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OASIS ID:southwes2-315312
Title:Huxham's Cross Farm, Rattery Road Dartington, Devon: Watching Brief
Originator:Newman, P.
Summary:An archaeological assessment (watching brief) was carried out on land at Huxham’s Cross Farm, Dartington, prior to the construction of a training centre. The works included digging foundations for a single timber building, and creation of pond earthworks. Machine excavated groundworks were archaeologically monitored as a precautionary step, to prevent the unrecorded destruction of any archaeological features that may survive. No archaeological features were encountered in the shallow topsoil and no evidence of any human intervention was visible in the dense shale geology below.
DOI (permanent link):https://doi.org/10.5284/1051612

Associated Monuments (1)

MDV43002Linear Feature near Huxham's Cross (Monument)