MDV3979 | Agglomerate enclosure south-west of Legistor Warren, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50641 | Bank and hollow south-west of Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV130999 | Boundary stone on Ringmoor Down (Monument) |
MDV131000 | Boundary stone on Ringmoor Down (Monument) |
MDV131001 | Boundary stone on Ringmoor Down (Monument) |
MDV131002 | Boundary stone on Ringmoor Down (Monument) |
MDV131239 | Boundary stones, Drizzlecombe Brook (Monument) |
MDV130842 | Building to the north of the longhouse within Whittenknowles deserted Medieval settlement, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV130841 | Building to the south of the longhouse within Whittenknowles deserted Medieval settlement, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV130843 | Building to the south-east of the longhouse within Whittenknowles deserted Medieval settlement, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV3365 | Cairn and cist 20 metres south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV66369 | Cairn north-east of the Whittenknowles Rocks settlement (Monument) |
MDV50632 | Cairn south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV3424 | Cairn with cist south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV130561 | Carved stone south-east of Gutter Tor (Monument) |
MDV130996 | Cheese press in settlement at Gutter Tor (Monument) |
MDV4029 | Circular feature 550 metres north-west of Brisworthy Stone Circle, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV42769 | Clearance cairn on Ringmoor Down (Monument) |
MDV56209 | Clearance heap north of Whittenknowles settlement, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV131083 | Dry leat channel, Whittenknowles Rocks (Monument) |
MDV131077 | Enclosure and hut on the lower north-western flank of Gutter Tor (Monument) |
MDV127308 | Enclosure containing pillow mounds at Legistor Warren, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV3366 | Enclosure south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV22772 | Enclosure with three huts south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV4016 | Enclosure within settlement on Eastern Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV4023 | Enclosure within settlement to the east of Eastern Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV3367 | Enclosures and hut circles south of Legis Tor. Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV3326 | Extensive hut circle settlement south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV42770 | Feature on Ringmoor Down (Monument) |
MDV127502 | Feature or hut circle within enclosure south-east of Legis Tor (Monument) |
MDV127501 | Feature or hut circle within enclosure south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV42768 | Features on Ringmoor Down (Monument) |
MDV131076 | Field boundary, Narrator Farm (Monument) |
MDV131085 | Field system north of Ditsworthy Warren (Monument) |
MDV131003 | Field system on Ringmoor Down (Monument) |
MDV43600 | Hut and bank south-west of enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50643 | Hut and enclosure or two adjoining huts in settlement south of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV130994 | Hut circle 200 metres north of Eastern Tor (Monument) |
MDV43599 | Hut circle east of enclosure south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV5650 | Hut circle settlement south-west of Gutter Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV130636 | Hut circle within settlement south-west of Gutter Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV130637 | Hut circle within settlement south-west of Gutter Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV130638 | Hut circle within settlement south-west of Gutter Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV130639 | Hut circle within settlement south-west of Gutter Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV130640 | Hut circle within settlement south-west of Gutter Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50639 | Hut east of enclosure south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV127367 | Hut in settlement south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50651 | Hut north of enclosure wall within settlement at Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50645 | Hut south of small enclosure at Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50644 | Hut south of small enclosure south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV127496 | Hut within enclosure south-east of Legis Tor (Monument) |
MDV127495 | Hut within enclosure south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV127498 | Hut within enclosure south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV127499 | Hut within enclosure south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV127500 | Hut within enclosure south-east of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50662 | Hut within enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50665 | Hut within enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50666 | Hut within enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50667 | Hut within enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50668 | Hut within enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50675 | Hut within enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50676 | Hut within enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50677 | Hut within enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50678 | Hut within enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50680 | Hut within enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50659 | Hut within enclosure south-west of Legis Tor,Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV25108 | Leat channels runing from the Sheepstor Brook and northern flank of Gutter Tor (Monument) |
MDV130840 | Longhouse within Whittenknowles deserted Medieval settlement, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV19760 | Low embanked circle 550 metres north-west of Brisworthy Stone Circle, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50621 | Medieval or later enclosure south of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV127470 | Pillow mound A within enclosure at Legistor Warren (Monument) |
MDV127471 | Pillow mound B within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV127472 | Pillow mound C within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV127473 | Pillow mound D within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV127474 | Pillow mound E within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV127493 | Pillow mound enclosure south of Legis Tor (Monument) |
MDV127475 | Pillow mound F within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV127476 | Pillow mound G within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV127477 | Pillow mound H within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV127478 | Pillow mound I within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV127479 | Pillow mound J within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV127480 | Pillow mound K within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV127481 | Pillow mound 'L' within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV127482 | Pillow mound M within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV127483 | Pillow mound N within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV127484 | Pillow mound O within enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV50620 | Pillow mound south of prehistoric enclosure at Legis Tor Warren (Monument) |
MDV131005 | Possible reave on Ringmoor Down (Monument) |
MDV128229 | Possible tor cairn at Legis Tor (Monument) |
MDV50669 | Pound at settlement south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV131075 | Rectangular structure on Lynch Common (Monument) |
MDV28521 | Semi-oval enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV3976 | Settlement south-west of Gutter Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV25278 | Shafts, pits and possible adits on the north-western flank of Gutter Tor (Monument) |
MDV50660 | Shelter in prehistoric settlement south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Building) |
MDV25041 | Streamworking along the upper Plym Valley and its tributaries (Monument) |
MDV131078 | Streamworking flanking the Sheepstor Brook (Monument) |
MDV50681 | Structure on the west edge of enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50664 | Structure within enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV50663 | Structure within enclosure south-west of Legis Tor, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV25279 | Tin pits, shafts and tinners building on the north flank of Gutter Tor (Monument) |
MDV131004 | Tin working on Lynch Common and Ringmoor Down (Monument) |
MDV45308 | Tin working site south of the junction of the Sheepstor and Eylesbarrow roads (Monument) |
MDV130998 | Two bomb craters between Gutter Tor and Legis Tor (Monument) |
MDV3387 | Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument) |
MDV3386 | Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument) |
MDV3397 | Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument) |
MDV3398 | Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument) |
MDV3396 | Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument) |
MDV3389 | Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument) |
MDV3392 | Vermin trap, Ditsworthy Warren (Monument) |
MDV4009 | Whittenknowles deserted Medieval settlement, Sheepstor (Monument) |