103575Post-Medieval Garden, 61-65 Fore Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV71010Post-Medieval Walls, 17 South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV71011Post-Medieval Well, 17 South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV58471Pottery, Tile and Glass from Land off Barnfield (Find Spot)
MDV23422Pownes House, 52 High Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV2307Prehistoric Hut Circle Settlement on Wigford Down, Meavy (Monument)
MDV26183Probable enclosure at Babeny (Monument)
MDV13277Probable enclosure at Dockwell Farm, South Brent (Monument)
MDV73413Pump, Wellparks (Monument)
MDV32647Pumping House, Ellerslie, Bickington (Building)
MDV65820Pumping Station, Sandquay (Monument)
MDV103567Quarries at Notlands Coppice (Monument)
MDV53852Quarry north of Britannia Royal Naval College (Monument)
MDV45713Quarry north of Victoria Road, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV53851Quarry north-west of Britannia Royal Naval College (Monument)
MDV51367Quarry south of Whitchurch, Tavistock (Monument)
MDV43353Quay at Bayard's Cove (Monument)
MDV86084Quay, Castle Road, Warfleet (Building)
MDV53780Racecourse, Broad Marsh, Totnes (Monument)
MDV23674Raleigh Court and The Raleigh Public House, 5 South Embankment, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV3176Rattlebrook Mine (Monument)
MDV79800Readshill Farm, Chardstock (Monument)
MDV27005Readshill Farmhouse, Chardstock (Building)
MDV24795Reave on Brent Moor (Monument)
MDV29133Reave on Shovel Down (Monument)
MDV54511Reave system 230 metres north-east of Thornworthy House Hotel (Monument)
MDV15273Rendles Pottery, North Walk, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV26567Reservoir north-west of Haytor Vale, Ilsington (Monument)
MDV65822Reservoir, Britannia Royal Naval College (Monument)
MDV5767Rider's Rings settlement, South Brent (Monument)
MDV103737Ring Ditch, Balls Farm Road, Oaklands, Exeter (Monument)
MDV103671Roman Coin, St Andrew Street, Tiverton (Find Spot)
MDV63580Ropewalk, Lake Street, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV90332Rosabelle, Plymouth Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV96069Rosehill, Rumsam Road, Bishops Tawton (Building)
MDV23464Rosemont, 2 Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV4595Round cairn 25 metres south of Langstone Moor stone circle, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV4116Round cairn on Langstone Moor, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV14201Row of Terraced Houses on the west side of Potters Lane, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV64772Royal Avenue Gardens, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV96133Royal Exchange Public House, Joy Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV53883Rubbish pit to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV16576Rumsam near Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV53853Sandquay Quarry (Monument)
MDV43367Sandquay Shipyards (Monument)
MDV97461Saw Pit, Devon Wharf (Monument)
MDV103553Saxo-Norman and Late-Medieval Occupation at 61-65 Fore Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV63143Saxo-Norman Buried Soil, Totnes Castle,Totnes (Monument)
MDV19960Section of the Leather Tor Reave on Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV86665Sefton House, 7 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV103759Service Trench, Exeter Airport, Clyst Honiton (Monument)
MDV15053Seven Brethren Tombstone, Tawstock (Monument)
MDV90054Seymour Cottage, Pathfields, Totnes (Building)
MDV90046Seymour Hotel, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV92265Seymour House, 1 Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV86677Seymour Lodge, 1 Coldharbour, Totnes (Building)
MDV86676Seymour Terrace, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV92262Seymour Villas, 1-4 Pathfields, Totnes (Building)
MDV12904Shaden Moor parallel reave system (Monument)
MDV7513Shallow shafts or pit works at Hemsworthy Mine (Monument)
MDV103677Shelter Shed, Crosses Hole Farm (Building)
MDV94452Sherborn House, 11 Duke Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV47811Shinner's Bridge Quarry, Totnes (Monument)
