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Title:Land at Mosshayne, Pinhoe, Exeter
Originator:Brunning, E.
Summary:Geophysical survey undertaken to locate and characterise any anomalies of possible archaeological interest within the study area. The work forms part of a wider archaeological assessment.

Associated Monuments (9)

MDV112242Archaeological Anomalies, Land at Mosshayne, Pinhoe, Exeter (Monument)
MDV112240Archaeological Anomaly, Land at Mosshayne, Pinhoe, Exeter (Monument)
MDV112249Former Route of Waterway, Mosshayne, Pinhoe, Exeter (Monument)
MDV112278Gullies, Land at Mosshayne Farm, Pinhoe (Monument)
MDV112238Large Square Enclosure, Land at Mosshayne Pinhoe, Exeter (Monument)
MDV76555Linear Feature to West of Mosshayne Lane (Monument)
MDV112245Ridge and Furrow, Land at Mosshayne, Pinhoe, Exeter (Monument)
MDV112239Semi-Circular Anomalies, Land at Mosshayne, Pinhoe, Exeter (Monument)
MDV112282Tree Throw, Land at Mosshayne Farm, Pinhoe (Monument)