ID: | SDV359041 |
Title: | Rippon Tor survey - final list of previously unrecorded HER sites |
Originator: | Newman, P. |
Date: | 2015 |
Summary: | Eight new sites and some amendments.
23/08/15 |
Associated Monuments (6)
MDV113188 | A hut circle with the small wood known as the Spinney (Monument) |
MDV113193 | Hut circle and ruined enclosure walls east of Tor Croft (Monument) |
MDV113192 | Medieval field boundaries in Bagtor enclosure (Monument) |
MDV113190 | Medieval field boundary on the east slope of the Blackslade Valley (Monument) |
MDV113189 | Tin prospecting pits on Halsanger Common (Monument) |
MDV113191 | Two glider poles on Pudsham Down (Monument) |
Search results generated by the HBSMR Gateway from exeGesIS SDM Ltd.