MDV106495 | Anti-invasion Defensive Barrier to east of Axe Bridge, Axminster (Monument) |
MDV80437 | Anti-tank Gun Emplacement South-east of Axe Bridge, Colyton (Monument) |
MDV124540 | Anti-Tank Obstacle, 300 metres south of Boshill Cross, Axmouth (Monument) |
MDV47887 | Anti-Tank Obstacles circa 235 metres north of Axe Bridge, Axmouth (Monument) |
MDV72481 | Anti-Tank Sockets 350 metres south of Boshill Cross, Axmouth (Monument) |
MDV28718 | Axe Bridge, Colyton (Monument) |
MDV45243 | Axminster Strong Point on the Taunton Stop Line (Monument) |
MDV125708 | Boshill Cross Strong Point (Monument) |
MDV39421 | Gun Emplacement at southeastern end of Axmouth Harbour (Monument) |
MDV39358 | Pillbox S.81 circa 252 metres south-southeast of Axe Bridge, Colyton (Monument) |
MDV119535 | The Taunton Stop Line (Monument) |