MDV43365Ship Builders' Yards south of Coombe Mud, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV103724Shippon, Alston Farm (Building)
MDV103695Shippon, Birds Farm (Building)
MDV103706Shippon, Bishopshayne Farm (Building)
MDV103675Shippon, Crosses Hole Farm, Clayhidon (Building)
MDV103686Shippon, Great Garlandhayes Farm (Building)
MDV103738Shippon, Woonton Farm (Building)
MDV103726Shippons, Higher Farway Farm (Building)
MDV53779Shipyard on Broad Marsh Racecourse, Totnes (Monument)
MDV100889Shorts Lane Cottage (Building)
MDV32802Signal Box at East Junction on the Great Western Railway, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV32815Signal Box on Great Western Railway circa 77 metres south-east of Victoria Road Station, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV32803Signal Post circa 55 metres south-east of East Junction on the Great Western Railway, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV32811Signal Post on Great Western Railway circa 277 metres south-east of Victoria Road Station (Monument)
MDV32810Signal Post on Great Western Railway circa 426 metres south-east of Victoria Road Station (Monument)
MDV32809Signal Post on Great Western Railway circa 518 metres south-east of Victoria Road Station (Monument)
MDV32801Signal Posts at East Junction on the Great Western Railway, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV32814Signal Posts on Great Western Railway to south-east of Victoria Road Station, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV103660Signal Posts on the Great Western Railway circa 203 metres south-east of Victoria Road Station, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV59650Silver Street and Hardaway Head, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV10971Site of Battle in 1549 at Fenny Meadow, Feniton (Monument)
MDV19364Site of Claypits and Pottery, Summerland Street and Pulchras Street, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV23363Site of farmyard and buildings south of Bishops Tawton Junction (Building)
MDV12578Site of the Last Battle of the Prayer Book Rebellion (Monument)
MDV90211Sleepy Thatch, Sunny Thatch. Vine Thatch, and 4 Vine Cottage, East Prawle (Building)
MDV24023Snurridge (Building)
MDV32857Sowden Reservoir, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV97433St Breocks Cottage, Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV74172St Clares and attached Garden Walls, 62 East Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV15638St Clement's Church, Townstal, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV78922St Lawrence's Fair, Crediton (Monument)
MDV55354St Martin's Lane (Monument)
MDV64252St Peter's Quay in Totnes (Monument)
MDV23463St. Breock, 1 Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV19365St. Mary Magdelene's Church, Bear Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV103758St. Marys School, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV103715Stable (North Range), Godford Land Farm (Building)
MDV91819Stable Block to Rear of 14 North Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV97432Stable Block, 3 Union Terrace, Crediton (Building)
MDV33331Stable Block, Holy Street Manor, Chagford (Building)
MDV90324Stable Cottage, Collins Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV103722Stable, Alston Farm (Building)
MDV103689Stable, Birds Farm (Building)
MDV103702Stable, Bishopshayne Farm (Building)
MDV103713Stable, Godford Land Farm (Building)
MDV96070Stables and Coach House, Rosehill, Bishops Tawton (Building)
MDV86679Stables and Dovecot approximately forty metres east of Painsford Manor, Totnes (Building)
MDV36284Stables and Linhay at Lower Westwood, Crediton (Building)
MDV33670Stables, Bush Farmhouse (Building)
MDV90073Steam Packet Inn, St Peter's Quay, Totnes (Building)
MDV103657Stone at Hollowcombe, Fremington (Monument)
MDV53884Stone lined drain to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV32663Stone on Saltings to north-east of Hollowcombe, Fremington (Monument)
MDV32664Stone to north-east of Hollowcombe, Fremington (Monument)
