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OASIS ID:cotswold2-280502
Title:Land at Mosshayne Farm, Pinhoe: Evaluation
Originator:Ellis, C
Summary:The evaluation was undertaken as a first phase of mitigation, to define and characterise the archaeological potential of the site as well as ground-proofing the results of the geophysical survey.
DOI (permanent link):https://doi.org/10.5284/1046475

Associated Monuments (8)

MDV112242Archaeological Anomalies, Land at Mosshayne, Pinhoe, Exeter (Monument)
MDV112278Gullies, Land at Mosshayne Farm, Pinhoe (Monument)
MDV112238Large Square Enclosure, Land at Mosshayne Pinhoe, Exeter (Monument)
MDV112279Roman Body Sherd, Land at Mosshayne Farm, Pinhoe (Find Spot)
MDV112239Semi-Circular Anomalies, Land at Mosshayne, Pinhoe, Exeter (Monument)
MDV112282Tree Throw, Land at Mosshayne Farm, Pinhoe (Monument)
MDV112282Tree Throw, Land at Mosshayne Farm, Pinhoe (Monument)
MDV112282Tree Throw, Land at Mosshayne Farm, Pinhoe (Monument)
MDV112282Tree Throw, Land at Mosshayne Farm, Pinhoe (Monument)
MDV112281Tree Throws, Land at Mosshayne Farm, Pinhoe (Monument)