MDV3741 | Agglomerated enclosure with huts 460 metres west-south-west of Raddick Hill, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV131011 | Alignment of deep pitworks and shafts at Drivage Bottom (Monument) |
MDV28499 | Boundary stone standing within an enclosure attached to the Great Western Reave, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV130783 | Boundary stone, Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV130782 | Boundary stones, Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV130784 | Boundary stones, Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV58104 | Cairn 170 metres south-east of Black Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV4962 | Cairn 350 metres north-east of Raddick Hill Summit, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV4983 | Cairn and cist 600 metres north-east of Routrundle to the east of Ingra Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV50703 | Cairn at west end of alignment between Sharpitor and Leeden Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV50267 | Cairn at west end of alignment south-west of Black Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV50268 | Cairn at west end of alignment south-west of Black Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV50220 | Cairn at west end of stone row on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV19965 | Cairn by road, 825m south of Leedon Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV19964 | Cairn in a group of three south-east of the stone row on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV51501 | Cairn on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV51504 | Cairn on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV51503 | Cairn on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV51502 | Cairn on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV5010 | Cairn south-west of Raddick Hill, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV5012 | Cairn to north-east of stone row on Walkhampton Common, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV130728 | Cairn west of Burrator Reservoir (Monument) |
MDV57040 | Cairn, hut circle or gun emplacement to south-east of Leeden Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV14311 | Clearance cairns in Raddick Plantation, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV28198 | Clearance cairns, Stanlake (Monument) |
MDV20653 | Combshead Farmstead, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV3500 | Cross adjacent to Devonport Leat (Monument) |
MDV28231 | Cross reave running from the Great Western Reave on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV12725 | Deserted farmstead at Deancombe (Monument) |
MDV28528 | Deserted farmstead on Peek Hill (Monument) |
MDV3762 | Double stone row 350 meters north-west of Sharpitor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV57042 | Earthwork bank to the north-west of the Great Western Reave on Walkhampton Common, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV42440 | East Hughes Mine, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV58106 | Eastern tinwork at Black Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV4952 | Enclosed settlement 380 metres south-west of Raddick Hill (Monument) |
MDV3740 | Enclosed settlement 400 metres west of Raddick Hill, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV3702 | Enclosed stone hut circle settlement 700 metres south of Leeden Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV48097 | Enclosure 100 metres north-east of Sharpitor summit, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV58101 | Enclosure 110m west-south-west of Black Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV50104 | Enclosure 170 metres north-east of Leather Tor (Monument) |
MDV58100 | Enclosure 190m west of Black Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV3711 | Enclosure 580 metres south of Leeden Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV58103 | Enclosure circa 200 metres south of Black Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV58102 | Enclosure east of Black Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV4964 | Enclosure in settlement south of Foggintor Quarries, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV19962 | Enclosure on east side of Walkhampton reave to the south-east of Leeden Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV128505 | Enclosure remains with hut on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV4993 | Enclosure with hut circles, north of settlement at Stanlake (Monument) |
MDV5007 | Enclosure with two huts in Raddick Plantation (Monument) |
MDV50185 | Enclosures in settlement east of Leeden Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV28490 | Features south of settlement at Stanlake Plantation, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV15036 | Great Western Reave (southern section), Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV4963 | Group of clearance cairns south-west of Raddick Hill, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV130623 | Group of stone clearance heaps, Raddick Plantation (Monument) |
MDV130625 | Group of stone clearance heaps, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV28186 | Hart Tor Brook alluvial tin streamwork, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV51520 | Hart Tor Rifle Range (Monument) |
MDV42459 | Hart Tor Streamworking on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV66668 | Hut circle 125 metres east of Cuckoo Rock (Monument) |
MDV66667 | Hut circle 140 metres east of Cuckoo Rock (Monument) |
MDV66666 | Hut circle 190 metres east of Cuckoo Rock (Monument) |
MDV66665 | Hut circle 215 metres east of Cuckoo Rock (Monument) |
MDV61955 | Hut circle 570 metres south-west of Down Tor (Monument) |
