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Title:RAF Upottery
Originator:Passmore, M. + Passmore, A.
Summary:RAF Upottery, also known as Smeatharpe, was intended as a RAF bomber station, but was occupied by the United States Army Air Force, who used the facilities for its troop carriers. A number of structures can still be seen at the site, including a derelict control tower, huts and an Air Ministry laboratory.

Associated Monuments (5)

MDV57234Air Ministry Laboratory Bombing Teacher, Upottery Airfield (Monument)
MDV57250Control Tower, RAF Upottery (Monument)
MDV57249Mechanical and Electrical Plinth, RAF Upottery (Monument)
MDV47202Upottery Airfield (Monument)
MDV52968World War II Sentry Box and Memorial, Uppottery (Monument)