MDV117378 | Barn at Challacombe Farm, Manaton (Building) |
MDV117327 | Barn at the former Rectory, Harford (Building) |
MDV42840 | Barrack Complex, Dartmoor Prison, Princetown (Monument) |
MDV6100 | Blackdown Piper deserted Medieval site north of Lower Blackaton Farm, Widecombe (Monument) |
MDV103780 | Building west of Powder Mills Cottages (Building) |
MDV117370 | Cator Court, Widecombe in the Moor (Building) |
MDV8774 | Church Cottage, Manaton (Building) |
MDV4157 | Church Cottage, Peter Tavy (Building) |
MDV80782 | Church Hall (former school), North Brentor (Building) |
MDV6415 | Cocks Lake Farmstead south of Outer Huccaby Ring (Monument) |
MDV8740 | Cottages 35 meters north-east of church, North Bovey (Building) |
MDV30694 | Farmhouse at Higher Pudsham, Buckland in the Moor (Building) |
MDV47964 | Former school (now Village Hall), Holne (Building) |
MDV117330 | Former school at West Blackdown (Building) |
MDV34422 | Former School, Manaton (Building) |
MDV117322 | Former School, Peter Tavy (Building) |
MDV117439 | Former stables at Leusdon (Building) |
MDV117454 | Former teacher's house, Merrivale (Building) |
MDV117446 | Hill Cottages at Foggintor Quarry (Building) |
MDV117369 | Labourers cottages for Cator Farm, Widecombe in the Moor (Building) |
MDV117437 | Leusdon House (Building) |
MDV117436 | Leusdon School House, Widecombe (Building) |
MDV117436 | Leusdon School House, Widecombe (Building) |
MDV117436 | Leusdon School House, Widecombe (Building) |
MDV117436 | Leusdon School House, Widecombe (Building) |
MDV35582 | Lower Merripit Farmhouse, Dartmoor Forest (Building) |
MDV2852 | Lukesland, Harford (Building) |
MDV2850 | Mansion house at Lukesland Grove, Harford (Building) |
MDV117448 | Merrivale Quarry School (Building) |
MDV50704 | Methodist chapel / school at Foggintor Quarry (Building) |
MDV8788 | Methodist chapel at Lettaford, North Bovey (Building) |
MDV41534 | Old Church House, south of Sheepstor parish church (Building) |
MDV6204 | Providence Chapel, Throwleigh (Building) |
MDV103568 | School 225 metres north of Red Cottages (Building) |
MDV117367 | School at Poundsgate, Widecombe in the Moor (Building) |
MDV117357 | School at Venton, Widecombe in the Moor (Building) |
MDV13102 | School House, Harford (Building) |
MDV53190 | School south-east of Providence Cottage, Throwleigh (Building) |
MDV48962 | School west of Sheepstor (Building) |
MDV117430 | Schoolroom at Dartmeet (Building) |
MDV117420 | Schoolroom at Hexworthy (Building) |
MDV117360 | Schoolrooms at Fernhill, Ponsworthy (Building) |
MDV106267 | Shippon, now stable at Brimpts Farm, Dartmoor Forest (Building) |
MDV6033 | St. Gabriel's Church, Postbridge (Building) |
MDV117447 | The Four Winds School, Merrivale (Building) |
MDV117441 | The Grooms Cottage, Leusdon (Building) |
MDV33273 | The Old Rectory, Throwleigh (Building) |
MDV117319 | The Old School House, Hillbridge (Building) |
MDV117382 | The Old School House, Lower Dunstone (Building) |
MDV117047 | The Old School, North Bovey (Building) |
MDV117338 | The old schoolhouse, Manaton (Building) |
MDV7475 | Widecombe Church House (Building) |