MDV61954 | Hut circle 570 metres south-west of Down Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV28500 | Hut circle built over the Leather Tor reave, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV4996 | Hut circle near settlement north of Leather Tor Bridge, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV12834 | Hut circle settlement 250 metres north of Leather Tor Bridge, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV3748 | Hut circle settlement 400 metres south-east of Black Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV14307 | Hut circle settlement 900 metres west of Devil's Bridge, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV12837 | Hut circle settlement at Stanlake Plantation north-east of Leather Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV3718 | Hut circle settlement on the south-east slope of Leeden Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV3969 | Hut circle settlement on the south-west flank of Hingston Hill, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV57134 | Hut circle settlement south of Foggintor Quarries (Monument) |
MDV12833 | Hut circle to the east of the settlement at Stanlake Plantation, Walkhampton
Hut circle within settlement at Stanlake Plantation, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV48483 | Hut circle within enclosure on the east side of the Walkhampton reave, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV48095 | Hut circle within enclosure on the east side of the Walkhampton reave, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV3476 | Hut circles north of Down Tor (Monument) |
MDV3790 | Hut Settlement north of Stanlake, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV130960 | Hut south-east of enclosure west of Nun's Cross (Monument) |
MDV48480 | Hut within enclosure 100 metres north-east of Sharpitor summit, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV28573 | Hut within enclosure on Walkhampton Common, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV20656 | Kingset Farm, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV28212 | Leat on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV131067 | Leat running from Drivage Bottom to tinworks on the north side of Down Tor (Monument) |
MDV42451 | Leat south of Hart Tor (Monument) |
MDV62283 | Leat south-west of Hart Tor (Monument) |
MDV28200 | Leat supplying Keaglesborough Mine (Monument) |
MDV42458 | Leat supplying Wheal Chance (Monument) |
MDV130631 | Leat west of Down Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV42431 | Leats at Newleycombe Lake, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV131072 | Leats south of Newleycombe Farm (Monument) |
MDV28214 | Leats, Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV15037 | Leeden Tor cross reave, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV28187 | Lode back tinwork 240m south-south-east of Hart Tor (Monument) |
MDV62287 | Lode back tinwork 310m south-south-west of Hart Tor (Monument) |
MDV62288 | Lode back tinwork 390m south-south-west of Hart Tor (Monument) |
MDV62290 | Lode back tinwork 400m west-south-west of Hart Tor (Monument) |
MDV62289 | Lode back tinwork 420m south-west of Hart Tor (Monument) |
MDV130777 | Lode back tinwork south-west of Hart Tor (Monument) |
MDV130778 | Lode back tinwork west-south-west of Hart Tor (Monument) |
MDV12836 | Longhouse in hut circle settlement at Stanlake (Building) |
MDV62285 | Lower leat south-west of Hart Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV130722 | Meavy water supply system (Monument) |
MDV48484 | Military building within enclosure east of the Walkhampton Common reave, Walkhampton (Building) |
MDV58109 | Mortar emplacement near Blacktor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV62254 | Mortar emplacement near Blacktor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV115068 | Nissen huts on Peek Hill (Building) |
MDV131571 | Non antiquity; alleged cairn (Monument) |
MDV4896 | Northern double stone row south-west of Hart Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV5020 | Northern stamping mill at Black Tor Falls (Monument) |
MDV58107 | Northern tinwork at Black Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV61947 | One of three cairn to the south-east of the stone row on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV61948 | One of three cairns to the south-east of the stone row on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV131009 | Openwork and pitworks south of Drivage Bottom (Monument) |
MDV42424 | Openwork at Middleworth, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV42425 | Openwork on south-facing slope of Hingston Hill, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV62282 | Openwork south-west of Hart Tor (Monument) |
MDV130621 | Openwork west of Down Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV42450 | Openwork west of Hart Tor (Monument) |
MDV42421 | Openwork west of Newleycombe Farm (Monument) |
MDV42426 | Openwork, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV130790 | Peat drying platform, Peek Hill (Monument) |
MDV131010 | Pillow mound north of Drivage Bottom Stream (Monument) |
MDV4947 | Platform cairn 60 metres north of Raddick Hill summit, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV131073 | Possible cairn in Newleycombe Valley (Monument) |
MDV130721 | Possible reave north of Combeshead Tor (Monument) |
MDV130721 | Possible reave north of Combeshead Tor (Monument) |
MDV130721 | Possible reave north of Combeshead Tor (Monument) |
MDV130721 | Possible reave north of Combeshead Tor (Monument) |
MDV28525 | Possible small cairn south-east of the summit of Peek Hill (Monument) |
MDV130716 | Pot water leat supplyng Roundy Farm (Monument) |
MDV62293 | Prospecting pits south and west of Hart Tor (Monument) |
MDV62297 | Reave south-south-east of Hart Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV29973 | Reaves on Peek Hill, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV25925 | Rectilinear field system south-west of Sharpitor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV28489 | Rectiliniar enclosure near Peek Hill, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV12839 | Reddipitt Farm, deserted site north-east of Leather Tor Bridge (Monument) |
