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Title:Report on an Audit of Archaeological Features and Structures Relating to Railways and Tramways on Dartmoor Phase 1
Originator:Wakeham, C.
Summary:Report on an audit of archaeological features and structures related to four railways and tramways undertaken between Sptember 2015 and January 2016. Excel list of features saved at: T:\Railway audit\DR+T Data Entries

Associated Monuments (162)

MDV134459Big tip, Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134592Bridge over the old Plymouth and Dartmoor railway (Monument)
MDV134592Bridge over the old Plymouth and Dartmoor railway (Monument)
MDV134592Bridge over the old Plymouth and Dartmoor railway (Monument)
MDV134592Bridge over the old Plymouth and Dartmoor railway (Monument)
MDV20609Building in Peekhill Plantation (Monument)
MDV28208Buildings at Foggintor Quarry (Building)
MDV20589Burrator and Sheepstor Halt, Meavy (Monument)
MDV13382Clay dries, building remains, South Brent (Monument)
MDV134464Crane base at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134465Crane base at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134466Crane base at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134467Crane base at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134453Culvert at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134600Culvert under the Plymouth and Dartmoor Railway, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV134430Cutting, Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134582Drain associated with the railway on Yennadon Down (Monument)
MDV134583Drain associated with the railway on Yennadon Down (Monument)
MDV134484Drain on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134486Drain on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134488Drain on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134490Drain on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134491Drain on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134494Drain on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134495Drain on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134497Drain on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134498Drain on Princetown Branch line south of Foggintor (Monument)
MDV134481Drain or culvert on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134511Drain under railway track bed north-west of Swelltor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134513Drain under railway track bed north-west of Swelltor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134515Drain under railway track bed south-west of Swelltor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134514Drain under railway track bed west of Swelltor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134526Drain under railway trackbed south-east of Yestor Farmstead (Monument)
MDV134565Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV134529Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134531Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134532Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134533Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134534Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134540Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134541Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134543Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134544Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134546Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134551Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134552Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134554Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134555Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134557Drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134506Drain under the Great Western Railway track bed (Monument)
MDV134579Drains associated with the railway on Yennadon Down (Monument)
MDV134482Drains on line of railway west of Princetown (Monument)
MDV134548Drains under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134598Drilled stone alongside the Plymouth and Dartmoor Railway, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV134504Earthwork on Princetown Branch line south of Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134591Enclosure beside railway west of Swelltor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134545Features beside railway, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134530Former building beside railway, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134537Former building beside railway, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134558Former building beside railway, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134560Former building beside railway, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV51529Former gravel pit, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134559Former railway siding, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV28207Former weighbridge at Foggintor Quarry (Building)
MDV117446Hill Cottages at Foggintor Quarry (Building)
MDV134597Hollow alongside the Plymouth and Dartmoor Railway, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV134599Hollow alongside the Plymouth and Dartmoor Railway, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV134429Industrial building at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134428Industrial buildings at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV57136Ingra Tor Halt, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV16866Johnson's Quarries at Ingra Tor, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV28210Linear feature on Walkhampton Common, west of Princetown (Monument)
MDV134479Linear feature west of Princetown (Monument)
MDV134449Loading platform at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134458Loading platform at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV20606Lowery Road level crossing Keeper's cottage (Monument)
MDV134576Lowery Road level crossing, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV134563Opposing gateways along railway, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV134615Pipeline at Petre's Pits, Bala Brook Head (Monument)
MDV134538Platform beside railway, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV19112Plymouth and Dartmoor Railway (Dartmoor section) (Monument)
MDV134586Possible building associated with the railway (Monument)