MDV71718Stream Culvert to the north of Crediton Parish Church (Monument)
MDV32850Strip Fields at Newport, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV103642Strip Fields to West of Beetor Bridge (Monument)
MDV103640Sub-surface cobbled surfaces and walls, Crossways, Atherington, Umberleigh (Monument)
MDV91848Subterranean Reservoir, High Street (Monument)
MDV74274Sunday School, Crediton (Monument)
MDV33105Sunnymead and April Cottages, North Lane, Bickington (Building)
MDV91832Tannery, Porch Court (Monument)
MDV23479Taw Vale Terrace, Station Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV64451Tenement Between Foss Street and Flavel Place (Monument)
MDV71279Tenement boundary wall, Charlotte Street, Crediton (Monument)
MDV64450Tenement, Flavel Place (Monument)
MDV41618Tenements in Church Lane, Crediton (Monument)
MDV97240Thatched Garden Wall, Hillbrow (Building)
MDV90051The Albert Inn, Bridgetown, Totnes (Building)
MDV22393The Barnstaple and Ilfracombe Railway, Barnstaple-Braunton Section (Monument)
MDV43865The Boathouse, Brunswick Wharf, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV24855The Butterwalk, 6 to 12 Duke Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV90022The Elbow Room Restaurant, 5-6 North Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV33163The Globe Inn, High Street, Chagford (Building)
MDV56664The Granary, Coronation Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV8562The Guildhall, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV33097The Homestead and Homestead Cottage, Bickington (Building)
MDV95428The Kings Arms Public House (Building)
MDV90308The Kingsbridge Inn, Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV83280The Knowle, Sidmouth (Building)
MDV97424The Lamb Inn, North Street (Building)
MDV23696The Mansion House, 2 Mansion House Street, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV55185The North Country Inn, 128 Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV92279The Obelisk in Memory of John Wills (Building)
MDV38854The Old Dairy, 73 Newport Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV97415The Old Manor House (Building)
MDV94437The Old Rectory, 34 East Street, South Molton (Building)
MDV96059The Old School, Pilton (Building)
MDV92226The Old Smithy, Westwood (Building)
MDV62386The Old Store, South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV90312The Old Ticket Office, steps, walls and adjoning railings, The Lamb, Totnes (Building)
MDV90080The Oxford Arms, 12 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV97408The Palace, Church Lane, Crediton (Building)
MDV90011The Priory Gateway and Flanking Walls adjoining east of Priory Cottages, Totnes (Building)
MDV74301The Pumping Station, Totnes (Building)
MDV53899The Sail Loft, Mayor's Avenue, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV44623The Sextons Lodge, Follaton Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV6753'The Sheepfold' and starch factory south-west of Stannon Tor (Monument)
MDV90311The Wick, Kingsbridge Hill, Totnes (Building)
MDV5673Three Barrows Reave on Ugborough Moor (Monument)
MDV103649Three enclosures, Great Curham Farm, Ash Thomas (Monument)
MDV103757Three linear features, Smallbrook Farm, Newton St Cyres (Monument)
MDV55356Threshers, Crediton (Monument)
MDV103725Threshing Barn, Alston Farm, All Saints (Building)
MDV103687Threshing Barn, Birds Farm (Building)
MDV103699Threshing Barn, Bishopshayne Farm (Building)
MDV103674Threshing Barn, Crosses Hole Farm (Building)
MDV103714Threshing Barn, Godford Land Farm (Building)
MDV103680Threshing Barn, Great Garlandhayes Farm (Building)
MDV103736Threshing Barn, Woonton Farm (Building)
MDV103748Threshing Barn, Yarde Farm (Building)
MDV55602Timber Pond on west side of Combe Mud, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV103653Tinworking in Bellacouche Fields to the north of Biera Wood, Chagford (Monument)
MDV832Tollgate Cottage, Goodleigh Road, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV6611Tor cairn 50 metres north-east of Hookney Tor (Monument)
