MDV119602 | Bank and holloway to the north-west of Cadover Bridge, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119582 | Bank west of the pound north-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119584 | Bank west of the pound north-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV19417 | Bronze Age Pottery Cup found at Dewerstone Rock. Meavy (Find Spot) |
MDV119538 | Building Platform to the north of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119529 | Building Platform to the north-west of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119521 | Building Platforms to the east and south of Lower Cadworthy Farm Barn, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119520 | Building Platforms to the south of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119528 | Building to the north of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119637 | Cadover Bridge over the River Plym, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV2373 | Cairn with Cist on Wigford Down, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119053 | Charcoal Burning Platform (C11) in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119052 | Charcoal Burning Platform C11 in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119061 | Charcoal Burning Platform C19 in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119055 | Charcoal Burning Platform C31 in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119048 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119048 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119048 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119048 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119049 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119050 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119051 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119054 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119056 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119057 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119058 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119059 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119060 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119062 | Charcoal Burning Platform in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV40210 | Circular feature, Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119021 | Clearance Cairn on in south-west corner of a Field at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119020 | Clearance Cairn on west side of a Field at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119022 | Clearance Cairns in western half of a Field at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119592 | Enclosure east of pound north-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119024 | Farm Building in a Field at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119063 | Field Boundary and Access Track in Cadworthy Wood, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119549 | Field boundary to the north-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119543 | Field Scarp with Orthostats to the north-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119026 | Former Field Boundaries at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119023 | Former field boundary at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119042 | Former Field Boundary at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119042 | Former Field Boundary at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119042 | Former Field Boundary at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119042 | Former Field Boundary at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119044 | Former Field Boundary at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119047 | Former Field Boundary at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119525 | Garden to the north-west of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119064 | Gateway and Wall to the east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119601 | Gravel Pit to the north-west of Cadover Bridge, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119599 | Gully north-west and north-east of Cadover Bridge, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119512 | Gully to the south-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV12898 | Higher Cadworthy Farmstead, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119043 | Holloway to fields at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119043 | Holloway to fields at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119043 | Holloway to fields at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119043 | Holloway to fields at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119545 | Hut Circle and Field Scarp to the north-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119025 | Linear Feature in a Field at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119027 | Linear Feature on the north-east side of a Field at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119027 | Linear Feature on the north-east side of a Field at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119027 | Linear Feature on the north-east side of a Field at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119027 | Linear Feature on the north-east side of a Field at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV77828 | Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV80713 | Lower Cadworthy House, Meavy (Building) |
MDV119586 | Mound north of the pound north-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV125834 | Possible tor enclosure in Knowle Wood, Bickleigh (Monument) |
MDV119029 | Prehistoric Enclosure and Bank at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119581 | Prehistoric enclosure to the north-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119514 | Quarry and Gully to the south-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119514 | Quarry and Gully to the south-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119514 | Quarry and Gully to the south-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119514 | Quarry and Gully to the south-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV16237 | Quarry south of Dewerstone Rock, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119589 | Rectilinear enclosure north-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119548 | Remains of a Building at Higher Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119540 | Remains of a small Building to the north-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119547 | Remains of a wall east of Higher Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119603 | Remains of ramp north-west of Cadover Bridge, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119546 | Series of Five Lynchets to the north of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119604 | Spoil tip west of Cadover Bridge, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119522 | Track to the east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119537 | Track to the north of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119519 | Track to the south-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119523 | Track to the south-west of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV19818 | Trackway from Dunstone Farm onto Wigford Down, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119045 | Two Clearance Cairns at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119046 | Two Farm Buildings at Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119597 | Two platforms east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119517 | Wall to the south-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119517 | Wall to the south-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119517 | Wall to the south-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV119517 | Wall to the south-east of Lower Cadworthy Farm, Meavy (Monument) |
MDV2444 | Wigford Down Cross: a wayside cross 230 metres west-north-west of Cadover Bridge, Meavy (Monument) |