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Title:A Condition Survey of the Archaeological Sites of the Willsworthy Freehold, Dartmoor Training Area
Originator:Probert, S.
Summary:Survey to revisit the previously recorded archaeological features and assess for active damage and potential threat.

Associated Monuments (52)

MDV78342Abandoned leat near Bearwalls farm (Monument)
MDV132015Boundary stone at Wallabrook Head, Lydford (Monument)
MDV131897Boundary stone at Western Red Lake (Monument)
MDV132014Boundary stone north of Wallabrook Head (Monument)
MDV132022Boundary stone south-east of Nattor Farm, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV132009Boundary stone, Willsworthy (Monument)
MDV132010Boundary stone, Willsworthy (Monument)
MDV26939Dry leat south of the Walla Brook (Monument)
MDV131990Earthworks across Willsworthy Range (Monument)
MDV12860Enclosed settlement 420m south of Doetor Farm (Monument)
MDV132097Field system north of Yellowmead (Monument)
MDV78331Field system on Black Down (Monument)
MDV50778Field-plots 100m east of Ger Tor (Monument)
MDV132006Five granite posts, Willsworthy Camp (Monument)
MDV132007Former grenade range, Willsworthy Camp (Monument)
MDV132013Former military lookout, Doe Tor (Monument)
MDV132016Former military lookout, Ger Tor (Monument)
MDV131997Group of clearance cairns south-east of Standon Farm (Monument)
MDV131853Hut and field boundaries on right bank of the River Tavy (Monument)
MDV3563Hut circle settlement 470m north-east of Ger Tor (Monument)
MDV134084Hut in settlement 420m south of Doetor Farm (Monument)
MDV134085Hut in settlement 420m south of Doetor Farm (Monument)
MDV134086Hut in settlement 420m south of Doetor Farm (Monument)
MDV134087Hut in settlement 420m south of Doetor Farm (Monument)
MDV134088Hut in settlement 420m south of Doetor Farm (Monument)
MDV134089Hut in settlement 420m south of Doetor Farm (Monument)
MDV134090Hut in settlement 420m south of Doetor Farm (Monument)
MDV3260Hut settlement on Standon Down, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV131854Hut settlement, Tavy Cleave (Monument)
MDV131999Leat on Nattor Down (Monument)
MDV26902Leats on moorland north of Yellowmead (Monument)
MDV131977Lookout and flagpole, Hare Tor (Monument)
MDV132011Military earthworks, White Hill (Monument)
MDV131994Military features near Redford Farm (Monument)
MDV131858Military features on Standon Hill (Monument)
MDV131987Mounds on Standon Hill, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV131996Prospecting pit next to cairn south-east of Standon Farm (Monument)
MDV132019Rectangular structure, Walla Brook (Monument)
MDV131978Recumbent stone pillar south-east of Sharp Tor, Peter Tavy (Monument)
MDV132001Shelter south-east of Nat Tor (Monument)
MDV132017Stone trough at Wallabrook Head (Monument)
MDV132098Stone working evidence, Willsworthy Estate (Monument)
MDV131855Streamworking on left bank tributary of the River Tavy (Monument)
MDV131850Streamworking south-east of Hare Tor (Monument)
MDV131982Streamworks at the head of Baggator Brook (Monument)
MDV78341Stubley Hills Gert, Walla Brook (Monument)
MDV131976Target butt, north of Hare Tor (Monument)
MDV132008Target butts, Willsworthy Camp (Monument)
MDV131973Tin pits above the Wall Brook (Monument)
MDV131852Tinner's hut south-east of Hare Tor (Monument)
MDV131995Two target butts south-east of Willsworthy Brook (Monument)
MDV108939Yellowmead Farmstead, Peter Tavy (Monument)