MDV42461 | Reservoir 340m south west of Hart Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV28529 | Ring cairn 30 metres south-west of Peek Hill (Monument) |
MDV14310 | Ring cairn north-east of settlement to north of Hart Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV3423 | Round cairn 100 metres south of Down Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV4950 | Round cairn 140 metres south-west of Raddick Hill summit, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV3747 | Round cairn 685 metres north-east of Sharpitor summit (Monument) |
MDV5008 | Round cairn 740 metres west-south-west of Crazy Well Pool, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV14309 | Round cairn on Walkhampton Common lying east of the reave, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV3739 | Round cairn south-west of the stone rows to the south-eest of Hart Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV3746 | Round cairn with a cist 690 metres north-east of Sharpitor summit (Monument) |
MDV3769 | Round cairn with cist 380 metres north-north-west of Sharpitor summit, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV64211 | Routrundle Leat, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV63631 | Royal Air Force Gee Master Transmitting Station, Peek Hill (Monument) |
MDV130619 | Royal Observer Corps (ROC) aircraft recognition and reporting post, Peek Hill (Monument) |
MDV50398 | Ruined building between Leather Tor and Sharpitor, Walkhampton (Building) |
MDV28501 | Ruined cairn south-east of Sharpitor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV19960 | Section of the Leather Tor Reave on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV3692 | Settlement 1180 metres south of North Hessary Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV72347 | Sharpitor, Royal Observer Corps post (Monument) |
MDV19961 | Shelter attached to the north-east side of Leather Tor reave, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV3761 | Single stone row 350 metres north-west of Sharpitor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV131006 | Small cairn 130 metres south-west of the large Hingston Hill cairn, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV14794 | Small cairn at south-west end of the double stone row north-west of Sharpitor. (Monument) |
MDV50151 | Small cairn at west end of alignment south-west of Black Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV4895 | Southern single stone row south-west of Hart Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV5019 | Southern stamping mill at Black Tor Falls (Monument) |
MDV5021 | Stamping mill at Riddipit (Monument) |
MDV28201 | Stanlake alluvial streamwork, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV28217 | Stanlake Eluvial Streamworks, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV20715 | Stanlake Farmstead, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV12831 | Stone alignment 600 metres north-east of Horseyeatt, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV48482 | Stone hut circle 155 metres east of Sharpitor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV48481 | Stone hut circle 160 metres east of Sharpitor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV4994 | Stone row 220 meters south-west of Black Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV4991 | Stone row 450 metres north of Sharpitor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV50223 | Stone row south-east of Leeden Tor, Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV28222 | Streamworks along the Yes Tor Brook, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV58105 | The southern lode-back tinwork at Black Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV15038 | The Walkhampton Common Reave (Monument) |
MDV42422 | Tin Openwork and Pitworks on the north slope of Down Tor (Monument) |
MDV131008 | Tin pits on the north and south facing-slopes of Hingston Hill (Monument) |
MDV130733 | Tin pits, Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV130626 | Tin prospecting pits, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV130627 | Tin prospecting pits, Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV42423 | Tin streamworking at Newleycombe Lake (Monument) |
MDV29166 | Tin streamworks and lode workings at Drivage Bottom (Monument) |
MDV130718 | Tin working north-west of Combeshead Tor (Monument) |
MDV122407 | Tin working remains north-west of Combeshead Tor (Monument) |
MDV130795 | Tin working remains, Leather Tor (Monument) |
MDV130715 | Tin working south of Hart Tor Brook (Monument) |
MDV130719 | Tin working south-east of Down Tor (Monument) |
MDV61847 | Tinner's cache at Newleycombe Lake (Monument) |
MDV132996 | Tinworks and other archaeological remains in the Meavy Valley (Monument) |
MDV61957 | Tor cairn 60 metres south-east of Down Tor (Monument) |
MDV25104 | Trial pits on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV130629 | Two openworks near Kingsett Farm, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV62024 | Two small enclosures on the Great Western Reave, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV28532 | Two stone hut circles 160 metres south of Down Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV3791 | Unenclosed hut circle settlement north of Hart Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV50063 | Unenclosed hut circle settlement south of road, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV57037 | Unenclosed hut circle settlement south-west of Routrundle, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV49055 | Unenclosed hut circle settlement, Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV3798 | Unenclosed hut settlement on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV28196 | Upper Newleycombe Valley streamworks (Monument) |
MDV130630 | Wheelpit north of Middleworth, Walkhampton (Monument) |