MDV134584Possible building associated with the railway on Yennadon Down (Monument)
MDV134431Possible building at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134434Possible building at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134535Possible building beside railway, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134468Possible crane base at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134471Possible crane base at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134556Possible drain under railway trackbed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134505Possible drain under the Great Western Railway track bed (Monument)
MDV134590Possible railway building east of King's Tor (Monument)
MDV134477Possible trackbed at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV49925Princetown Railway Station (Monument)
MDV28224Quarry 340 metres north-west of Criptor Farm, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV134472Quarry excavation adjacent to track bed, Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134553Quarry excavation beside railway track bed, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV123182Quarry Managers House, Foggintor Quarry (Building)
MDV134549Quarry pit by railway tracked, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134564Railway bridge and embankment north-east of Horseyeatt, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV134577Railway bridge and embankment, Meavy (Monument)
MDV134483Railway bridge on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134492Railway bridge on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134528Railway bridge on Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134536Railway bridge on Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134547Railway bridge on Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134562Railway bridge on Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134527Railway bridge over the Yestor Brook (Monument)
MDV134566Railway bridge south-east of Higher Peekhill, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV134508Railway bridge west of King's Tor (Monument)
MDV134587Railway building at Ingra Tor Quarry (Monument)
MDV122190Railway stables at Princetown (Building)
MDV134580Ruined building associated with the railway on Yennadon Down (Monument)
MDV134451Ruined building at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134519Ruined building by track bed south-east of Swelltor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134516Ruined building by track bed south-west of Swelltor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134493Ruined building on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134496Ruined building on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134489Ruined building on Princetown Branch line (Monument)
MDV134507Ruined building on Princetown Branch line (Monument)
MDV134499Ruined building on Princetown Branch line south of Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134500Ruined building on Princetown Branch line south of Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134502Ruined building on Princetown Branch line south of Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134501Ruined building on Princetown Branch line west of Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134509Ruined building on railway line south-west of King's Tor (Monument)
MDV134510Ruined building on railway line south-west of King's Tor (Monument)
MDV134581Ruined railway bridge on Yennadon Down (Monument)
MDV12835Ruined settlement alongside railway, Walkhampton (Monument)
MDV134442Ruined smithy at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV13381Ruinous building at Bala Brook Head China Clay workings (Building)
MDV134457Spoil tip north of Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134475Spoil tips around the main quarry face at Foggintor (Monument)
MDV134452Spoil tips at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134441Spoil tips in the south-eastern part of Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134440Spoil tips in the south-western part of Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134512Structure adjacent to railway track bed north-west of Swelltor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134517Swelltor siding, south-west of King's Tor (Monument)
MDV19902The Devonport Leat, Dartmoor (Monument)
MDV2353The Plymouth and Dartmoor Tramway (Dartmoor section) (Monument)
MDV134433Track bed at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134427Trackbed (The Royal Oak Siding) to Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134450Trackbed and spoil tip at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134450Trackbed and spoil tip at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134450Trackbed and spoil tip at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134450Trackbed and spoil tip at Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134438Trackbed of tramway from B3357 to Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134436Trackbed of tramway, Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134435Trackbed to Foggintor Quarry main quarry face (Monument)
MDV134474Trackway at Foggintor Quarries (Monument)
MDV134578Trackway from Sheepstor Bridge across Yennadon Down (Monument)
MDV134469Trackway leading to Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134473Trackway linking Swelltor and Foggintor Quarries (Monument)
MDV134550Trackway on Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134561Trackway on Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134585Trackway on Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134518Trackway to railway bridge south-west of King's Tor (Monument)
MDV134542Trackway to Routrundle, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV13467Tramway at Petre's Pits clay work, South Brent (Monument)
MDV134460Tramway route to northern quarry entrance, Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134461Tramway route to northern quarry entrance, Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134426Tramway track to quarry north-east of Criptor (Monument)
MDV134589Unfinished track bed leading to Lowery Quarry (Monument)
MDV134539Wall footing beside railway, Walkhampton Common (Monument)
MDV134487Wall on line of Princetown Branch (Monument)
MDV134444Wall, Foggintor Quarry (Monument)
MDV134593Yestor Bridge over the old Plymouth and Dartmoor railway (Monument)
MDV5025Yestor Farmstead, Walkhampton Common (Monument)