MDV8082 | Bagtor Mine, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV26542 | Blacksmith's Workshop at Holwell Quarry part of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Building) |
MDV34278 | Building at Bagtor Mine also known as Crownley Parks, Ilsington (Building) |
MDV34277 | Building at Emsworthy Rocks west Quarry, Ilsington (Building) |
MDV34284 | Building at Holwell Quarry part of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Building) |
MDV8106 | Cairn 884 metres west of Yarner Farm, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV116610 | Drainage System associated with the Tin Streamworkings to the south of Smallacombe Rocks, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV16730 | Emsworthy Rocks west Quarry, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV8105 | Enclosure 910 metres west of Yarner Farm, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV8066 | Enclosure with hut north-east of Emsworthy Rocks (Monument) |
MDV26573 | Enclosures to south-east of Haytor Quarries (Monument) |
MDV115889 | Field system with huts west of Pinchaford (Monument) |
MDV8058 | Haytor Quarry, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV26538 | Hut circle by reave south-east of Haytor Main Quarry, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV7403 | Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement south-west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV7402 | Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement south-west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV7530 | Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV7531 | Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV116217 | Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV116220 | Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV116221 | Hut Circle within Prehistoric Settlement west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV115879 | Hut in settlement north of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV8089 | Hut in settlement north-east of Holwell Tor (Monument) |
MDV8090 | Hut in settlement north-east of Holwell Tor (Monument) |
MDV115871 | Hut within enclosure north-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV34281 | Longhouse south of Pinchaford, Ilsington (Building) |
MDV14160 | Medieval Building north-east of the Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Building) |
MDV8109 | Medieval building south-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Building) |
MDV8108 | Medieval building south-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Building) |
MDV7406 | Medieval Building west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Building) |
MDV7405 | Medieval Building west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Building) |
MDV8110 | Medieval enclosure south-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV8111 | 'Owlacombe Burrow' Boundary Stone on the border of Bovey Tracey and Ilsington parishes (Monument) |
MDV8057 | Pound north-east of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV7400 | Pound south-west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV26576 | Prehistoric Settlement south of Haytor Quarry (Monument) |
MDV7399 | Prehistoric Settlement to the west of Holwell Tor, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV26540 | Quarry north-west of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV16731 | Quarrymen's houses, Haytor Quarry (Building) |
MDV16732 | Rubble Heap Quarry part of Haytor Quarries, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV26621 | Settlement and field system north-east of Holwell Tor (Monument) |
MDV7529 | Settlement and field system north-west of Emsworthy Rocks, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV8055 | Settlement at Smallacombe Rocks, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV63722 | Streamwork north of Haytor Vale, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV116609 | Tin Streamworks on Haytor Down, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV26616 | Tin Streamworks west of Haytor Vale, Ilsington (Monument) |
MDV34438 | Tinner's hut on south side of Pinchaford Ball, Ilsington (Building) |
MDV116751 | Wheelpit in the streamworks at Bagtor Mine, Ilsington (Monument) |