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OASIS ID:stewartb1-388747
Title:Chapel and Cider House, Membury Court, Membury, Devon: Watching Brief
Originator:Brown, S.
Summary:An archaeological watching brief was carried out during excavations for new land drains around the outside of the standing remains of the medieval chapel and late 18th-century cider house to the north of the manor house at Membury Court. The new drains comprise part of a conservation scheme to repair and consolidate the standing structure. The excavations revealed part of medieval cobbled yard to the south-east of the chapel, and stone footings for a later yard enclosure wall dating from the 17th or 18th century. Elsewhere, recent deposits were found to directly overlie natural subsoil. In addition, an archaeological evaluation trench was opened within the cider house. This confirmed the results of an earlier archaeological evaluation (Brown 2006), and established that no medieval floor levels or other medieval remains survive below ground level within the building.
DOI (permanent link):https://doi.org/10.5284/1078857

Associated Documents

SDV363642_East Devon Membury stewartb1-388747.pdf
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Associated Monuments (1)

MDV5621Former Chapel and Cider House, Membury Court (Building)