MDV90118Totnes and District Conservative Club, Station Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV53882Totnes Town Wall to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV47809Totnes Union Workhouse, Plymouth Road, Totnes (Monument)
MDV38717Town Ditch at Boutport Street, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV8575Town Gaol, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV62971Town Mills Leat Outflow, Totnes (Monument)
MDV64442Track from Hampstead Manor Farm to Littlehempston, Totnes (Monument)
MDV97463Tramways, West of England Steam Saw Mills (Monument)
MDV62840Trench, Totnes Castle, Totnes (Monument)
MDV19249Turbit Terrace, North Walk, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV103625Turf-covered cairn 350 metres south-east of Skaigh Warren, South Tawton (Monument)
MDV92301Two forecourt piers at 36 Fore Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV5176Unenclosed hut circle settlement at Bishop's Mead, South Brent (Monument)
MDV4332Unenclosed hut circle settlement north of Downing's House, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV13012Unenclosed hut circle settlement north-west of Forder Brook, Throwleigh (Monument)
MDV23462Union Terrace, Crediton (Monument)
MDV91807Unitarian Chapel (Building)
MDV43956Vicarage Street, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV47810Vicarage, Plymouth Road, Totnes (Monument)
MDV74171Vine Cottage, 63 East Street, Crediton (Building)
MDV103688Wagon Shed, Birds Farm (Building)
MDV103747Wagon Shed, Woonton Farm (Building)
MDV103751Wagon Shed, Yarde Farm, All Saints (Building)
MDV62400Wall Painting, St Saviour's Parish Church (Monument)
MDV53885Wall to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV53886Wall to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV53887Wall to the rear of 54 High Street on South Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV90074Warehouse (Graham Reeves), St Peter's Quay, Totnes (Building)
MDV23701Warehouse, Mayor's Avenue, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV71566Warehouses at Bridge Court, Totnes (Monument)
MDV63672Warehouses, Lower Collins Road, Totnes (Building)
MDV23747Warfleet House, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV74771Warfleet Lodge, Dartmouth (Building)
MDV90099Warland House, Warland, Totnes (Building)
MDV32816Water Tower in Allotment Gardens to south-east of Victoria Road Station, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV90231Waterloo Place, 1 Cistern Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV90097Waterman's Arms (Building)
MDV94207Week (Building)
MDV33698Week Farmhouse (Building)
MDV80449Well at The White Swan, Crediton (Monument)
MDV103654Well on Harpers Hill, Totnes (Monument)
MDV51385Well, 21 Dean Street, Crediton (Monument)
MDV59863Well, 21-25 Fore Street, Totnes (Monument)
MDV91852Wellparks (Monument)
MDV73141Wellparks Farmhouse (Building)
MDV96079West Chapel, Bear Street Cemetery, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV32837Westacott House, Landkey (Building)
MDV32823Westacott Nursery, Landkey (Monument)
MDV49102Western Limekiln, Castle Road, Warfleet (Building)
MDV55355Western Road, Crediton (Monument)
MDV92352Westhill Cottage, 12 Leechwell Street, Totnes (Building)
MDV36287Westwood Farmhouse (Building)
MDV9376Wheal Exmouth Mine, Christow (Monument)
MDV3236Wheal Jewell Mine, Mary Tavy (Monument)
MDV80049Wiltown Farm, Clayhidon (Monument)
MDV23468Wisteria, Western Road, Crediton (Building)
MDV79801Woonton Farm, Chardstock (Building)
MDV11578Woonton Farmhouse, Chardstock (Building)
MDV103552World War II anti-tank traps, Rydon Lane, Kingsteignton (Monument)
MDV55603World War II Ship Repair Yard, Coronation Park, Dartmouth (Monument)
MDV76324Wrinklehorn Villa, Bourton Road (Building)
MDV96249Wynards, Bellaire Cottages, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV13222Yadsworthy field system, Cornwood (Monument)
MDV55186Yard to the rear of North Country Inn, Green Lane, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV79803Yarde Farm, Chardstock (Building)
MDV27010Yarde Farmhouse, Chardstock (Building)
MDV96016Yeo Dale Hotel, 128 Pilton Street, Pilton, Barnstaple (Building)
MDV23723York House, 1 South Embankment, Dartmouth (Building)