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OASIS ID:southwes1-117065
Title:Land off Tiverton Road, Cullompton
Originator:Rohan, N. + Morris, B.
Summary:Excavation undertaken in advance of a proposed housing development. Scattered across the site were a large number of pits, some of which were probably tree-throws, and others formed part of complex intercutting pit groups. On the basis of the few artefacts recovered, and a small number of contexts with suitable charcoal, these pits date to the later Neolithic. Comparable intercutting pit groups are a noted feature of the Neolithic period. A series of Late Iron Age and Romano-British linear features were identified and excavated, most of which formed part of a single long-lived boundary re-cut multiple times and overlain at one point with an area of metalling, probably a crossing point associated with the Roman fort(s) located on St. Andrew’s Hill to the east. This might suggest the adjacent green lane (Goblin Lane) forms part of the presumed Roman routeway to Tiverton/Bolham, rather than Tiverton Road. This long-lived boundary is roughly parallel with surviving historic field boundaries, hinting at possible landscape continuity. A charcoal-rich pit close to the boundary returned a radiocarbon date of 414-543 calAD.
DOI (permanent link):https://doi.org/10.5284/1035618

Associated Monuments (7)

MDV114062Archaeological Features, Land off Tiverton Road, Cullompton (Monument)
MDV114063Archaeological Features, Land off Tiverton Road, Cullompton (Monument)
MDV114064Archaeological Features, Land off Tiverton Road, Cullompton (Monument)
MDV114072Archaeological Features, Land off Tiverton Road, Cullompton (Monument)
MDV114070Intercutting Ditches, Land off Tiverton Road, Cullompton (Monument)
MDV114059Pits, Land off Tiverton Road, Cullompton (Monument)
MDV114067Tree Throws, Land off Tiverton Road, Cullompton (Monument)