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OASIS ID:substrati-423154
Title:Land at Staddon Hill, Appledore: Magnetometer Survey
Originator:Edwards, M.
Summary:A magnetometer survey was selected to provide a relatively fast and cost-effective evaluation of any buried archaeology across the Survey Area (see Section 14). The magnetic anomaly groups pertaining to potential buried archaeology were georeferenced to the Ordnance Survey National Grid, mapped, characterised and assigned with an appropriate degree of certainty in conformance with the survey aims and objectives set out in Section 7. The differences in magnetic responses across the Survey Area were sufficient to be able to differentiate between anomalies representing possible buried archaeology and background magnetic responses. Twenty-four magnetic anomaly groups were detected during the survey, of which 22 were characterised as reflecting potential buried archaeology. Four anomalies (1, 2, 19 and 21) are likely to be a bank (23) and ditches (1,2, 19) possibly contemporary to the existing earthworks. Two groups (8, 9) may represent a former boundary. Groups 3, 4 and 13 possibly represent ditches/ cuts which may be associated with a Stoney bank feature (group 12). Groups 14 and 15 may represent a former boundary. One group (10) possibly represent a service pipe. Two groups (11 and 20) possibly represent an area of enhanced magnetics. Two groups (5 and 22) may relate to former enclosure boundaries. One group (101) relates to ploughing. The remaining features all represent possible ditches of unknown date.

Associated Monuments (11)

MDV131012Archaeological Feature on Staddon Hill, Appledore (Monument)
MDV131037Archaeological feature, land at Staddon Hill, Appledore (Monument)
MDV131042Bank and Ditch, land at Staddon Hill, Appledore (Monument)
MDV131043Bank and Ditch, land at Staddon Hill, Appledore (Monument)
MDV131038Boundary, Land at Staddon Hill, Appledore (Monument)
MDV11870Civil War Redoubt on Staddon Hill, Northam (Monument)
MDV131039Ditches, Land at Staddon Hill, Appledore (Monument)
MDV130932Enclosure, Land at Staddon Hill, Appledore (Monument)
MDV131041Linear Ditch, land at Staddon Hill, Appledore. (Monument)
MDV131036Linear features and bank, land at Staddon Hill Appledore (Monument)
MDV131040Ring Ditch, land at Staddon Hill, Appledore. (Monument)